Featured book on Jail

Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Jun 30, 2020

तिनका जेल न्यूज ने कोरोना जेल समाचारों का रिकॉर्ड बनाया

तिनका जेल न्यूज ने कोरोना जेल समाचारों का रिकॉर्ड बनाया

COVID-19 के दौरान जेलों की पहल के लिए समर्पित एक विशेष YouTube चैनल

  • पिछले 51 दिनों में 51 कहानियां जेलों का एक नया चेहरा सामने लाती रहीं
  • यह खंड 2018 में शुरू किए गए तिनका तिनका जेल सुधार चैनल का एक हिस्सा है
  • चैनल बाहरी दुनिया की मदद करने के लिए कैदियों और जेल कर्मचारियों के योगदान पर केंद्रित है और एक नई तरह की पत्रकारिता की अलख जगा रहा है
  • जेल सुधारक वर्तिका नन्दा तिनका तिनका फाउंडेशन की संस्थापक हैं, जिसका मकसद भारत भर की जेलों को जोड़ना है।

तिनका तिनका जेल समाचार के बारे में

51 दिनों तक हर दिन एक से तीन मिनट की अवधि की कहानी कोरोना के दौरान जेलों और उनके योगदान की दुनिया को सामने लाती रही। इसने तिनका तिनका जेल समाचार को अपनी तरह का पहला YouTube समाचार चैनल (tinkatinkaprisonreforms) बना दिया है जिसने भारत भर की जेलों से समाचार पहुंचाने के लिए खुद को समर्पित किया है। भारत में करीब 1400 जेलें हैं, जिनकी कुल क्षमता 3,96,223 कैदियों की है। तिनका तिनका जेल समाचार एक समय में एक जेल या एक मकसद पर तथ्यात्मक कहानी सुनाता है। इस पहल की शुरुआत मार्च में लॉक़डाउन की शुरुआत के साथ की गई थी। मई से इसे एक नियमित अभ्यास बना दिया गया। यह सभी वीडियो सार्वजनिक हित में बनाए गए हैं।

तिनका तिनका जेल न्यूज़ जेल सुधारक वर्तिका नन्दा की संकल्पना है। इसका उद्देश्य COVID-19 की वजह से लगाए गए लॉकडाउन के समय जेलों और समाज के बीच की खाई को पाटना है और जेलों के काम को एक मजबूत मंच मुहैया करवाना है। इस पहल की भावना तीन भागों में है- हर स्टोरी में जेल विशेष के ऐतिहासिक महत्व को प्रकट करना, बाहरी दुनिया के लिए कैदियों द्वारा किए गए योगदान का दस्तावेजीकरण करना और जेलों का एक पहलू प्रस्तुत करना जोजिस पर किसी का ध्यान नहीं जाता। एक समय में एक कहानी सुनाकर, इस चैनल ने भारत में जेलों के कम ज्ञात चेहरे को बाहर लाने के लिए खुद को समर्पित किया, खासकर COVID-19 के दौरान। दिलचस्प बात यह है कि चैनल ने सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रकार की जेलों-केंद्रीय, जिला जेलों , उप-जेलों और महिलाओं की जेलों से कहानियों को उठाया है। चैनल दुनिया में मदद करने के लिए मास्क, सैनिटाइज़र, पीपीई किट और अन्य साधनों के छोटे पैमाने पर प्रयासों में लगे कैदियों के वास्तविक योगदान को जोड़ने में सक्षम रहा है। इन कहानियों में संबंधित अधीक्षक और अन्य वरिष्ठ कर्मियों के नाम उल्लिखित हैं।

