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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Jul 31, 2022

देश की सबसे पुरानी जेल इमारत और सराखों से झरतीं तिनका तिनका रेडियो की आवाजें

 31 जुलाई, 2022

तारीख 31 जुलाई, साल  2013, जगह तिहाड़। उस दिन भारत के पहले जेल रेडियो का जन्म हो रहा था और मैं तिहाड़ जेल में खड़ी उसकी साक्षी थी। यही वह समय था जब तिनका तिनका तिहाड़ अपना अंतिम रूप ले रहा था। अब तारीख बदली हैं 31 जुलाई 2021, ठीक 6 साल बाद तिनका तिनका खुद एक जेल रेडियो को जन्म देता है, जगह  ज़िला जेल आगरा। यह जेल भारत की सबसे पुरानी जेल इमारतों में से एक है। जिस दौरान उत्तर प्रदेश की जेलों पर मैं एक शोध कर रही थी,तब (बारीकी से देखने पर ) यह पता चला कि हर जेल की एक अलग अपनी ज़रूरत है। और जेल रेडियो उसमें एक बड़ी कमी को पूरी कर सकता है।

यह सोचा कि काम कुछ कागज़ों पे सीमित न हो, इसलिए ज़रूरी है कि तिनका तिनका ठोस काम की कड़ियों को जोड़ता जाए और यही वजह है कि ज़िला जेल, आगरा में बनाया गया - आगरा जेल रेडियो। मार्च 2019 में इसका खाका तैयार किया गया। 2 रेडियो जॉकी सामने आए एक पुरुष और एक महिला, नाम उदय और तुहिना।  दोनों विचाराधीन, उदय पुरुषों का नेतृत्व करता था और तुहिना महिला बैरक का।

आज से ठीक 3 साल पहले इस समय जेल में भरपूर हलचल थी। एक छोटा सा कमरा जिसे सतीश और अरबाज़ ने सजाया था। सतीश ने बताया था कि अभी कुछ दिन पहले उसने आत्महत्या करने की कोशिश की थी लेकिन उसे जब जेल के कमरे को सजाने का काम दिया गया तो उसकी आँखों की चमक देखने लायक थी। जेल के इस कमरे में मामूली सुविधाएं थीं, एक छोटा सा स्टूल था, एक छोटा सा टेबल, एक माइक्रोफोन, पीछे एक बड़ा सा सूरज, जो तिनका तिनका की पहचान है। भरे हुए रंग, छोटा सा कमरा अचानक उमीदों से भरा हुआ दिखने लगा।

जेल रेडियो का यह कमरा जेल के मुख्या द्वार के एकदम पास है। एक ऐसी जगह जो महिला और पुरुष, दोनों जेलों के बीच की जगह थी। उस दिन जेल के रेडियो के उद्घाटन को देखने के ख़ास तौर पर जेल के बच्चों को बुलाया गया था। उस दिन ठुमकते ठुमकते थोड़ा-सा चलकर बाहर आये तो उन्हें एक अलग सी दुनिया दिखाई दी। जहाँ पर बहुत सारे पुरुष थे, वर्दी पहने हुए बहुत सारे लोग और अचरज यह कि इतने सारे गुब्बारे, इतने सारे रंग। इन बच्चों ने पहली बार गुब्बारों को देखा था। पहली बार इतने रंगों को देखा। पहली बार इतने झालरों को देखा। माइक्रोफोन को देखा, इतनी खुशियों को देखा। वे तो ठिठक गए, उस दिन उन्होंने बहुत सी मिठाइयां भी खाईं। इस तरह शुरू हुआ जेल का रेडियो।

जेल रेडियो का उद्घाटन आगरा के एसएसपी श्री बबलू कुमार SSP Agra, जिला जेल, आगरा के जेल सुपरिंटेंडेंट श्री शशिकांत मिश्रा और मैंने किया। सबसे पहले उदय और तुहिना को सारी जेल से इंट्रोड्यूस किया गया। और उसके बाद शुरू हो गया जेल का रेडियो सबसे खास बात यह थी कि इस जेल के रेडियो पर जेल के बच्चों ने अपनी कविताएं सुनाई

