Featured book on Jail


Dec 3, 2019

Tinka Tinka India Awards 2019

Inviting entries from all the prisons in India

Special awards for inmates exhibiting profound creative talents

and administrators doing extraordinary work in prisons

 Theme: Radio in Prison/ जेल में रेडियो

These unique awards for inmates and administrators are annually announced by the Tinka Tinka Foundation. Initiated by Dr. Vartika Nanda, a prison reformer, these awards are aimed to encourage inmates to exhibit their creativity, highlighting the issues of jail reforms and human rights. To this end, Tinka Tinka Foundation invites entries from inmates and officials/ administrators across the country to send their entries for the year 2019. Kindly note the details mentioned below:

Award Categories:

· Tinka Tinka India Awards for Painting:  Paintings may be sent on the related theme

· Tinka Tinka India Awards for Special Talents: Inmate/s who have made significant contribution to jail life

· Tinka Tinka India Awards for Administration: For prison officials/ prison staff who have gone beyond their call of duty in bringing positive change in the lives of inmates

Award Criteria:

· Paintings should be on an A4 size sheet, sent with the signature of the participant (up to five entries per inmate)

· Any special contribution by inmates for the welfare of other inmates or for the prison system can be added in the category for Special Talents

· Profile of the applicant should not be in more than 100 words and must give details of the work

· Administrators may send their profile along with the details of their outstanding contribution towards prison reforms

Who all can apply:

· All inmates and children of inmates living in prison

· Entire prison staff

Points to Note:

· Decision of the jury will be final. The Jury would include senior members from prisons, police, judiciary and the civil society. Awards will be announced on 9 December 2019 on the eve of National Human Rights Day.

· Forms should be mailed at tinkatinkaorg@gmail.com

How to apply:

Duly filled form/s should be sent along with the entry.

Last Date of Submission:

10th November, 2019



Tinka Tinka India Awards, 2018 were released by Dr. A P Maheshwari, Director General, BPR&D and Shri Bhupendra Singh, Director General, Rajasthan Prisons at Central Jail, Jaipur on December 9.

Tinka Tinka India Awards, 2017 were released by Shri Ajay Kashyap (IPS), Director General, Tihar Jail, in Jail No. 1, Tihar on December 9.



Press Coverage:



Vedant P said...

It is said that a person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected. Tinka Tinka's initiative to find the hidden talents within the inmates and giving them a platform would definitely be the most appropriate way, in my opinion, to give these people a chance for betterment. These awards are "national awards" and would attract more people to join the movement which would definitely reduce their tendency to commit crime once they're out of the prison, and help them not to get into that dark world again.
#tinkatinka #awars #prisonreforms #humanrights #vartikananda

Unknown said...

It is great news that Tinka Tinka Movement has completed five years and in 2019, Tinka Tinka Awards were conducted for the fifth time. The general opinion about prisons is that it is a place meant for people who have committed offences and no one could have thought that prison inmates can be creative and talented. From the above articles we can understand that there are many prisoners and prison authorities who have done so much during their time in prisons. They deserve to be praised for their work. Tinka Tinka Awards is a message to the inmates that they can form an identity for themselves through their talent. #tinkatinka #vartikananda #prisonreforms

narendra thakur said...

one and only type of national awards given to inmates
This gave me goosebumps! its so ironic to see how can a low point of someone's lives actually get the best out of them. somewhere deep down inside these inmates are challenging their destiny by giving it back with a smile and some beautiful art.
Feeling Proud!

#TinkaTinkaAwards #HumanRights #PrisonReforms #5yearsofTinkaTinka

Unknown said...

Tinka Tinka Awards happens to give the boost to inmates to go on and explore and shape their talents and this can make people better human beings because that would lead to exploring one's inner personality. #tinkatinka #vartikananda #jail #prison

Aiden Roux said...

The journey of this initiative is to be appreciated, to say the least. From starting in 2015 to bringing hope to the inmates of several jails in India, this initiative is going places. Much admiration and hoping to see more of such initiatives to happen in the future. the awards as you can see through the youtube channels are more or less similar to the ceremonial awards shows that happen anywhere else. This gives the inmates a feeling that they are not confined in jail and are living more in the same world as we are, which is a beautiful way to help provide them wth hope too.
#tinkatinka #tinaktinkaawards #prisonreforms

Ananya said...

