Featured book on Jail

Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Feb 11, 2020

सीखने को बहुत कुछ है मॉरीशस की खुली जेलों में : 25 जनवरी, 2020 : दैनिक हिंदुस्तान


Anonymous said...

There was a recent article by Vartika Mam about the fate of women prisoners in India. In the article it was mentioned that most of these jails are crowded and there are no outdoor activities for these women. The situation presented in this article is different from the other one. It is very disheartening that many women prisoners in India, some with their children, are forced to live in such bad conditions for years. The efforts by Vartika Mam for improving the condition of prisons in India is very reasonable and she deserves to be praised for it. #humanrights #prisonreforms #vartikananda

Unknown said...

Even at this point of time, we know that a large number of human resource reside in jails. Giving them proper opportunity and Support will only help our society. For better things, we can learm from the jails of Mauritius where there are many opportunities. We just need to amend our laws. Ti ka tinka movement is doing a lot towards it but yet a lot has to be done. #Vartikananda #prisoners #human_rights #humanity #change#tinkatinka

Simran said...

It is really demoralising. Our authority needs learn so many things. We need to improve their conditions. Thanks to Tinka Tinka Foundation and Dr Vartika Nanda for bringing these topics into discussion. Your and the team's effort to improve the situation of inmates in really deserve to be admired. #vartikananda #tinkatinka

Unknown said...

The women's jail of Mauritius may not be a feasible outlook for India, due to its high population density and an overall larger population as compared to Mauritius but it definitely can provide as a direction for the way ahead. Maybe we ought to rethink the definition of prison as a hell on Earth and start thinking on the lines that everyone in there is not in the wrong. #vartikananda #tinkatinka #prison #jail

narendra thakur said...

The Richelieu Open prison is a minimum security prison. It has a system of rehabilitation based on self discipline and the development of the detainees’ sense of responsibility. Detainees have the opportunity to learn and be engaged in different jobs. There is also a farm where the detainees can acquire farming skills
Our authority needs learn so many things. We need to improve their conditions. Thanks to Tinka Tinka Foundation and Dr Vartika Nanda for bringing these topics into discussion
“Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people.” and vertika mam you the reason of lakhs of inmates smile

Ananya said...

Vartika Ma'am through her activism and books is shattering the dehumanized and barbaric image of those incarcerated. Through her work, she is showing that inmates are humans with talent, aspirations, and a will to improve themselves. Her work is a testament to the idea that rehabilitation and not punishment is the answer. #prisonreforms #tinkatinka #vartikananda