चैनल ने इस योगदान के एक विशाल रेंज दिखाया है। जिला जेल, मेरठ, उत्तर प्रदेश में बंद कैदियों ने उत्तर प्रदेश की सभी जेलों में अधिकतम मास्क बनाए हैं। वे हर रोज 5000 से अधिक मास्क की सिलाई करते हैं। राजस्थान की एक जेल के बंदियों ने अपने भोजन का एक हिस्सा बाहर के लोगों को दान करने की पहल की। मध्य प्रदेश की केंद्रीय जेल, जबलपुर में 40 पुरुष और 13 महिला बंदी हर दिन 1500 मास्क बनाने में शामिल हैं। मध्यप्रदेश में लगभग 52 जेलों में यही किया जा रहा है। मॉडल जेल, चंडीगढ़ के बंदियों ने अपनी गाढ़ी कमाई में से 1,11,000/ रूपए कोरोना के संकट से बचाव के लिए मुख्यमंत्री राहत कोष को दान में दिए। तिनका तिनका के प्रयासों से पिछले 51 दिनों में जेलों के बदलाव और काम की सच्ची कहानियाँ दृढ़ता से उभरी हैं। इस श्रृंखला में बंदियों के काम के अलावा रविवार को योग दिवस और विश्व संगीत दिवस जैसे कुछ विशेष दिन और तिनका और बंदियों के कुछ साझे प्रयास भी सरोकार के तौर पर शामिल किए गए। इऩ्हें जेल अधिकारियों और कैदियों के एक छोटे समूह के बीच चुपचाप साझा किया जा रहा था और उन्हें सार्वजनिक चकाचौंध से दूर रखा गया था। 51 दिनों के पूरा होने पर यह दस्तावेज बंदियों और जेल कर्मचारियों के प्रति सम्मान के रूप में सामने आया है। इन समाचारों का संपादन रिया वर्मा ने किया है और मोंटाज को नितिन चौधऱी ने बनाया है। अब यह चैनल जेलों पर साप्ताहिक प्रस्तुतिकरण करेगा।

वर्तिका नन्दा के बारे में: वर्तिका नन्दा जेल सुधारक हैं और तिनका तिनका भारतीय जेलों पर उनकी श्रृंखला है। वे 2014 में भारत के राष्ट्रपति से स्त्री शक्ति पुरस्कार से सम्मानित हो चुकी हैं। जेलों पर उनके काम को दो बार लिम्का बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्स में भी जगह मिली है। वर्तमान में वे दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के लेडी श्रीराम कॉलेज के पत्रकारिता विभाग की प्रमुख हैं। संपर्क : tinkatinkaorg@gmail.com / 9811201839

Jun 23, 2020

Post Pandemic Education: Blogs As An Interactive Medium

Presenting to you a detailed article on the philosophy behind this blog. Starting in 2006 as a platform of sharing of views on journalism, it made a gradual shift to become a virtual classroom. This practice has been specially handy during the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic. Simran Rawat presents to you a comprehensive report.  Editor.

By Simran Rawat

Dr. Vartika Nanda, Head of Department-Journalism at Lady Shri Ram College has come up with an innovative way to teach and talk to students during the digital learning era. She is using her blog http://vartikananda.blogspot.com/  to disseminate important information to her students as well as bridge the gap between virtual and classroom teaching. It has become a one stop shop for students to access all their reading material and clarify their doubts. In the absence of a central mechanism for this in Delhi University, Dr. Nanda’s blog is a pioneering step in the direction of collating online educational resources. Other than written pieces and books, there are also many useful video links embedded in the content alongside links to further reading material. The section about books related to media is a handy resource for students to get an overview of important texts. Containing blogs from 2006 to 2020, the site also acts as a useful archive of information that students can continue to refer to.

Students are the consumers and also producers of content at several places. A number of articles written by them on the topics related to journalism, are being incorporated on the blog on a regular basis. Once each article is published, the entire class contributes to improvise and improve it. In this manner, by the next day, an entirely new and supplemented document is ready. Having their work shared on the site, with by-lines gives students a feeling of pride and is a meaningful addition to their portfolio. The purpose of this enterprise is both education and documenting some of the crucial contributions made by the students. Each student’s level of involvement is based on their own enthusiasm and certain students have shown great gumption in making the most of this opportunity. Anushree Mukherjee, Himani Jindal and Riya Verma from the first year and Aastha Poddar and Shraddha Acharya from the final year have made special contribution in adding content to the blog. This blog is a classroom dedicated to the students of Journalism. For instance, Lockdown Diaries is a unique engagement exercise wherein students have written about their COVID quarantine experiences. It has given them a cathartic tool as well as a means of creative expression and a way to connect with their peers by means of shared experience. Students engage with the content through comments, wherein many have added more points and resources to the discussion.

