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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Sep 16, 2022

Weekly Class Report: Advanced Broadcast Media

 12th – 16th September 2022

Advanced Broadcast Media 

The third week of September covered two topics – ‘Community Video’ and ‘Participatory Communication’. Community video was presented in class by Astha Modi and Anushka Sree. The presentation covered various aspects of community radio, like – different types of community media, community video in India and various community video initiatives in India. It further covered initiatives like Video SEWA, DRISHTI, Video Volunteers and IndiaUnheard in detail. 

The next presentation was on the topic ‘Participatory Communication’ and was presented in class by Jhanvi Negi and Puja Bhuyan. The presentation acquainted the class with the concept of participatory communication and explained the nature and characteristics of the same. It further explained the concept in reference to the two major approaches of participatory communication – Freire’s Dialogic Pedagogy and Access, Participation and Self-Management in UNESCO Discourse. In addition to the content shared in the presentation, Dr Nanda gave her inputs regarding the topic to make it easier to understand and relevant to the syllabus.

Apart from the presentations, Dr Nanda collected the internal assignments for the fifth semester from the students. She also discussed setting up a small library outside the media lab that would function purely on the basis of donation of books, newspapers, magazines etc by the students. The idea behind the initiative is to inculcate the habit of reading among students and utilize vacant spaces in the department in a creative manner. The students enthusiastically volunteered to be a part of the initiative and started brainstorming ideas to make the initiative more unique and creative. 

Report by
Jhanvi Negi
CR - Batch of 2023


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