C1 Introduction to Journalism
Unit 1 - Understanding News
Ingredients of news
News: meaning, definition, nature
The news process: from the event to the reader (how news is carried from event to
Hard news vs. Soft news, basic components of a news story
Attribution, embargo, verification, balance and fairness, brevity, dateline, credit line,
Unit 2 - Different forms of print-A historical Perspective
Yellow journalism
Penny press, tabloid press
Language of news- Robert Gunning: Principles of clear writing Rudolf Flesch
formula- skills to write news
Unit 3 - Understanding the structure and construction of news
Organising a news story, 5W‘s and 1H, Inverted pyramid
Criteria for news worthiness, principles of news selection
Use of archives, sources of news, use of internet
Unit 4 – Different mediums-a comparison
Language and principles of writing: Basic differences between the print, electronic
and online journalism
Citizen journalism
Unit 5 - Role of Media in a Democracy
Responsibility to Society
Press and Democracy
Contemporary debates and issues relating to media
Ethics in journalism
Bruce D. Itule and Douglas A. Anderson. News writing and reporting for today’s
media; McGraw Hill Publication, 2000.
- M.L. Stein, Susan Paterno& R. Christopher Burnett. News writer’s Handbook: An
Introduction to Journalism; Blackwell Publishing,2006.
- George Rodmann. Mass Media in a Changing World; Mcgraw Hill Publication,2007.
- Carole Flemming and Emma Hemmingway. An Introduction to Journalism; Vistaar
- Richard Keeble. The Newspaper’s Handbook; Routledge Publication,2006.
C2 Introduction to Media and Communication
Unit I Media and Everyday Life
Mobile phones, Television, Ring tones, Twitter
The Internet‐ discussion around media and everyday life
Discussions around mediated and non mediated communication
Unit II Communication and Mass Communication
Forms of Communication, Levels of Communication
Mass Communication and its Process
Normative Theories of the Press
Media and the Public Sphere
Unit III Mass Communication and Effects Paradigm
Direct Effects; Mass Society Theory, Propaganda
Limited Effects; Individual Difference Theory, Personal Influence Theory
Unit IV Cultural Effects and the Emergence of an Alternative Paradigm
Cultural Effects: Agenda Setting,
Spiral of Silence, Cultivation Analysis
Critique of the effects Paradigm and emergence of alternative paradigm
Unit V Four Models of Communication
Transmission models
Ritual or Expressive models
Publicity Model
Reception Model
Michael Ruffner and Michael Burgoon, Interpersonal Communication (New York, Holt,
Rinehart and Winston 1981, 21‐34; 59‐72
John Fiske, Introduction to Communication Studies, (Routledge 1982), pp 1‐38
Dennis McQuail, Mass Communication Theory, (London, Sage, 2000), pp 1‐11; 41‐54;
(fourth Edition)
Baran and Davis, Mass Communication Theory, Indian Edition, (South West Coengate
2006) pages 42‐64; 71‐84; 148‐153; 298‐236
Kevin Williams, Understanding Media Theory, (2003), pp.168‐188
Robin Jeffrey, Cell Phone Nation: How Mobile Phones have Revolutionized Business,
Politics and Ordinary Life in India. New Delhi: Hachette (2013)
Ravi Sundaram, The Art of Rumour in the Age of Digital Reproduction, The Hindu, August
19, 2012
(Unit 1)
ShohiniGhosh, ―Inner and Outer Worlds of Emergent Television Cultures,‖ in No Limits:
Media Studies from India, Ed. Ravi Sundaram. New Delhi: Oxford (2013).
C3 Reporting and Editing for Print
UNIT 1 Covering news
Reporter- role, functions and qualities
General assignment reporting/ working on a beat; news agency reporting.
Covering Speeches, Meetings and Press Conferences
Covering of beats- crime, courts, city reporting, local reporting, MCD, hospitals, health,
education, sports;
UNIT 2 Interviewing/Types of news leads
Interviewing: doing the research, setting up the interview, conducting the interview
News Leads/intros, Structure of the News Story–Inverted Pyramid style; Lead: importance,
types of lead; body of the story; attribution, verification
Articles, features, types of features and human interest stories, leads for features, difference
between articles and features.