इस तरह आगरा जेल रेडियो चलने लगा, कुछ दिनों बाद, जब एक और विजिट पर गई तो मैंने देखा कि इस बार उत्साह के साथ सामने आया रजतऔर अ सल में कहूं तो यही रजत बाद में जेल रेडियो की भाग-दौड़ को सँभालने लगा। चुपचाप सा दिखने वाला रजत, जेल रेडियो के लिए पूरी तरह से समर्पित था।

मार्च 2020 में कोरोना आया तो फिर शुरुआत में ही जेल के अधीक्षक श्री शशिकांत मिश्रा औ रमैंने कुछ घोषणाएं कीं। और फिर कोरोना के समय बंदियों को सतर्क करने में जेल का रेडियो एक बड़े साधन के तौर पर जुट गया। जेल रेडियो का पूरा संचालन तिनका तिनका मॉडल ऑफ प्रिजन रिफॉर्म्स के तहत किया गया। इसी मॉडल को हम लगातार संशोधित करते रहे और 2021 में हरियाणा की 7 जेलों में रेडियो आ गया।

वैसे यह भी बता दूँ कि ज़िला जेल आगरा में इस रेडियो के आने क बाद इसी साल 2019 में तिनका तिनका इंडिया अवॉर्ड्स के लिए, उदय और तुहिना को विशेष तौर पर ज़िला जेल, लखनऊ में आमंत्रित किया गया। इन् दोनों को पुरस्कार दिया उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस महानिदेशक श्री आनंद कुमार और पूर्व पुलिस महानिदेशक श्री सुलखन सिंह ने।

बहरहाल आगरा जेल रेडियो अपनी कोशिशों के साथ जारी है। बहुत सी जेलों में जेल रेडियो शुरू हुआ कर फिर बंद भी हो गया, या फिर कुछ में नाम के लिए शुरू हुआ। लेकिन तिनका यह कोशिश करता है कि जब रेडियो शुरू हो तो एक ख़ास मॉडल के साथ हो। पूरी तैयारी के साथ हो और वह निरंतर चलता रहे। लेकिन एक सच यह भी है कि जेल के रेडियो का ईंधन, उसकी ऊर्जा, उसकी इच्छाशक्ति, बंदियों और जेल के स्टाफ से ही आती है। कई बार जेल स्टाफ को यह समझाना जरा मुश्किल होता है कि आवाज़ों की दुनिया सलाखों में रंग भरने का काम कर सकती है और अगर इन रंगों से खुशियां आती हों तो उसका स्वागत करने में हर्ज़ ही क्या है।


( डॉ. वर्तिका नन्दा जेल सुधारक हैं। वे देश की 1382 जेलों की अमानवीय स्थिति के संबंध में सुप्रीम कोर्ट में दायर याचिका की सुनवाई का हिस्सा बनीं। जेलों पर एक अनूठी श्रृंखला- तिनका तिनका- की संस्थापक। दो बार लिम्का बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्स में शामिल। 2019 में आगरा की जिला जेल और 2021 में हरियाणा की जेलों में रेडियो की शुरुआत कीतिनका तिनका तिहाड़, तिनका तिनका डासना और तिनका तिनका मध्य प्रदेश - जेलों पर उनकी चर्चित किताबें। हाल में 2020 में आईसीएसएसआर की इंप्रैस स्कीम, मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय के लिए भारतीय जेलों में संचार की जरुरतों पर एक कार्योन्मुखी शोध पूरा किया जिसे उत्कृष्ट मानते हुए प्रकाशन के लिए प्रस्तावित किया गया है।)

Jul 27, 2022

Delhi Police: Podcasts: Kissa Khaki Ka: Episode 30

  Promo of Episode 30:

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/7Fr0UZPu3qc

Thirtieth Episode of Kissa Khaki Ka: Released on 24 July 2022:

Jul 26, 2022

Class Report

Tuesday, 26th July, 2022

Advanced Broadcast Media

The third year students kick-started their fifth semester with an interactive double lecture with Dr Vartika Nanda. The class participated in an interesting brainstorming session where they decided on how to go about the syllabus and listed their skills and interests that they wish to polish in the coming months. 

