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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Sep 9, 2022

Weekly Class Report: Advanced Broadcast Media

29th August – 2nd September, 2022

Advanced Broadcast Media 

The last week of August covered the topic of ‘Public Service Broadcasting’ for the paper ‘Advanced Broadcast Media’. The presentation for the same was made by and presented in class by Tanya Pratap and Priyanshi Bhardwaj. The presentation covered several aspects of PSB, like – characteristics of PSB, PSB models in different countries, elements of PSB etc. These subtopics gave the students an insight into the working of public service broadcasters and highlighted the facts that make this model unique. 

Additionally, Dr Nanda encouraged the students to read about PSB models in countries like Canada, Japan and France and pen down their findings as a part of their written assignment. She also asked the students to read about the history and functioning of the BBC and then go through some research papers on the same to understand the PSB model in Britain. The lecture ended with Dr Nanda briefing the students about their impending assignments for the semester and then giving them time to work on the research work given in class.

Report by
Jhanvi Negi
CR - Batch of 2023

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