Many students have also written personal articles about their journey in college, and enjoy the feeling of returning to the site to reminisce about days past. It helps document significant achievements and elaborates on the many discussions and events that have occurred on campus; serving as a useful compendium of the Journalism department’s endeavours for anyone to view at a glance. The site further highlights innovative pedagogy used by Dr. Nanda to immerse her students more fully in the practice of journalism. The techniques used are one of a kind and serve as an example for how journalism teaching must incorporate practical components to be effective. A few examples of this are efforts by the students to design a magazine and newspaper from scratch. Students are responsible for thinking of names for their publications, finding articles, finalizing layouts, placing appropriate articles under the correct headings and more. Through activities like these, students develop critical and creative thinking and experience journalism in a hands on manner and not just as a theoretical subject.

The site is a veritable treasure trove of information about Dr. Nanda’s significant efforts for prison reforms, through the Tinka Tinka movement she founded few years ago. The blog helps one retrieve many useful facts and glean knowledge about the same. This section include relevant documents on Tinka Tinka Tihar, Tinka Tinka Dasna and Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh- three unique milestones in the arena of prison reforms in India. Other sections include columns on journalism, Dr. Nanda’s poetry and a media glossary. Dr. Nanda’s Media Desk provides a quick and comprehensive view of her extensive work in media and her different publications. The newly introduced Corona diary about prisons is a unique initiative to document the life of prisoners during the pandemic.

Overall, this blog serves its purpose as an amalgamation of information and resources as well as a platform for students to express themselves and partake in discourse. It is an opportunity for young journalism enthusiasts to see their work preserved for posterity and to make their engagement with the course more meaningful. Educators can pay heed to this distinctive approach and utilise this method to make teaching and interaction easier for both teachers and students.

#journalism #lsr #tinkatinka #covid #vartikananda #ladyshriramcollege

Media and Prisons:Makhan Lal Chaturvedi University: Bhopal

#MCU #स्त्री_शक्ति_संवाद #online_discourse


'We should see the bad where there is needed to notice it. We should see the positive things. If we continue to see the bad, we will not be able to do good.' Media professor Dr Vartika Nanda said this in online lecture series 'Stree Shakti Samvad' today, organised by Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, Bhopal.

Dr Nanda, who is famous for her work on welfare of prisoners, has been a crime reporter in electronic media.

On her lecture on 'Jail and Media', she shared her experience of launching Tinka Tinka, a movement for jail prisoners. She said she gave up her approach what she continued to follow in media and had dialogue with prisoners without any prejudice. Life in jails is difficult and full of pressure. There are many in jails who have not committed any crime. There are many other prisoners who have committed crimes and they regret. She had sympathy with all such prisoners. But, in the jails and outside, there are many people who have committed crimes but do not regret. We should not have sympathy with them.

Dr Nanda said corona made us felt the jail life and we should not forget it. She said whoever need justice, must be helped. But we should not publicise it. Many prisoners want to share their creativity with the outside people. Some women prisoners drew pictures and penned poems.
Sharing her experiences, Dr Nanda said the life taught her that we should speak less and should be seen less if we want to take a big task. She suggested that one more 'H' - humanity, should be added with five W and one H - what we are taught in basics of journalism. As a journalist, one should maintain secrecy and follow commitments. Home work should be done before taking interview.

Jun 18, 2020

Tracing down the Truths

In the dreadful and daunting times of the lockdown due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the world is currently binging on the feelings of negativity and fear. In a world where a thousand deaths are registered every day and millions of active cases being reported every hour, mankind is witnessing one of its kind situations where normalcy has been hit hard and hope is the only sigh of relief. In such times of sickness and self-isolation, the global population has been locked down within their houses and roads are the new ‘NO ENTRY’ zone. For all age groups, the virus is highly dangerous with some portion of the fatality increasing among children and senior citizens. While the whole world is trying to keep up with the completely novel arena, the student community has been dented in some ways that are unattended to or simply avoided at the present moment. Out of all age groups, the students are the ones who, in such mentally disturbing and physically challenging times, have to keep up with their studies, their ambitions, and their daily targets to be achieved in order to not let any of the precious moment be wasted. The workforce population across the world has been another age group finding it difficult to keep up with the scarcely available jobs and most of all, be able to bear all the household expenses.