The class divided the first unit and took up individual topics for research. They were given time to work on their topics and prepare documents with in depth research. They were asked to share the final document with Dr Nanda and then share their findings with their classmates in the coming classes. The following is the list of topics –

  1. Participatory Communication: Puja and Jhanvi Negi
  2. Community Radio: Kriti and Ritika Behera
  3. Campus Radio: Yashna
  4. Global Overview of PSB and PSB Model in India: Priyanshi and Tanya
  5. Community Video: Astha and Anushka
  6. Comedy in Indian TV: Anjita and Jahanvi Aggarwal
  7. Why is Communication Important: Pranjali

Report by
Jhanvi Negi and M Muskan Devi
CRs - Batch of 2023


Jul 24, 2022

Storytelling as a Tool of Communication

SPM College & TLC Ramanujan College: Resource Person of Two Week (22 July -5 August 2022) FDP Program

Time & Date: 11:30 AM, July 24, 2022

Topic: Storytelling as a Tool of Communication

Jul 22, 2022

Difference Between Articles and Features

Disclaimer: The content in this document has been taken from various sources from the internet by the students. This was a part of their assignment during the class.

There are several important differences between feature articles and traditional news articles. A journalist should know how to always approach different events with a different writing approach. This skill requires a basic understanding of the technicalities that separate these writing styles. The variables that play a decisive role in this are timing, relevance and readership preferences. In this article, we will be discussing their definitions and distinctions. 

An article is brief write up those reports on a current event, which as per the media standards is of contemporary importance. It could be about local news, business event, a current public concern, a road accident or some mishap and so on. It is usually filed in by a reporter or correspondent working with the media house.

The feature, on the other hand is a more elaborate report, that besides having a core story, also calls for a fair amount of detailed reporting. By virtue of that features are longish in nature compared to an article. To illustrate, if there is lot of illegal sand mining in a region, it would call for a lot of investigation, and details. Similarly, it can be a topic from any genre. Features are usually filed in by more experienced journalists.

Here are the critical differences between a feature story and a news article-

1.     Timing-
The major difference between a news article and a feature story is that a news article is time-sensitive and of immediate interest. The election results, an accident, a robbery report, a product launch, a court verdict, a medical report release, a set of basketball game scores are examples of a news article. Media outlets want to publish news stories as quickly as possible after an event occurs. Feature stories, however, are not as time-dependent and contain no urgent content. You can write one anytime after an event occurs. Its content is often evergreen or at least lasting.

2.    Style-
The writing styles of a news story and a feature are different. In a news story, the emphasis is on content rather than form. News articles go straight to the point, using simple and effective words to deliver the facts quickly. Feature stories are often more wordy and they have a creative structure. News articles answer who, what, when, where, why and how. This means that the article answers the question: What happened, when the event occurred, where the event happened, why the event happened, how the event occurred, and who was involved. A feature article is a human interest story about a person, event, or place. Rather than simply summarizing the subject, a feature article highlights one aspect or significance of the story. Its less formal style may take an odd twist or heartwarming angle. The feature article focuses on particular people, places, and events.

3.    Beginning and ending-

A news article and a feature story have different types of beginnings and endings. News articles tell what the news is upfront and then give the most important details in the first paragraph or two. The beginning  or lead  of a feature story, on the other hand, doesnt give the news straightaway. Instead, it hooks readers and keeps them reading until the end. A news article can end anywhere after youve described the most important facts, whereas a feature story ends with readers feeling satisfied that they gained some value from reading the story.

4.    Language-

Feature articles can be about anything. They can have a narrower target audience than newspaper articles. Feature articles are often emotive and subjective. They can entertain and persuade as well as inform. They can go beyond the information provided by newspaper articles and take on a particular side. Feature articles don't go out of date as quickly as most newspaper articles. Newspaper articles serve the purpose of informing the audience of a particular event or issue. Yes, the language is often formal, simple and factual.

5.    Content-

A newspaper article is where you discuss about what happened and what people said and then you add a conclusion, while a feature article has a cover story and then follows on in the magazine. It has quotes and endures picture and a big heading, so get artistic and make it flashy and noticeable. A news reporter lays out the facts of what happened and sometimes includes reactions from affected parties.
The feature writer is more forensic in nature. They probe deeper, spending more time on the 'how' and 'why' of what happened. If they fail to go beyond the facts reported in news (and sometimes this is very difficult) they probably haven't succeeded and probably won't be published.

6.    Length-
News articles are short, averaging 100-400 words depending upon the type of news and where it is placed in the publication. They are meant to be digested quickly. Feature stories are longer and dig more deeply into the topic. Length varies for each publication, but a typical feature word count runs between 1,000  2,000 words. 