UNIT 3 The Newspaper newsroom
Newsroom, Organizational setup of a newspaper, Editorial department
Introduction to editing: Principles of editing, Headlines; importance, functions of headlines,
typography and style, language, types of headline, style sheet, importance of pictures,
selection of news pictures
Role of sub/copy-editor, News editor and Editor, chief of bureau, correspondents
Editorial page: structure, purpose, edits, middles, letters to the editor, special articles, light
Opinion pieces, op. Ed page
UNIT 4 Trends in sectional news
Week-end pullouts,
Supplements, Backgrounders
UNIT 5 Understanding media and news
Sociology of news: factors affecting news treatment, paid news, agenda setting, pressures in
the newsroom, trial by media, gatekeepers.
Objectivity and politics of news
Neutrality and bias in news
The Art of Editing, Baskette and Scissors, Allyn and Bacon Publication
Dynamics of Journalism and Art of Editing, S.N. Chaturvedi, Cyber Tech Publications
News Writing and Reporting for Today‘s Media, Bruce Itule and Douglas Anderson,
McGraw Hill Publication
Modern newspaper practice: A primer on the press, F.W. Hodgson, Focal Press
Reporting for the Media, Fred Fedler and John R. Bender, Oxford University Press
The Newspaper‘s Handbook, Richard Keeble, Routledge Publication
Principles of Editorial Writing, MacDougall and Curtis Daniel, W.C. Brown Co. Publishers
News Reporting and Writing. Mencher, Melvin. MC Graw Hill, NY. 2003
Mass Communication Theory, Denis McQuail, Sage Publications
Reporting for the Print media‗. (2nd ed) . ;Fedler, Fred. Harcout, Bruce
Jovanovich Inc.,
Internal Assessment:
Internal assessment may be based on covering the beats and writing reports / interviewing
personalities, celebrities etc. Exercises on editing copies, writing headlines, writing features,
structuring a dummy editorial page, writing editorials etc. Discussions on current affairs,
tests, debates and tests may be held regularly.
C4 Media and Cultural Studies
Unit I Understanding Culture
Mass Culture, Popular Culture, Folk Culture
Media and Culture
Unit II- Critical Theories
Frankfurt School, Media as Cultural Industries
Political Economy,
Ideology and Hegemony
Unit III Representation
Media as Texts
Signs and Codes in Media
Discourse Analysis
Representation of nation, class, caste and gender issues in Media
Unit IV Audiences
Uses and Gratification Approach
Reception Studies
Active Audiences
Women as Audiences
Sub Cultures; Music and the popular,
Unit V Media and Technologies
Folk Media as a form of Mass Culture, live performance; Audience in live Performance
Media technologies; Medium is the Message; Technological Determinism; New Media and
Cultural forms
AS Media Studies: An Essential Introduction Edited by Philip Rayner, Peter Wall and
Stephen Kruger, Routledge (Covers Unit II, III, IV and V)
John Fiske, 1982, Introduction to Communication Studies, Routledge (Covers Unit II,
Ideology and Meanings and Unit III Signs and codes )
Dennis McQuail, 2000, (fourth Edition) Mass Communication Theory, London, Sage (Covers
Unit IV, Media Technologies)
Baran and Davis, Mass Communication Theory (covers Unit II, III and IV)
John Storey. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction. London: Pearson
Longman. 2009
Kevin Williams, Understanding Media Theory (Covers Unit II, III and IV)
Media Cultures by Nick Stevenson, 2002, Second Edition, SAGE
James Clifford, Tony Benett, Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall, John Storey
Short Extracts from writings by Adorno and Horkheimer, Radway, Roland Barthes, Mcluhan
Parmar S. Traditional Folk Media in India, 1975, New Delhi, Geka Books
C5 Introduction to Broadcast Media
Unit 1 - Basics of Sound
Concepts of sound-scape, sound culture
Types of sound-Sync, Non-Sync, Natural sound, Ambience Sound
Sound Design-Its Meaning with examples from different forms
Sound recording techniques
Introduction to microphones
Characteristics of Radio as a medium
Unit 2 - Basics of Visual
What is an image, electronic image, television image
Digital image, Edited Image(politics of an image)
What is a visual?(still to moving)
Visual Culture
Changing ecology of images today
Characteristics of Television as a medium
Unit 3 - Writing and Editing Radio News
Elements of a Radio News Story: Gathering, Writing/Reporting.
Elements of a Radio News Bulletins
Working in a Radio News Room
Introduction to Recording and Editing sound. (Editing news based capsule only).