The student community coexists in both age groups, maintaining grades on one hand, and striving to earn a living by looking out for internships and part-time jobs. Yet with such uncertainty of time and future, the world cannot be a sugar-coated place for every student. Moreover, the role of the students in the situation of the pandemic is quite challenging and noteworthy.

First of all, the student community is an active, alert, and adaptive community. This reflects on the way the students conduct themselves and perceive the current affairs or the world events going on around them. The current status of negativity and rising death tolls is being conjectured by the teenagers as a disturbing future that might haunt their lifestyles for the years to come. In a free and independent environment where such individuals are used to setting their souls free in the open air and under the blue sky, the world is forcing them indoors.

The students around the globe are being strictly asked or ‘pressurized’ to not let any of the mentally draining or disturbing situations affect their studies. While this is being presented by their parents and teachers, the schools are simultaneously putting in efforts to educate them virtually that might not be possible for every single student or result in effective education, given the economic and social disparity present in the society. In addition to this, there are students who had appeared for state-level or central board examinations that might be stressful for another straight 5-6 months before they reap what they had grown! Another lot of these students are the ones who will be appearing for such exams, and will thus be required to keep up with the pressure, anxiety, hard work, and most of all positive energy.

Another remarkable role for the student community to embark upon is that of extending a helping hand at their houses and helping their parents and family members to finish off the household chores. Having said this, the students are the most highly targeted group for not performing household chores and defamed for being lethargic and adapting a laid back attitude. Perhaps the students become kids at home who have to be highly responsible and responsive to the help being asked for, without having any playtime breaks or chitchat sessions with friends living nearby. It is an unfair phenomenon for teenagers and kids to be locked down in their own homes and struggle with daily schedules.

A fourth of all challenges refer to being able to live in homes that reflect disturbed relationships, or broken family bonds. This means that a major stratum of the society consist of homes that might be dealing with broken marriages, domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assaults, mental breakdown, unhealthy lifestyles of either of the parents or simply degraded atmosphere of peace where a student cannot flourish at his/her best and is thus left to deal with problems beyond his/her control.  The coming together of all this can lead to a disturbed lifestyle, unhealthy mental state, negative ambiance to progress, or an individual that is likely to face major problems in the coming future.

The topic of distraction is being actively and loudly addressed with all neighbors, relatives, siblings, parents, friends, etc. warning the students to maintain a routine lifestyle and not indulge in any of the distractive exercises. This refers to remaining active on social media for long durations, binging on web media platforms till late nights, playing online games and consoles for large spans of time, and chatting with friends all day long. All of this can be practiced in moderation and considered to be healthy and mind-relaxing. However, an excess of such activities can lead to conflicts and disturbed concentration levels. Apart from these ordeals, the conflict of not being able to release their stress by playing, working out, exercising, or walking can affect their mental well-being. 

The ongoing crisis of contentment and happiness within these individuals is even more challenging. With uncertainty on its peak and the escalation of disheartening events occurring all over the world, the student community is the only community that is struggling to visualize the distant future with hazy eyes and blurred mindset. They are uncertain of their health, happiness, and healing of the world. The future will be owned by them, governed by them, and built by them, but does the present pandemic really set an example for them to look forward to the golden years to come or just accept the brutal truth that the world has deteriorated in its own eyes and that they have the burden of negating such evils of society. As young adults, they have the power and passion, yet they are missing out on perception.
Perception for a better, happier, and a brighter future!

Name- Soumyaa Rawat
Roll No.-920
Batch- 2019-22

Jun 16, 2020

The PGlogs: Conversations that Inspire

The world that was already healing from  natural calamities, mass casualties, and several other catastrophic events slammed upon it earlier, was recently hit by an unprecedented storm. The coronavirus is a menace in true sense, that has taken a heavy toll on millions of human lives.

