Tinka Tinka Dasna: Book on prison life
Location: Dasna Jail, Uttar Pradesh
Year: 2019
Tinka Tinka Dasna is part of the popular series on prison movement.
Initiated by prison reformer Vartika Nanda, Tinka Tinka is an umbrella
attempting to connect prisons.
Tinka Tinka Dasna was a major project that produced
a detailed book on the lives of those going through imprisonment.
Website Link: Tinka Tinka Dasna – Tinka Tinka Prison Reforms
तिनका तिनका डासना में बंदियों की कविताएँ और कहानियाँ मिलती है। डॉ नूपुर तलवार समेत कई बंदी जो डासना जेल में अपनी सज़ा काट रहे हैं उनके द्वारा संचालित यह किताब उनकी आपबीती की व्याख्या करती है।
तिनका तिनका मुहिम से इस किताब की रचना डॉ वर्तिका नंदा के द्वारा किया गया है।
ऐसी किताबें बंदियों का मनोबल बढ़ाने का काम करती हैं और उनमें साकारात्मकता को उजागर करती हैं।
Tinka Tinka Dasna is a tale of how the lives of five individuals have changed, following life imprisonment at Dasna jail and how they have searched for new meaning within their changed paradigms. In her books, instead of sensationalizing, Dr. Vartika Nanda sensitizes readers to the harsh realities of prisons. She is shattering the dehumanized and barbaric image of those incarcerated. Through her work, she is showing that inmates are humans with talent, aspirations, and a will to improve themselves. Her work is a testament to the idea that rehabilitation and not punishment is the answer. #tinkatinka #vartikananda #books #prisonreforms
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