Unit 4 - Writing and Editing Television News
Basics of a Camera- (Lens & accessories)
Electronic News Gathering (ENG) & Electronic field Production (EFP) (Concept)
Visual Grammar – Camera Movement, Types of Shots, Focusing,
Visual Perspective.
Elements of a Television News Story: Gathering, Writing/Reporting.
Elements of a Television News Bulletins
Basics of Editing for TV- Basic Soft-wares and Techniques (for editing a news capsule).
Unit 5- Broadcast News: Critical Issues and Debates
Public Service Broadcasters - AIR and DD News - Voice of India? (Analysis of News on
National Broadcasters)
Changing Character of Television News ( 24 -hrs news format, News Production cycle, News
'Lingo', News 'Formulae' ?
News as Event, Performance and Construction.
Zettl Herbert, Television Production Handbook. (Pgenos: 20-80, 85-135)
Robert c Allen and Annette Hill (Ed- 2004), The Television Reader, Routledge (Pgenos: 10-
P.C Chatterjee, Broadcasting in India, New Delhi, Sage 1987(Page nos- 25- 78)
The Radio Handbook, by Carrol Fleming, Rout ledge (London & New York 2002) (Pgenos:
47- 105)
Suggested Resources &Documentaries-
-News Bulletins in English and Hindi on National and Private channels (as teaching material)
-Documentary- ‗The future of Television News.‘
C6 History of the Media
Unit I History of Print Media 10 Lectures
Media and Modernity: Print Revolution , Telegraph, Morse Code
Yellow Journalism, Evolution of Press in United States, Great Britain and France
History of the Press in India:
Colonial Period, National Freedom Movement
Gandhi and Ambedkar as Journalists and Communicators
Unit II Media in the Post Independence Era 10 Lectures
Emergency and Post Emergency Era
Changing Readership, Print Cultures, Language Press
Unit III Sound Media 14 Lectures
Emergence of radio Technology,
The coming of Gramophone
Early history of Radio in India
History of AIR: Evolution of AIR Programming
Penetration of radio in rural India‐Case studies
Patterns of State Control; the Demand for Autonomy
FM: Radio Privatization
Music: Cassettes to the Internet
Unit IV Visual Media 16 Lectures
The early years of Photography, Lithography and Cinema
From Silent Era to the talkies
Cinema in later decades
The coming of Television and the State‘s Development Agenda
Commercialization of Programming (1980s)
Invasion from the Skies: The Coming of Transnational Television (1990s)
Formation of PrasarBharati
Briggs, A and Burke, P, Social History of Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet, (Polity
Press , 2010)
(Chapter 2 and Chapter 5)
ParthasarthyRangaswami, Journalism in India from the Earliest to the Present Day, (Sterling
Publishers, 1989).
Jeffrey, Robin, India‘s News Paper Revolution: Capitalism, Politics and the Indian Language
(New Delhi, Oxford 2003)
Manuel, Peter Cassette Culture page, (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1993), 1‐ 32
Chatterjee, P.C, Broadcasting in India page (New Delhi, Sage, 1991) ‐39‐57
Neurath P. ―Radio Farm Forum as a Tool of Change in Indian Villages,” Economic
Development of
Cultural Change, vol 10, No. 3 (pp 275‐283)
David Page and William Crawley, Satellites Over South Asia, (Sage, 2001) Chapter 2,
chapter 8 and
Chapter 9.
Das, Biswajit, “Mediating Modernity: Colonial Discourse and Radio Broadcasting in India,‖
Communication Processes Vol 1: Media and Mediation, B. Bel, B. Das, J. Brower, Vibhodh
Parthasarthi, G. Poitevin (Ed.) (Sage 2005)
Parthasarthi, Vibhodh, ―Constructing a ‗New Media Market: Merchandising the Talking
Machine‖ in
Communication Processes Vol 1: Media and Mediation, B. Bel, B. Das, J. Brower, Vibhodh
Parthasarthi, G. Poitevin (Ed.) (Sage 2005)
Eric Barnouw and Krishnaswamy, Indian Film, (New York, Oxford University press, 1980),
2nd Edition,
Chapters "Beginnings," & "Three Get Started,"
John V. Vilanilam, ―The Socio Cultural dynamics of Indian Television: From SITE to Insight
toPrivatisation,‖ in Television in Contemporary Asia by David French and Michael Richards
(Ed) (Sage,
Elen McDonald ―The modernizing of communication: Vernacular Publishing in Nineteenth
Maharashtra‖ Asian Survey, 8‐7, (1968) pp 589‐606
Francis Robinson (1993) Technology and Religious change: Islam and the impact of Print;
Asian Studies, Vol 27, No. 1 (Feb) pp. 229‐251.
