Jun 20, 2022

Delhi Police: Podcasts: Kissa Khaki Ka: Episode 24

  Promo of Episode 24:

Twenty-fourth Episode of Kissa Khaki Ka: Released on 12 June 2022:


Prisha Kapoor said...

Mahatma Gandhi said," All crime is a kind of disease and should be treated as such." Kissa Khaki ka and Tinka Tinka prison reforms are working on the principles of Gandhiji. #tinkatinkaprisonreforms #Kissakhakika #delhipolice

Vaanya Shukla said...

We have reached a time where a man is capable of murdering an entire family just for a matter of a few bucks. These criminals truly need a reformed prison system so that they return to society as better human beings, a cause that Dr. Vartika Nanda, a passionate prison reformer and media educator, is working for.
I am glad that the #delhipolice was successful in catching this criminal and saving him from committing crimes much worse and more heinous. Their job must require a great deal of mental presence and strength to be able to witness such crimes and be able to bring justice to victims at the same time. Thank you #KissaKhakiKa and Dr #VartikaNanda for sharing such stories of true dedication and valor in this first-ever #podcast series run by a police department.