The pandemic has kept us all under a lockdown leaving us confined within our homes, ironically with plenty of things to do. This period of homebound allowed me to turn the searchlight inwards and grow in so many ways. Among so many things I laid my hands on in order to manage well this predicament, I also created a YouTube channel of my own.

I started the ‘The PGlogs’ with the purpose of bringing forth the issues that have been sidelined for years now and conversing with personalities who against all odds established themselves and continue to inspire the world.

First, I interviewed High Priestess Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, who is a transgender rights activist and the first ever transgender to have represented Asia Pacific at the United Nations in 2008. She was also one of the petitioners in the landmark ruling by the Supreme Court of India announcing the abrogation of Section 377. She talked about the struggles she had to go through all her life as transgender, and how she rose above all of them and went on to conquer the world. She inspires all of us to respect our identities and love ourselves.

Then, I did a Skype conversation with renowned Bollywood Actress, Former Miss India and Fourth runner-up at the Miss Universe, 2001 and the current United Nations “Free & Equal” Campaign Ambassador, Celina Jaitly. She talked about several impediments she encountered and how she moved past them, also defeating depression and making an entry back again into the World of Cinema.

Both of them have galvanised many into raising their voices for worthy causes and inspire us to do so for as long as we can. They are an epitome of the fact ‘Women can be and do anything!!’

All along these interviews that I have conducted, I have applied the pre and post interview techniques focusing on the questioning approach as well as the analysis of information obtained, explained by our Head of the Department, Dr. Vartika Nanda Ma’am as a part of the paper ‘Reporting and Editing for Print’ offered to us, who has been guiding us both theoretically and practically by giving us different kinds of assignments. I thank her for her constant guidance and feedbacks.

With this platform, I hope to direct myself  to the ocean of knowledge and continue to bring forward #ConversationsThatInspire.

Submitted By: Palomi Gupta
B.A. (Hons.) Journalism
Batch of 2022
Lady Shri Ram College For Women

Jun 6, 2020


The students of the Department of Journalism, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, participated in the collective exercise of writing an account on the theme - ‘Utilising my Time to the Fullest During the Lockdown’. This activity strived to increase the creative engagement of students by creating a shared space where they could digitally exchange their experiences. These stories are compiled by Himani Jindal and Anushree Mukherjee.

Mr Quarantine arrived in our lives without any invitation and is teaching us important lessons. I initially complained about being within the confines of my home… but eventually I found solutions for the problems I faced. I completed two virtual internships - in content writing and human resources management - which improved my time management skills and boosted my self-confidence. I have enhanced my skill as a researcher with the assignments given by my professor on various topics including the role of a sub-editor and cartoons in print media.
Somewhere in this journey, I learnt to balance procrastination and stress. The best part of being at home is that I got a lot of quality time to spend with my family. All I can recapitulate is: “Life is balancing between what you hate in your life and what you can’t live without”.

Surbhi Gupta
Department of Journalism
Batch of 2022

I cannot recall the last time I had this much free time without homework. I began keeping a log of the books I read recreationally on Goodreads, which is something I used to do in school but could not keep up with at university.
The most recent one I read was 'Normal People’ by Sally Rooney - set in Ireland, it follows two people who come from very different socio-economic backgrounds and form a friendship as they enter University and their worlds change with time. Additionally, I started learning Norwegian on Duo-lingo, which is an app that combines language-learning with fun quizzes. As for what else I want to do - I might try my hand at coding, it has never worked out well for me but I'm curious to begin again.

Mamta Kumari (CIC)

During this lockdown period, I’ve tried to keep myself busy and explore different things. I took up the activities that I left some time back to kill boredom and simultaneously be productive.
I took part in some online conferences and debate competitions. I wrote an article for a Journal and some pieces for the college societies’ magazines. I completed an online workshop on Journalism.
I’ve started exercising and meditating daily. I love watching TED talk videos which help me in keeping my optimism alive. I also try cooking on certain days as I enjoy doing so.

