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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Jul 26, 2022

Class Report

Tuesday, 26th July, 2022

Advanced Broadcast Media

The third year students kick-started their fifth semester with an interactive double lecture with Dr Vartika Nanda. The class participated in an interesting brainstorming session where they decided on how to go about the syllabus and listed their skills and interests that they wish to polish in the coming months. 

The class divided the first unit and took up individual topics for research. They were given time to work on their topics and prepare documents with in depth research. They were asked to share the final document with Dr Nanda and then share their findings with their classmates in the coming classes. The following is the list of topics –

  1. Participatory Communication: Puja and Jhanvi Negi
  2. Community Radio: Kriti and Ritika Behera
  3. Campus Radio: Yashna
  4. Global Overview of PSB and PSB Model in India: Priyanshi and Tanya
  5. Community Video: Astha and Anushka
  6. Comedy in Indian TV: Anjita and Jahanvi Aggarwal
  7. Why is Communication Important: Pranjali

Report by
Jhanvi Negi and M Muskan Devi
CRs - Batch of 2023


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