Featured book on Jail

Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Jul 1, 2024

 28 May, 2024 

As a journalist, I had covered numerous cases in Patiala House and wondered why it was named so. Many questions that used to crop up in my young mind those years got answered in an August gathering on 28th May at IIC. The occasion was a usual book launch which turned out to be much more than that. ‘Patiala House: Palace to Seat of Justice’ is a unique collection of the history of Patiala House Courts by Justice Poonam A Bamba, Chairperson of Delhi Police Complaints Cell and former Judge of the High Court of Delhi. Published by Renu Kaul, Vitasta Publishers, the book took me to the memory lane of the coverage of cases like Priyadarshini Matoo and Tandoor's murder case. It was delightful to hear Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena, sharing his concerns about the preservation of our historical heritage. Vitasta Publishing Pvt. Ltd Rashmi Singh

Congratulations to the team. Sharing the pictures of the book release and another with the publisher, Renu Kaul, and my friend, Rashmi Singh, IAS. Patiala House  Judicial and Bar Council

I wish we could restore our history, our heritage, and also the tradition of book reading.  I also wish someday people show some interest in reading books on prison reforms as well, with some sensitivity.


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