Sonal Agarwal
Department of Journalism
Batch of 2022

The first of its kind, the COVID-19 global pandemic has brought forth the wrath of the coronavirus and the consequences of its widespread. The global village has been locked down within its own overseas doorways.
Yet this lockdown has put forward the opportunity for all to break-free the monotonous lives. With the lockdown being observed all over the world, I have involved myself in some household chores and experimenting with different things. I have been in constant search for knowledge and learning. Yet, I never fail to play with my dogs. As I have been blessed with a privileged socio-economic space, I have tried my best to use it by constantly looking out for my fellow citizens who are deprived of basic essentials. Lastly, I have been observing the healing of our environment. After all, it is the goodness that will pull us out of the hardships.

Soumyaa Rawat
Department of Journalism

I took this period of lockdown as an opportunity instead of taking it as a challenge. During these days, I got a chance to closely observe and enjoy nature. I started learning how to bake. I worked over my reading and writing skills. I joined hands with an NGO to help those who were in need and have been hit hardest due to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19. A small part of me is thankful for the time I got to spend with my family. Sitting in the living room watching epic stories - Ramayana and Mahabharata, and listening to my parent’s childhood stories have become special memories. These were some beautiful moments that I managed to experience amidst the ongoing miserable situation of our world...

Somya Jain
Department of Journalism
Batch of 2022

The lockdown has been a mixed experience for me. I started to do everything I couldn’t find time for before. The most productive part of my day is working out and cooking my post workout meal. Earlier, I didn’t even enter the kitchen but now I can cook for myself. I spent my quarantine days rewatching all my favourite movies and focusing on personal growth. On days when I am anxious because of the whole situation, I calm myself by practicing meditation. Lockdown has taught me that our life, mind, heart and soul is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm everything becomes clear.
-Harshita Solanki
Department of Journalism
Batch of 2022

Being in Delhi as an outstation student, I really missed all those days where I've been with my family. So this lockdown brought us together. Being in my home and spending whole day with them never bored me. And the best part is that I learned cooking during this period. Also I've started doing yoga regularly. I read four novels which earlier took me even months to read a single novel. With many people struggling across the world, I'm grateful for the life I have and that it helped me better myself.
 Parvathy R
Department of Journalism
Batch of 2022

 The lockdown made me realise the interconnectedness of everything around me and allowed me to turn the searchlight inwards.
 I interned with the a Magazine based in New York, United States in the month of April. From the very first day of my internship, I learnt several work values, especially discipline, and worked on bettering my writing skills each day.
Due to my constant pursuit of growth, they have designated me the position of ‘Opinion Columnist.’
 I also started a blogging and vlogging website of my own and YouTube Channel alongside, where I aim to get on-board people who are an inspiration to the youth of the country for an interview, the first of which is going to happen with transgender rights activist Laxmi Narayan Tripathi.
 Palomi Gupta
Department of Journalism, LSR
Batch of 2022

During the lockdown I having been spending my time doing a lot of things and activities I used to enjoy immensely in the past. As a child I was extremely fond of gardening so I have been spending a lot of time in my garden and I have turned into an avid Gardener. I have been looking after the plants and trees in my garden and have also planted a variety of new plants which includes difficult kinds of flowers and vegetables. Besides gardening I have also been keeping myself very busy by reading a lot of E-books and even writing. I have been taking online workshops and classes on the topics and areas of interest.During this lockdown I have made a genuine effort to reconnect with all my friends from school with whom I had not been in touch. Altogether, I have been trying to learn new things and skills during this lockdown but I have also been doing the little things that bring joy and happiness to me like playing online games.
- Shivangi Chopra
 Department of Journalism
  Batch 2022

Lockdown of a whole country can be especially be stressing, and it can affect our mental, physical and emotional health. I consider myself a sedentary person, but after two weeks of being locked in my home I found myself having several nervous breakdowns.
In order to keep myself occupied, I enlisted myself to various things. I stated taking online courses on photography and various free Harvard University courses. I took some time and started baking and helping my mother in maintaining our rooftop garden. I have ample time researching for internships and Graduate scholarships.
I am thankful for a home, for my friends and my parents at this testing time and I hope things get back to normal as soon as possible.