Seminar Issue October 1997, Indian Language Press
G.N.S Raghavan, Early years of PTI, PTI story: Origin and Growth of Indian Press,
(Bombay, Press
Trust of India, (1987), 92‐119
Melissa Butcher Transnational Television, Cultural Identity and Change, (New Delhi, Sage,
2003) 49‐77
V. Ratnamala, ambedkar and media -
Hindi Dalit Literature and the Politics of Representation by Sarah Beth Hunt (New Delhi:
Routledge), 2014; pp 264.
Topics for Student Presentations
1. A comparative study of a Community Radio project and any of AIR‘s Local
Radio stations.
2. A case study of radio programmes like Faujibhaiyonkeliyeand behnokakaryakramand
kutchmahila radio
3. Trace the transformation of certain traditional musical genres like devotional music,
and folk songs with the advent of cassette technology.
3. Compare the history of Cinema with the history of other visual media.
4. Do a visual presentation on cartoons that appeared in Indian Newspapers during the period
Emergency and the debate around censorship of media by the Indian state.
5. Presentations on the importance of archiving. The state of archives of Indian cinema, News
papers, music and photographs.
6. A discussion on digital archives.
C7 Advertising and Public Relations
Unit 1-Introduction to Advertising
Meaning and history Advertising
Importance and Functions
a) Advertising as a tool of communication,
b) Role of Advertising in Marketing mix, PR
Advertising Theories and Models-AIDA model, DAGMAR Model,Maslow‘s Hierarchy
Model, communication theories applied to advertising
Types of advertising and New trends
Economic,cultural, Psychological and Social aspects of advertising
Ethical & Regulatory Aspects of Advertising-Apex Bodies in Advertising-AAAI, ASCI and
their codes.
Unit 2- Advertising through Print, electronic and online media
Types of Media for advertising
Advertising Objectives, Segmentation, Positioning and Targeting
Media selection, Planning, Scheduling
Marketing Strategy and Research and Branding
Advertising department vs. Agency-Structure, and Functions
Advertising Budget
Campaign Planning, Creation and Production
Unit-3 Public Relations-Concepts and practices
Introduction to Public Relations
Growth and development of PR
Importance, Role and Functions of PR
Principles and Tools of Public relations
Organisation of Public relations: In house department vs consultancy.
PR in govt. and Private Sectors
Govt‘s Print, Electronic, Publicity, Film and Related Media Organizations
Unit 4-PR-Publics and campaigns
Research for PR
Managing promotions and functions
PR Campaign-planning, execution, evaluation
Role of PR in Crisis management
Ethical issues in PR-Apex bodies in PR- IPRA code - PRSI,PSPF and their codes.
Unit 5 – Social Media Marketing
Social Media Technologies and Management
Inetgrated Marketing Communication
Developing Social Networks
Social Media Strategies, Tactics and Ethics
Social Media Tools
Measurement Strategies and ROI
List of Projects
1. Design an ad copy for a product
2. Script writing for electronic media ( Radio jingle, TV Commercial)
3 Planning & Designing advertising campaigns
4. Critical evaluation of advertisements
5. Writing a press release.
6. Planning and designing PR campaign
7. Assignment on crisis management
1. David Ogilvy, Ogilvy on Advertising,Pan/Prion Books
2. Frank Jefkins,Advertising Made Simple, Rupa& Co.
3. Chunawalla , Advertising Theory And Practice, Himalaya Publishing House
4. JethwaneyJaishri, Advertising, Phoenix Publishing House
5. Jefkins Frank Butterworth, Public Relation Techniques, Heinmann Ltd.
6. Heath Robert L, Handbook of Public Relations, Sage Publications,
7 .Dennis L. Wilcose& Glen T, Public Relations, Pearson
8. Cutlip S.M and Center A.H., Effective Public Relations, Prentice Hall
9. Kaul J.M., NoyaPrakash, Public Relation in India, Calcutta
C8 Introduction to New Media
Unit 1 Key Concepts and Theory
Defining new media, terminologies and their meanings – Digital media, new media, online
media et al.; Information society and new media, Technological Determinism, Computermediated-Communication
(CMC), Networked Society.
