Featured book on Jail

Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Dec 14, 2021

Tinka Tinka India Awards 2020

Honouring Jails on Human Rights Day ~17 detainees and prison officers selected this year~ 

  • 17 inmates and jail officers and staff awarded 
  • Uttar Pradesh received the highest number of awards 
  • Amitabh Bachchan awarded for Jail Sanitisation; one award was given posthumously. 
  • The theme for this year was Corona in Jail. 
  • Awards were released by Shri K. Selvaraj (IPS) DG, Haryana Prisons, Shri Ajay Kashyap (IPS) Former DG, Tihar Prisons, Shri Anand Kumar DGP and IG Prisons, UP 
  • The jury included Shri Ajay Kashyap (IPS), Shri OP Singh (IPS) and Dr. Vartika Nanda (Founder, Tinka Tinka) 

On the eve of Human Rights Day, Tinka Tinka India Awards were announced. This was the 6th year of celebration of exclusive awards for inmates and staff. The inmates joined live for the first time and shared their thoughts in the presence of senior jail officials. 

This year, there were 3 categories: Painting, Special Mention and Prison Administration. 7 inmates received awards in the Painting category while 6 were chosen for their special contribution to prison life. 4 awards were given to prison staff, including one given posthumously. 

Narendra Nath Sarkar (42), lodged in Tihar Jail Delhi, bagged the first prize in the painting category. Rajju Kaul(74), incarcerated in Mirzapur Jail in UP, received the second prize while Firoz Rai, lodged in Darjeeling District Correctional Home, West Bengal, got the 3rd prize. Consolation prize has gone to Vaishali Kaushal (21) lodged in Mandoli Jail, Tihar and Madhvan boarded in Coimbatore Jail Tamil Nadu. 

Special Prize in this category is shared by Rafiq Ahmed and Parveez from District Jail, Bijnor. 6 inmates received awards in the Special Mention category. 53-year-old Ajay Chauhan from District Jail Mainpuri was chosen for his extraordinary work on Prison Jail Radio, helping inmates fight depression during Covid-19. 40-year-old Amitabh Bachchan, incarcerated in District Jail, Firozabad, was selected for his extraordinary work as Health Warrior. A convict, Amitabh Bachchan, had been sanitizing the jail since the beginning of Covid-19. 37-year-old Chirag Kishorbhai Rana, housed as convict in Central Jail, Ahmedabad, was chosen for helping inmates through the psychological cell in jail. Rana has been in prison for the last 11 years and has completed and learned more than 35 courses. Ashok Kumar, lodged in Model Jail Chandigarh, made the maximum number of masks during Covid-19. 33-year-old Madhavi Das is a convict and is considered to be the health warrior of the jail. She is incarcerated in Central Jail, Bilaspur. 24-year-old Rajat Sanjay, lodged in District Jail, Agra, had been chosen for his extraordinary work in jail radio. Jail Staffers had been chosen for their remarkable work in the jail. 

This year this category was dedicated to the memory of Late Raj Kumar Tripathi, who lost his life while doing his duty as Deputy Superintendent in District Jail, Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh. DIG Prison Yogesh Desai from Maharashtra, Shamsher Singh, Head Warden from Faridabad District Jail, and Gayitri Bhaskar from Mandoli Jail also received this recognition. 

The Chief Guests of this ceremony were Shri K. Selvaraj (IPS) DG, Haryana Prisons, Shri Ajay Kashyap (IPS) Former DG, Tihar Prisons, and Shri Anand Kumar ADG, UP Prisons. The awards were released through a video conference organized in District Jail, Faridabad


तिनका तिनका इंडिया अवॉर्ड्स- 2020: मानवाधिकार दिवस पर जेलों को सम्मान

इस साल चुने गए 17 बंदी और जेल अधिकारी, एक विशेष पुरस्कार मरणोपरांत  

नई दिल्ली। देश में हर वर्ष मानवाधिकार दिवस पर बंदियों और जेलकर्मियों को सम्मानित करने वाली संस्था तिनका तिनका फाउंडेशन 9 दिसंबर को पुरस्कारों की घोषणा करेगी। इस वर्ष अवॉर्ड्स की थीम कोरोना के दौर में जेल’ है। महामारी के दौर में भी इस वर्ष हर श्रेणी में भारी मात्रा में नामांकन आए। इस वर्ष आए करीब 300 नामांकन में 33 महिलाएं भी शामिल थीं। इस वर्ष नतीजे काफी दिलचस्प रहे हैं। इस साल तीन श्रेणियां रहीं- पेंटिंगविशेष प्रतिभा और जेल प्रशासकों के लिए पुरस्कार।

विजेता बदियो औऱ जेल अधिकारियों के नामों की घोषणा मानवाधिकार दिवस की पूर्व संध्या यानी 9 दिसंबर को की जाएगी। इन पुरस्कारों को श्री के. सेल्वाराज, आईपीएस, महानिदेशक, हरियाणा कारागार और श्री अजय कश्यप, आईपीएसपूर्व महानिदेशक दिल्ली जेल रिलीज करेंगे।

इस साल निर्णायक मण्डल में श्री अजय कश्यप (आईपीएस), पूर्व महानिदेशक दिल्ली जेल, श्री .पी. सिंह (आईपीएस) पूर्व महानिदेशक, उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस और डॉ. वर्तिका नन्दा, संस्थापक, तिनका तिनका शामिल रहे। 2019 में निर्णायक मंडल में श्री जावेद अहमद, आईपीएस, महानिदेशक, एनआईसीएफएस और श्री राम फल यादव, आईपीएस, महानिदेशक, नेशनल क्राइम रिकॉर्ड ब्यूरो शामिल थे। इन्हें जिला जेल, लखनऊ में श्री आनन्द कुमारपुलिस महानिदेशकमहानिरीक्षक,  कारागारउत्तर प्रदेशश्री सुलखान सिंहपूर्व पुलिस महानिदेशक,  उतर प्रदेश और वर्तिका नन्दा,  संस्थापकतिनका तिनका ने दिया था।

वर्तिका नन्दा का कहना है कि तिनका तिनका पुरस्कारों का यह छठा साल है और इनका मकसद जेलों में सृजन करने वाले बंदियों और विशेष काम कर रहे जेल अधिकारियों का सम्मान करना और उन्हें मुख्यधारा में एक पहचान देना है। हर साल यह समारोह देश की किसी जेल में किया जाता है।

वर्तिका नन्दा भारत की स्थापित जेल सुधारक हैं। तिनका तिनका भारतीय जेलों पर उनकी श्रृंखला है। वे 2014 में भारत के राष्ट्रपति से स्त्री शक्ति पुरस्कार से सम्मानित हो चुकी हैं। जेलों पर उनके काम को दो बार लिम्का बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्स में भी जगह मिली है।  तिनका तिनका डासना औऱ तिनका तिनका मध्य प्रदेश- जेलों की जिंदगी का दस्तावेज देती उनकी लिखी किताबें हैं।




ankur sanjeet said...

Amazing to know , there are awards for inmates. Tinka awards has made unbelievable attempt to initiate these awards. #vartikananda #tinkaawards #prisonreform

Anushree Mukherjee said...

An unfathomable achievement and moment for the inmates to receive recognition on a national level through Tinka Tinka Awards. Such an innovative and reformative step towards changing the world for the better!