Featured book on Jail

Jun 22, 2019

सुधारों के इंतज़ार में कारागार


Unknown said...

The situation of those women inmates, whom the officer from Maharashtra spoke about is indeed very saddening. In the current scenario when people are forced to sit inside their homes due to the corona epidemic, people are complaining about boredom. What would be the situation of these women who are forced to sit and stare at the same wall for months. It is a sad news that even though we talk about the rights of different groups of people, there is no one to talk about the rights of these women. Thanks to Vartika Mam for bringing their story to the readers. I hope the authorities take notice of this article and take the necessary actions. #tinkatinka #prisonreforms #humanrights

Unknown said...

Today, development has become all about fulfilling political agendas and the concerned authorities' inner motives. Truly, if the prisoners' had voting rights, maybe the conditions of the jails would be different. The Apex court has time and time again emphasised that prisoners still possess human rights, and crowding the inmates like animals in prisons, is its denial. There are several aspects like though the HRD in its guidelines for prison had said that visitations were necessary but in actual implementation visitations are still just a privilege and not a right. What is contradictory amongst all this is though the society after the verdict for imprisonment expects prisoners to change yet it is hesitant to accept them in the society. The society wants the prisoners to change but if we wish to see change in the prisoners we need to change the living conditions of the prisons, what is sad is we often fail to understand this. #vartikananda #tinkatinka #prison #jail

Ananya said...

This movement started for prison reforms in India by Dr. Vartika Nanda has brought a tremendous change in the lives of inmates, be it through the prison radio or Tinka Tinka India Awards. I hope ma'am is able to spread this movement further and create rainbows in more and more prisons. #tinkatinka #prisonreforms #movement