Unit 2 Understanding Virtual Cultures and Digital Journalism
Internet and its Beginnings, Remediation and New Media technologies, Online Communities,
User Generated Content and Web 2.0, Networked Journalism, Alternative Journalism; Social
Media in Context, Activism and New Media
Unit 3 Digitization of Journalism
Authorship and what it means in a digital age, Piracy, Copyright, Copyleft and Open Source,
Digital archives, New Media and Ethics
Unit 4 Overview of Web Writing
Linear and Non-linear writing, Contextualized Journalism, Writing Techniques, Linking,
Multimedia, Storytelling structures
Unit 5 Visual and Content Design
Website planning and visual design, Content strategy and Audience Analysis, Brief history of
Blogging, Creating and Promoting a Blog.
Suggested Readings:
Vincent Miller. Understanding digital culture. Sage Publications, 2011.
Lev Manovich. 2001. ―What is New Media?‖ In The Language of New Media.
Cambridge: MIT Press. pp. 19-48.
Siapera, Eugenia. Understanding new media. Sage, 2011. Introduction.
Baym, Nancy K. Personal Connections in the Digital Age. Polity, 2010. Chapter 3.
Goldsmith, Jack, and Tim Wu. 2006. Who Controls the Internet? Illusions of
Borderless World. Oxford University Press US.
O‘Reilly, Tim. (2005). What is web 2.0: Design patterns and business models for the next
generations software., retrieved from
Grossman, ―Iran Protests: Twitter, the Medium of the Movement‖
Lemann, Nicholas. 2006. Amateur Hour: Journalism without Journalists.
The New Yorker, August 7. Available at
Xiang, Biao. 2005. Gender, Dowry and the Migration System of Indian
Information Technology Professionals. Indian Journal of Gender Studies 12: 357-380.
C9 Development Communication
Development: Concept, concerns, paradigms
Concept of development
Measurement of development
Development versus growth
Human development
Development as freedom
Models of development
Basic needs model
Nehruvian model
Gandhian model
Panchayati raj
Developing countries versus developed countries
UN millennium dev goals
Development communication: Concept and approaches
Paradigms of development: Dominant paradigm, dependency, alternative paradigm
Dev comm. approaches – diffusion of innovation, empathy, magic multiplier
Alternative Dev comm. approaches:
Sustainable Development
Participatory Development
Inclusive Development
Gender and development
Development support comm. – definition, genesis, area woods triangle
UNIT 3 Role of media in development Mass Media as a tool for development Creativity, role and performance of each media-comparative study of pre and post liberalization eras Role, performance record of each medium- print, radio, tv, video, traditional media Role of development agencies and NGOs in development communication Critical appraisal of dev comm. programmes and govt. schemes: SITE, KrishiDarshan, Kheda, Jhabua, MNREGA; Cyber media and dev – e-governance, e chaupal, national knowledge network, ICT for dev narrow castingDevelopment support communication in India in the areas of: agriculture, health & family welfare, population, women empowerment, poverty, unemployment, energy and environment, literacy, consumer awareness, Right to Information (RTI).
Practising development communication
Strategies for designing messages for print
Community radio and dev
Television programmes for rural india (KrishiDarshan)
Using new media technologies for development.
Development Journalism and rural reporting in India
Rural Journalism
Information needs in rural areas;
Use of traditional media for development in rural areas;
Rural newspapers;
Critical appraisal of mainstream media‘s reportage on rural problems and issues;
Specific features of tribal society;
Information needs in tribal setting;
Critical appraisal of mainstream media‘s reportage on tribal problems and issues;
Suggested Readings:
Rogers Everett M : Communication and Development- Critical Perspective,
Sage, New Delhi, 2000
SrinivasR.Melkote& H. Leslie Steeves: Communication For Development In The Third
World, Sage Publications.
Belmont CA : Technology Communication Behaviour, Wordsworth
Publication, New Delhi, 2001.
Dr. Anil Kumar : Mass Media and Development Issues, BhartiPrakashan,
Upadhyay Varanasi, 2007.
UNDP : Human Development Report (published every year), Oxford
University Press, New Delhi.
