Featured book on Jail

Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Jun 5, 2020

अपराध, जेल और सच । World Environment Day | Sahitya Aaj Tak

कोरोना और जेल डायरी | | | सरोकार: केरल की हथिनी के नाम 

इंसान पर यकीन की कीमत उसकी अपनी जान थी

और उसकी भी जो इंसानों से अनजान थी

आप कहते हैं अपराधी की जगह जेल होती है

लेकिन कई बार खुद जेल भी शर्मसार होती है

जेल की अपनी सीमा है/ अपराध की भी कोई सरहद होती होगी

जेल की सींखचें इन हदों के पार होने पर कसमकसाती हैं

दुखों को सोखने की बर्दाश्त अब पार हो गई है

आप जेल को जेल ही रहने दें

ऐसे अपराधों के लिए किसी नई सजा को खोजिएकुछ नई धाराएं

क्योंकि इन अपराधियों ने कहां पहली बार अपराध किया होगा

किस्तों में हो रहे अपराध छोटी-छोटी परछाईं बने होंगे

और फिर मन का शैतान बड़ा हुआ होगा

कोरोना और काल जिन्हें सबक दे सका हो

जेलें भी उन्हें क्या समझा सकेंगीक्या सुधार सकेंगी

जेलें हार गईं हैं

इंतजार कीजिए। अपमान और धोखा लौट कर जरूर आता है


जहांकानूननियम और जेलें अशक्त होती हैं

वहां एक शक्ति होती है जो सबसे सशक्त होती है।

-         वर्तिका नन्दा


Anonymous said...

Tinka Tinka has been constantly working towards prison reforms and in since last few years they have brought a lot of stories to the common people. The reforms done by Tinka Tinka are something very less people know about and even very few people have attempted it. The stories about prison inmates from Tinka Tinka book series Tinka Tinka Tihar, Tinka Tinka Dasna and Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh has its own feel. #tinkatinka #vartikananda #jail

Arthata A. Harvande said...

That mother elephant wasn't wrong she just trusted humans who weren't humans. Doing something for fun was their explanation. People should always think about others what could have happened if it was me. An inhumane act was brought to our notice. We can't change the past but we can still hope to do right in the near future. The inhumanity shown by the people against the elephant has even surpassed the punishment in jail. No amount of forgiveness can change the sin done but there is still hope that times will change. #tinkatinka #animalrights #vartikananda

Pranav Chandhok said...

A pregnant wild elephant in Kerala’s Silent Valley Forest fell victim to an act of human cruelty after a pineapple filled with powerful crackers offered by a man exploded in her mouth when she chomped on it. An inhuman behaviour by humans. Humans have many cognition skills which make us apart from animals. I feel that even animals can do this inhuman behaviour. #tinkatinka #vartikananda #jail

Pranav Chandhok said...

A pregnant wild elephant in Kerala’s Silent Valley Forest fell victim to an act of human cruelty after a pineapple filled with powerful crackers offered by a man exploded in her mouth when she chomped on it. An inhuman behaviour by humans. Humans have many cognition skills which make us apart from animals. I feel that even animals can do this inhuman behaviour. #tinkatinka #vartikananda #jail