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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Aug 25, 2019

LSR: Batch of 2022: Continuing with the innovative pedagogy in the class room

“Individually, we are a drop. Together, we are an ocean.” -Ryunosuke Satoro

Continuing with the 10 year legacy of providing First-Year students a glimpse to the world of print media, Department of Journalism, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, initiated the creation of the Department magazine  under the supervision of Dr. Vartika Nanda on Friday, August 23, 2019.

The process began with Dr. Nanda assigning the creative project to the First-Year students, who then deliberated upon the nuances of the theme, content, and design for the Magazine with each student presenting distinctive ideas of her own. 

The Team Head for the Magazine, Surbhi, was decisively elected by the class to lead the assignment. Gaurvi Narang and Vasudha Raina were chosen as Content Heads, while Sukriti Taneja and Shreya Ghosh were elected to lead the Board as Creative Heads.

After mutual deliberations, Mental Health was chosen as the theme of the magazine for the session 2019-20. Acknowledging the stigma around mental health, real life anecdotes, interviews, government’s efforts to address the issue were chosen as epicenter of discussion in the magazine. September 14 is decided as the date of completion. 

By letting the students on this creative venture and providing them an innovative bend of mind, the magazine is expected to create both producers and consumers of quality content out of them.

Credits:  Deepika Saini & Samridhi Chugh

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