World Bank : World Development Report (published every year) Oxford
University Press, New Delhi.
Wilbur Schramm : Mass Media and National Development- the role of
information in developing countries, UNESCO/ Stanford
University Press, 1964.
AmartyaSen : Development as freedom, Alfred A Knopf, New York, 1999.
DayaThussu : Media on the move: Global flow and contra flow: Routledge,
London, 2006.
D V R Murthy : Development Journalism, What Next? Kanishka Publication,
New Delhi, 2007.
Ghosh&Pramanik : Panchayat System in India, Kanishka Publication, New
Delhi, 2007.
ShivaniDharmarajan : NGOs as Prime Movers, Kanishka Publication, New
Delhi, 2007.
What Do We Mean By Development: An Article by Nora C Quebral in International
Development Review, Feb, 1973, P-25.
Modern Media in Social Development : Harish Khanna. \
C10 Media Ethics and the Law
Unit-I Ethical Framework And Media practice
Freedom of expression (Article 19(1)(a) and Article 19(1)2)
Freedom of expression and defamation- Libel and slander
Issues of privacy and Surveillance in Society
Right to Information
Idea of Fair Trial/Trial by Media
Intellectual Property Rights
Media ethics and cultural dependence
Student PresentationsPhotocopied
material for Study Packs in India; Aaron Swartz.
Attack on Freedom of artists and authors
Unit 2 Media Technology and Ethical Parameters
Live reporting and ethics
Legality and Ethicality of Sting Operations, Phone Tapping etc
Ethical issues in Social media ( IT Act 2000, Sec 66 A and the verdict of The supreme court )
Discussion of Important cases-eg- Operation Westend
Some Related laws- Relevant sections of Broadcast Bill, NBA guidelines
Student PresentationsTehelka‘sWestend
School Teacher Uma Khurana case
Unit 3- Representation and ethics
Advertisement and Women
Related Laws and case studies- Indecent representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986
and rules 1987, Protection of Women against Sexual Harassment Bill, 2007, Sec 67 of IT Act
2000 and 292 IPC etc
Student PresentationsStudents
will submit on above mentioned topics.
Unit 4- Media and Regulation
Regulatory bodies, Codes and Ethical Guidelines
Self Regulation
Media Content- Debates on morality and Accountability:
Taste, Culture and Taboo
Censorship and media debates
Unit 5- Media and Social Responsibility
Economic Pressures
Media reportage of marginalized sections- children, dalits, tribals, Gender
Media coverage of violence and related laws - inflammatory writing (IPC 353), Seditionincitement
to violence, hate Speech.
Relevant Case Studies – Muzaffarpur Riots, Attack on civil liberties of individuals and social
Essential Reading list:
Thakurta, ParanjoyGuha, Media Ethics, Oxford University Press, 2009
Barrie mc Donald and Michel petheran Media Ethics,mansell,1998
Austin Sarat Where Law Meets Popular Culture (ed.), The University of Alabama
Press , 2011
VikramRaghvan, Communication Law in India, Lexis Nexis Publication,2007
IyerVekat, Mass Media Laws and Regulations in India-Published by AMIC, 2000
William Mazzarella, Censorium: Cinema and the Open Edge of Mass Publicity
RaminderKaur, William Mazzarella, Censorship in South Asia: Cultural Regulation
from Sedition to Seduction
Linda Williams, Hard Core: Power, Pleasure, and the "Frenzy of the Visible"
C11 Global Media and Politics
Unit 1: Media and international communication:
The advent of popular media- a brief overview
Propaganda in the inter-war years: Nazi Propaganda,
Radio and international communication
Unit II: Media and super power rivalry:
Media during the Cold War, Vietnam War, Disintegration of USSR;
Radio free Europe, Radio Liberty, Voice of America
Communication debates: NWICO, McBride Commission and UNESCO
Unequal development and Third World concerns: North-South, Rich – Poor
Unit III : Global Conflict and Global Media
World Wars and Media Coverage post 1990: Rise of Al Jazeera
The Gulf Wars: CNN‘s satellite transmission, embedded Journalism
9/11 and implications for the media
Unit IV: Media and Cultural Globalization
Cultural Imperialism, Cultural politics: media hegemony and
Global cultures, homogenization, the English language
Local/Global, Local/Hybrid
Unit V: Media and the Global market
Discourses of Globalisation: barrier–free economy, multinationals,
technological developments, digital divide
Media conglomerates and monopolies: Ted Turner/Rupert Murdoch
Global and regional integrations: Zee TV as a Pan-Indian Channel; Bollywood
Entertainment: Local adaptations of global programmes KBC/Big Boss/Others
Suggested readings:
- DayaKishanThussu. International Communication: Continuity and Change, Oxford
University Press ,2003.