7.    Structure-
A news story is structured in the inverted pyramid format with key facts at the beginning of the article. This way the reader can get basic information in the first sentence or two. A feature story allows the subject matter to determine its format, whether in a standard outline form (such as a list, sequence, or comparison) or one of the other main story formats. As for subject matter, features cover endless topics from profiles to narratives, interviews, essays, exposes, how-to's, columns, and reviews.


Example of an article - Legal action likely for dumping garbage in waterways

Example of a feature https://scroll.in/article/815140/why-sand-mining-in-tamil-nadu-is-unstoppable-even-though-its-destructive

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m42-o34TlNY  A video explaining the topic.

1. http://www.nonprofitcopywriter.com/article-writing-tips.html
2. https://www.axiapr.com/blog/3-crucial-differences-between-a-news-story-and-a-feature-story-that-will-make-you-a-better-writer

3. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-feature-and-an-article-in-journalism

Compiled and Edited by:
Anushree Mukherjee
Batch of 2022
B.A. (Hons.) Journalism
Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi

Samridhi Chugh: Coordinator: Media Research Cell 2021-2022

A Rite of Passage: From Navigating Uncharted Territories to the Discovery of Self

When 18-year old Samridhi, fresh out of school, first entered the gates of Lady Shri Ram College for Women (LSR) on July 22, 2019, she was excited and hopeful. Having grown up learning the many ways in which college transforms an individual for the better, it was this hope that fuelled her three-year long journey of opportunities, learning and success. A passionate writer, Samridhi will always remember college for the way it broadened her perspective, polished her abilities, and optimised her potential during the most formative years of her life. 
In her first year, she dabbled with different societies, etc., at the college level, including the MUN Society, Expressions – the creative writing society, Global Youth India, among others. These were just a few vignettes of LSR that revealed before Samridhi many unexplored vistas.

Samridhi is an empath who believes in serving the community. During her years in college, she spent her evenings at a local NGO, Aarohan, deep within the colonies of Malviya Nagar, teaching and interacting with economically underprivileged children. 

College for her was always a field of exploration and self-discovery. In her second semester, she participated in LSR-MUN 2020, winning her first ever High Commendation award at the inter-college level. This acclaim proved to be a turning point in her life, motivating her deeply. 

During the pandemic, her virtual interactions with her mentors helped her delve deep into a wide range of subjects, including law, policy and politics. She would spend endless hours studying her evolving areas of interest and soon received her first internship opportunities in writing and research. 

She fondly remembers the role of her professors in encouraging her to take initiative and cross the horizon. Constant motivation in classes and beyond helped transform her pandemic-struck undergraduate years into a productive enterprise.
Samridhi recalls a presentation on the topic ‘Visual Perspective’ that she had prepared in Broadcast Media, a paper taken by Dr. Vartika Nanda in her second year. Her efforts on the same yielded an extremely positive feedback which pushed her to try her hand at different avenues within the broad journalistic field, even when they cut across her usual areas of interest. She found this interactive learning process both enthralling and enriching. 

By the end of the second year, Samridhi was chosen the Editor-in-Chief (Content) of the department’s annual publication, ‘CounterTalk’, which provided her rigorous insight into the world of print publication. She mentored 30+ students realising the vision of the theme, ‘The Digital War on Information’, through her editorial and visual proficiency. She also hosted a workshop conducted by one of her seniors for all three years of the department, facilitating the final release of CounterTalk-2021.

In her final year, Samridhi, along with her classmates, conducted a survey under the guidance of Dr. Nanda, analysing the role of media in the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Later, as the co-head of the maiden season of the ‘Media Research Cell’ (MRC), established by Dr. Nanda in July 2021, she oversaw the publication of three newsletters prepared by the team collectively. MRC helped her interact with the many talented students of the department. Over more than one year of its active functioning, MRC has helped both the coordinators and the hard-working team-members gain hands-on experience at blogging and research, content writing an editing, video production, graphic designing, social media marketing, etc. The Cell transformed Samridhi into a leader, a manager, and an individual with foresight. She describes her time with MRC as one of her best experiences in college. She also co-delivered an intensive but engaging lecture on ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ to the students of the department. 

