Featured book on Jail

Jun 22, 2019

Prisons must do more to help their women inmates


Unknown said...

The condition of these women are indeed very disheartening. When we talk about women's rights, this is an issue that goes unnoticed. Most people are not aware of this and there may be people who are not bothered to fight for them because of the mentality these women are prisoners and they are only getting their punishment. It was wonderful from the part of Vartika Mam to speak about this issue and inform people about it. I hope prison authorities take notice of this and take the necessary measures. #humanrights #prisonreforms #vartikananda

Unknown said...

The women inmates have not had access to phone calls as much male inmates in most prisons of the country, there aren't enough opportunities given to them to look after their physical and mental health, they live in narrow spaces in most prisons that leads to joint pains. Right to life is a basic human right and with right to life comes right to living in adequate human survival worthy conditions, which sadly feel hampered in case of women inmates. #vartikananda #tinkatinka #jail #prison

Ananya said...

Dr. Vartika Nanda provides interesting insight on women inmates and the issue of women prisons. Her comments on how jails are being built without keeping in mind the crime statistics and other logistics, help understand how important it is to build prisons properly and the manifestation of issues and problems when they are not. #tinkatinka #prisonreforms #womeninmates #vartikananda