- Yahya R. Kamalipour and Nancy Snow. War, Media and Propaganda-A Global
Perspective, Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group, 2004.
- Communication and Society, Today and Tomorrow “ Many Voices One
World”Unesco Publication, Rowman and Littlefield publishers, 2004.
- Barbie Zelizer and Stuart Allan. Journalism after 9/11, Taylor and
FrancisPublication, 2012.
- DayaKishanThussu .War and the media : Reporting conflict 24x7, Sage
- Stuart Allan and Barbie Zelizer. Reporting war : Journalism in war time, Routledge
Publication, 2004.
- Lee Artz and Yahya R. Kamalipor. The Globalization of Corporate Media Hegemony,
New York Press,2003.
- Yadava, J.S, Politics of news, Concept Publishing and Co.1984.
- ZahidaHussain and Vanita Ray. Media and communications in the third world
countries,Gyan Publications,2007.
Additional Readings:
- Choudhary, Kameswar (ed) Globalisation, Governance Reforms and Development in
India, Sage, New Delhi, 2007.
- Patnaik, B.N &ImtiazHasnain(ed). Globalisation: language, Culture and Media,
Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla,2006.
- Monroe, Price. Media Globalisation’ Media and Sovereignity, MIT press,
- Singh, Yogendra. Culture Change in India: Identity and Globalisation, Rawat
Publication, New Delhi, 2000.
- Lyn Gorman and David McLean. Media and Society into the 21st Century: A
Historical Inroduction. (2nd Edition) Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. pp.82-135, 208-283.
Internal Assessment:
The internal assessment will be based on assignments, group discussions and tests
conducted in class.
C12 Advanced Broadcast Media
Unit I‐ Public Service Broadcasting
Public Service Model in India (Policy and laws)
Global Overview of Public Service Broadcasting
Community Radio, Community Video
Participatory Communication
Campus Radio
Unit II‐Private Broadcasting
Private Broadcasting Model in India; Policy and Laws
Structure, Functions and Working of a Broadcast Channel
Public and Private partnership in television and Radio programming (India and Britain case
Unit III: Broadcast Genres‐
Why am I the 'Idiot Box'? ‐ Debates, Issues and Concerns of Television Genre
Various Evolving Contemporary Television genres: Drama, soap opera, comedy, reality
television, children's television, animation, prime time and day time.
Unit IV ‐ Advanced Broadcast Production I ‐ (Radio)
Writing and Producing for Radio
Public Service Advertisements
Radio Magazine shows
UNIT V - Advanced Broadcast Production II - (Television)
Mixing Genres in Television Production‐
Music Video for social comment/as documentary
Mixing ENG and EFP
Reconstruction in News based Programming
Suggestive projects
Script writing
Presentation of experimental genere in Radio/ TV
Presentation about PSBT and such organizations.
Script on Music Presentation
Presentation of Commercial Channel functions.
Presentation on global broadcasting models & Indian Broadcasting Models
A. Glen Creeber, Toby Miller and John Tulloch, The Television Genre Book (London:
British Film
Institute, 2009)
B. Robert B Musburger and Gorham Kindem, Introduction to media Production, (Elsevier:
Press Focal Press)Pg‐95‐133, 179‐212
C. AmbrishSaxena, Radio in New Avatar‐ AM to FM,(Delhi: Kanishka) , Pg‐ 92‐138,
D. Ted White and Frank Barnas, Broadcast News, Writing Reporting & Producing, (Elsevier,
Press ,2012) 3‐17, 245‐257, 279‐286
E. Herbert Zettl, Television Production Handbook, (Delhi : Akash Press, 2007 ) 190‐208
Profiles of NGOs
and their Community Radio Initiatives Other Voices (New Delhi: Sage, 2007)
G. Mc Leash, Robert, Radio Production (US: Taylor & Francis )
C13 Advanced New Media
UNIT 1Basics of New Media Frameworks – Genres and Environments
Understanding New Media Ecologies, Trans-medial Storytelling, Genres – Digital art, Digital
Cinema – New Media Fiction and Documentary, Gaming and Player Culture, Virality and
Memes, et al.; guerrilla media; curating media, festival, media spaces
UNIT 2 Sociology of the Internet and New Media
Social Construction of Technology, Utopian-Dystopian Interface, Digital inequalities –
Digital Divide and Access, Economy of New Media - Intellectual value; digital media ethics,
new media and popular culture.
