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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Aug 2, 2022

Weekly Class Report: Advanced Broadcast Media

Weekly Class Report

1st - 5th August, 2022

Advanced Broadcast Media

The first week of August covered the topic of ‘Community Radio’, which is a part of the first unit. Starting off, the students understood the basics of community radio with the help of an informative PPT. The presentation was prepared by Ritika Behera, Vidhi Gupta and Kriti Kumar and was presented in class by Ritika Behera. It covered all the different aspects related to community radio and gave the students a comprehensive look into the world of radio.

The presentation started off with explaining the meaning behind the word “community radio” and how it has evolved over time. It then traced the trajectory of radio’s journey in India with the coming up of Radio Club of Bombay in June 1923 followed by the Calcutta Radio Club, and finally the establishment of All India Radio (AIR) in 1936. The presentation also shed light on the impact of radio on the lives of the masses – especially the ones who are not interconnected with the mainstream.

The presentation then highlighted important functions of radio, like – focus on localized issues, high penetration among the masses and public service broadcasting. The lecture ended with Dr Vartika Nanda explaining the concept of ‘community radio’ in detail and sharing her views on the same. She also gave her feedback on the presentation and touched upon the points that could be improved upon. The students were then given time to go through their notes and research further about the given topic.

In the following lectures, the students learned more about community radio and its background. Dr Nanda then discussed about the various advantages and uses of community radio. She also discussed the role of radios in community building and aiding social development. The presentation ended with a note about the exponential rise of community radio in the past years and the eligibility criteria to apply for a community radio station.

The students were then given time to go through their notes and prepare a short note on their learnings from the week’s lecture in about 50 words. Dr Nanda then held a discussion about the upcoming assignments for the semester and guided the students on how to go about the assigned work.

Report by
Jhanvi Negi
CR - Batch of 2023


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