The reopening of DU in February 2022, when she was in her final semester, helped anchor more profound student-teacher interaction and collaborative learning. Back physically in college, Samridhi found the assignments, both inside and outside the classroom eye-opening, not just academically but also in the more professional and practical sense. As a part of one of her assignments in New Media, Samridhi participated in the digital campaign on cyber-safety, ‘Cyber Savdhaan’. The highly-successful campaign pushed her and the entire team to learn the many ropes of digital communication, campaign planning and execution, and drove home the ideal of engagement for a cause.

Her overall experience at the Department of Journalism, LSR, can be defined as one full of consistent growth, unique epiphanies, reflection and action. As she steps into newer echelons, Samridhi will forever be indebted to the college, her professors, and peers, for equipping and empowering her for the next set of adventures awaiting in her journey called life. 

(This article is a part of the Media Research Cell, established by Dr. Vartika Nanda in 2021.)

Written By:-
Manisha Kumari

Jul 21, 2022

Delhi Police: Podcasts: Kissa Khaki Ka: Episode 29

   Promo of Episode 29:

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/7XC0Cb14cD0

Twenty-ninth Episode of Kissa Khaki Ka: Released on 17 July 2022:

Jul 13, 2022

Delhi Police: Podcasts: Kissa Khaki Ka: Episode 28

  Promo of Episode 28:

Twenty-eighth Episode of Kissa Khaki Ka: Released on 10 July 2022:

Jul 7, 2022

Delhi Police: Podcasts: Kissa Khaki Ka: Episode 27

 Promo of Episode 27:

Twenty-seventh Episode of Kissa Khaki Ka: Released on 3 July 2022:

Delhi Police: Podcasts: Kissa Khaki Ka: Episode 26

 Promo of Episode 26:

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/j6kaD7AnciI

Twenty-sixth Episode of Kissa Khaki Ka: Released on 26 June 2022:

Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWo5JwI5kC8

Vartika Nanda represents India: First International Prison Radio Conference in Oslo, Norway

"Namaste! This is Vartika Nanda, attempting to create rainbows in prisons.” With these words, India's leading prison reformer and media educator commenced her talk at the first International Prison Radio Conference in Oslo, Norway, on June 15, 2022, representing India. The conference, organised by the Prison Radio Association in collaboration with the Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Services, was a historic event bringing together participants from over 20 countries. It was aimed at facilitating global knowledge and experience-sharing on the potential of jail radio in humanizing prisons and rehabilitating inmates. 

Dr. Nanda also gave a comprehensive view of her acclaimed 'Tinka Model of Prison Reforms' that utilizes the power of media and creativity for  integrating jail inmates with the mainstream. She respectfully mentioned the support that she has received from government authorities in her efforts. 

Her 30-minute exhaustive presentation included an overview of prison radio in India and details of prison radio initiatives implemented by her non-profit organisation, Tinka Tinka Foundation, in District Jails of Agra and Dehradun as well as 8 jails of Haryana.  More than 100  inmates have been trained as RJs under the aegis of Dr. Vartika Nanda, founder of Tinka Tinka Foundation. Nearly a dozen songs have been released during the course of prison radio training and its implementation.

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/J--YwSVV9Cg

2006: Blog for Students of Journalism:: Vartika Nanda : Media Education

3 July, 2022

Students from the Department of Journalism, LSR express their thoughts on Dr. Vartika Nanda’s blog. https://vartikananda.blogspot.com/ Started on 10th August, 2006, this blog has helped students immensely in terms of academics, leaning and sharing of knowledge pertaining to journalism. Syllabus, weekly reports, newsletters, college activities and much more is available in this blog for both students ad media practitioners to learn from. 

Students are encouraged to contribute to the blog on a regular basis to polish their writing skills and add to their knowledge. This blog offered a powerful platform to students, especially during Covid-19, to arrange their notes and enhance their understanding on varied topics. This blog is seen as a reservoir of media academics and is used widely by students of journalism from different academic institutions. 

This blog has also earned respect for documenting the best practices of the Department of Journalism, Lady Shri Ram College. The blog also presents a glimpse into the continuous efforts of Tinka Tinka Foundation, founded by Dr. Vartika Nanda. This video is shot by Abhishri Agarwal and Gayathri Gadegos, and edited by Abhishri Agarwal.

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/fYjT3JQtk7s