UNIT 3 Critical New Media
Who controls New Media, Questions surrounding net neutrality and related issues,
Surveillance and the state, Cybersecurity and issues of privacy, the Internet and public sphere
- politics and public sphere in the digital age.
UNIT 4 Participatory culture
Convergence Culture - social media and participatory media culture, digital fandom and
online communities, Identity, Gender and new media- digital media and identities, new media
UNIT 5 Project and Production
Digital production in the form of shorts, video, podcast, video blog, photo blog, blogs and
microblogs etc. related to one of the above three units or all, research and developmental
techniques, ideas for final project, scripting/production, social media marketing and publicity,
Things to Do:
1. Working in groups of two/three the students will be required to undertake the production.
The genre can be decided by the faculty in charge.
2. They must also undertake a web based art project or installation where they will
experiment with cross platform storytelling techniques leading to a development &
understanding of new strategies of exhibition and distribution.
3. An observational field project on use of new media in Panchayats/rural areas like the
Bharat Broadband Project leading to a monograph/short is also recommended.
4. They should also attempt creating a mobile capsule for social activism and marketing it
through social networks & actively participate in a Cyber Media campaign.
―New Media and New Technologies‖ by Lister Dovey, Giddings, Grant & Kelly. (2003).
Rosen, J. ―The People Formerly Known as the Audience‖ What video games have to teach us
about language and literacy. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bogost, Ian. Persuasive games: The expressive power of videogames. MIT Press, 2007.
Bosker, ―Randi Zuckerberg: Anonymity online has to go away‖
Negroponte, N. (1996). Being Digital, Part 3 [pp. 163-233]
Jenkins, Henry. (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New
NY: NYU Press.
May, Keenan & Peter Newcomb. (2008, July) How the Web was won. Vanity Fair, retrieved
―Privacy vs. the Internet: Americans Should Not Be Forced to Choose‖ (ACLU report, 2008)
Nakamura, ―Race In/For Cyberspace: Identity Tourism and Racial Passing on the Internet‖
C14 Communication Research and Methods
Unit I – Introduction to Research
Definition, Role, Function, Basic and Applied Research, Scientific Approach, Role of theory
in research, Steps of Research (Research question, Hypothesis, Review of Literature….)
Unit II – Methods of Media Research
Qualitative- Quantitative Technique, Content Analysis, Survey Method,
Observation Methods, Experimental Studies, Case Studies,
Narrative Analysis, Historical research.
Unit III – Sampling
Need for Sampling, Sampling Methods, Representativeness of the Samples, Sampling Error,
Tools of data collection: Primary and Secondary data-Questionnaire, Focus Groups,
Telephone, Surveys, Online Polls, Published work.
Unit IV- Methods of analysis and report writing
Data Analysis Techniques; Coding and Tabulation,
Non-Statistical Methods (Descriptive and Historical)
Working with Archives; Library Research;
Working with Internet as a source; Writing Citations, Bibliography
Writing the research report
Unit V - Ethnographies and other Methods
Readership and Audience Surveys
Ethnographies, textual analysis, discourse analysis
Ethical perspectives of mass media research
- Wimmer, Roger, D and Dominick, Joseph,R. Mass Media Research, Thomson
Wadsworth, 2006, pgs1-60; 65-81;83-98.
- Arthur Asa Berger. Media Research Techniques, Sage Publications, 1998.
- John Fiske. Introduction to Communication Studies, Routledge Publications,1982.
- David Croteau and William Hoynes. Media/Society: Industries, Images and Audiences,
Forge Press (For Case Studies) Amazon,2002.
- Kothari, C.R. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, New Age
International Ltd. Publishers, 2004, pgs1-55; pgs95-120.
- Bertrand, Ina and Hughes, Peter. 2005. Media Research Methods; Audiences,
institutions, Texts. New York; Palgrave
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