This is a great initiative by Tinka Tinka. This award will give incentive to inmates to develop their talents and creativity. The work of Dr. Vartika Nanda, the founder of the movement of prison reforms in India, is a testament to the idea that rehabilitation and not punishment is the answer. I hope new categories are also added to the awards. It is also very good to know that organizations are recognizing the hard work of prison staff and administrations. It will motivate them to do better. #awards #tinkatinka #vartikananda #prisonreforms

Pranya Arora said...

Tinka Tinka Awards, 2021 is entering the seventh year of excursion. Inmates exhibiting profound creative talents and administrators doing extraordinary work in prisons have been applauded with Special Awards by the Tinka Tinka Foundation in the category of paintings, special contribution by inmates to jail life, and for administrators who have gone beyond their call of duty in bringing positive change in the lives of inmates through prison reform, every year. Tinka Tinka India Awards and Tinka Tinka Bandini Awards are the exclusive awards given to inmates and jail staff.
Also, Tinka podcasts are the ONLY podcasts that are solely dedicated to prison reforms and that brings in authentic voices from jails in these episodes. Tinka is building a bridge between jails and society . Agra, Haryana and Uttarakhad- prison radios conceptualised and selection and training of inmates done by Tinka
#tinkatinka #prisonradio #vartikananda #prisonreforms #tinka awards

Prisha Kapoor said...

The initiative of Tinka Tinka foundation to organise Tinka Tinka Awards and Tinka Tinka Bandhini Awards every year is commendable. The foundation is motivating inmates to explore their hidden talents in the field of art and paintings. It also emphasises on the special efforts made by inmates towards their co inmates and jail. A special award is for jail adminstration for their contribution for the jail. Dr. Vartika Nanda has made enormous efforts for inmate welfare. She has started jail radio in the jails of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Here she trains the selected inmates to work as RJ s in their respective jails. The motive behind is to develop communication skills, to do better when back in society. A few inmates like Sheru , Jatinder, Kashish from jails of Haryana have sung songs which were released by the foundation in You Tube channel in Podcast voiced and directed by Dr. Nanda herself. THese podcast are unique in itself as these are the first ever podcast on inmates and jails. #vartikananda #tinkatinka #prisonreform #jail radio #tinka awards

Priyanka said...

Tinka Tinka serves as a great platform for recognising and appreciating the achievements of the prisoners. It helps prisoners to gain some sort of dignity and reputation. Tinka Tinka awards has been helping the Jail prisoners to adapt to a life of positivity and at the same helps the prisoners to bring out their creative side in the domain of painting, poetry, singing, etc. It also gives an amazing display to the talents of prisoners. The famous Tinka Tinka India National awards serves as an platform to make the nation aware about the happenings in jail & prisoners.

#vartikananda #tinkatinka #jail #prison #prisonreformsinindia

Priyanka said...

Tinka Tinka serves as a great platform for recognising and appreciating the achievements of the prisoners. It helps prisoners to gain some sort of dignity and reputation. Tinka Tinka awards has been helping the Jail prisoners to adapt to a life of positivity and at the same helps the prisoners to bring out their creative side in the domain of painting, poetry, singing, etc. It also gives an amazing display to the talents of prisoners. The famous Tinka Tinka India National awards serves as an platform to make the nation aware about the happenings in jail & prisoners.

#vartikananda #tinkatinka #jail #prison #prisonreformsinindia

Priyanka said...

Tinka Tinka serves as a great platform for recognising and appreciating the achievements of the prisoners. It helps prisoners to gain some sort of dignity and reputation. Tinka Tinka awards has been helping the Jail prisoners to adapt to a life of positivity and at the same helps the prisoners to bring out their creative side in the domain of painting, poetry, singing, etc. It also gives an amazing display to the talents of prisoners. The famous Tinka Tinka India National awards serves as an platform to make the nation aware about the happenings in jail & prisoners.

#vartikananda #tinkatinka #jail #prison #prisonreformsinindia