Agrima Gulati
Journalism department
Batch of 2022

Jun 5, 2020

अपराध, जेल और सच । World Environment Day | Sahitya Aaj Tak

कोरोना और जेल डायरी | | | सरोकार: केरल की हथिनी के नाम 

इंसान पर यकीन की कीमत उसकी अपनी जान थी

और उसकी भी जो इंसानों से अनजान थी

आप कहते हैं अपराधी की जगह जेल होती है

लेकिन कई बार खुद जेल भी शर्मसार होती है

जेल की अपनी सीमा है/ अपराध की भी कोई सरहद होती होगी

जेल की सींखचें इन हदों के पार होने पर कसमकसाती हैं

दुखों को सोखने की बर्दाश्त अब पार हो गई है

आप जेल को जेल ही रहने दें

ऐसे अपराधों के लिए किसी नई सजा को खोजिएकुछ नई धाराएं

क्योंकि इन अपराधियों ने कहां पहली बार अपराध किया होगा

किस्तों में हो रहे अपराध छोटी-छोटी परछाईं बने होंगे

और फिर मन का शैतान बड़ा हुआ होगा

कोरोना और काल जिन्हें सबक दे सका हो

जेलें भी उन्हें क्या समझा सकेंगीक्या सुधार सकेंगी

जेलें हार गईं हैं

इंतजार कीजिए। अपमान और धोखा लौट कर जरूर आता है


जहांकानूननियम और जेलें अशक्त होती हैं

वहां एक शक्ति होती है जो सबसे सशक्त होती है।

-         वर्तिका नन्दा

Manu Sharma, Jessica Lal Case and the Days of Television Reporting

साल 1999। मनु शर्मा मामले की रिपोर्टिंग। एनडीटीवी में अपराध बीट के प्रमुख से लेकर अपराध पर पीएचडी, टीवी और अपराध पर किताबें और अब जेल के तिनके। अपराध को समझने में करीब 24 साल का सफर!

हौजखास थाने से लेकर पुलिस हेडक्वार्टर और बाद में कोर्ट की तक- मनु की रिपोर्टिंग का वह साल सीख से भरपूर था। मुझे याद है जब मनु को थाने में लाया गया था। हम सभी घंटों थाने में खड़े रहे। देर शाम तौलिए से उसे मुंह को ढक कर जब गाड़ी थाने पहुंची थी तो खबरों की आपाधापी का आलम अलग था। खबरों के चेहरे कैसे बदलते गए थे। तब रिपोर्टिंग का रोमांच, चुनौती और उसका प्रभाव अलग था।

मनु शर्मा जैसे कई मामले बार-बार यह याद दिलाते हैं कि सभी अपराध एकाएक नहीं होते। अचानक होने वाले अपराधों की तुलना में उन अपराधों की चर्चा कम होती है जिन्हें अपराधी धीरे-धीरे अपने अंदर पालता है। जिन परिवारों में आपराधिक प्रवृत्ति के बच्चे होते हैं, परिवारों को उनका पूरा इल्म होता है लेकिन वे उसे ढकते हैं या नजरंदाज करते हैं। आने वाले समय में बड़े अपराध को करने वाला शख्स बार-बार अपराध करने की अपनी प्रव़त्ति को जाहिर करता है। यकीन न हो, तो अपने आस-पास देखिए। सोचिए।

वह ऐतिहासिक था। इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीडिया में पहली बार तब किसी महिला पत्रकार को एक बड़े चैनल नें अपराध बीट का प्रमुख बनाया था। फिर अपराध के कितने ही नए रंगों को समझती गई। आज जब इस पोस्ट को लिख रही हूं, तो भी अपराध की एक नई परिभाषा के काम पर जुटी हूं। अपराध और अपराधी को समझने की कोशिश में जिंदगी की समझ बहुत बदली है।
अपराध और अपरधियों पर बात- किसी और दिन। तिनके वो बात लिख रहे हैं।
सोच रही हूं कि जेसिका लाल का परिवार आज क्या सोच रहा होगा।।।

लंबी कहानी है।।।