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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Nov 24, 2023

2023: 26 November: Vartika Nanda is conferred the first Raj Kumar Keswani Award in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

First Rajkumar Keswani Award to Dr. Vartika Nanda: Ceremony held in Bhopal on 26th November

Moving tributes were paid to the distinguished journalist Raj Kumar Keswani, in a special programme organised on his 73rd birth anniversary to commemorate his impactful investigative journalism, especially on Bhopal gas tragedy, and exceptional writing. The inaugural Rajkumar Keswani Award was presented to Dr. Vartika Nanda for her extraordinary contribution to prison reforms. The award, which includes a cash prize of one lakh rupees, a citation, and a memento, acknowledges Nanda's persistent endeavours in fulfilling communication needs of prison inmates in India through Tinka Tinka Foundation. She has 

The ceremony took place at the Madhavrao Sapre Newspaper Museum in Bhopal, where prominent lyricist Irshad Kamil and film writer Rumi Jaffrey were in attendance. Theatre artist and actor Rajiv Verma presided over the programme. Reflecting on Keswani's immense contribution, Museum founder Dr. Vijay Dutt Sridhar noted that Keswani was perhaps the sole voice who repeatedly pointed out the dangers of the safety lapses in the Union Carbide Plant, long before the Bhopal gas tragedy  actually struck in 1984. Keswani, an influential figure in both print and television media, succumbed to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. His widely admired 'Aapas Ki Baat' column attested to his unique style of film writing, garnering huge  readership.

राजकुमार केसवानी की स्मृति में उनके नाम पर पहला सम्मान पत्रकार डॉ. वर्तिका नन्दा को 

2023: 26 नवंबर। मध्य प्रदेश की राजधानी भोपाल में रविवार, 26 नवंबर को विख्यात पत्रकार स्वर्गीय राजकुमार केसवानी की स्मृति में उनके नाम पर पहला सम्मान पत्रकार डॉ. वर्तिका नन्दा को दिया गया. माधवराव सप्रे समाचार-पत्र संग्रहालय में आयोजित इस समारोह में डॉ. नंदा को सम्मान स्वरूप एक लाख रुपये की राशि, शॉल-श्रीफल दिया गया. 

कार्यक्रम में गीतकार और लेखक इरशाद कामिल, अभिनेता राजीव वर्मा और फिल्म राइटर रूमी जाफरी विशेष रूप से उपस्थित थे. इनके अलावा, पद्मश्री विजय दत्त श्रीधर, राजेश बादल, अशोक मनवानी सहित पत्रकारिता जगत की अन्य हस्तियां और स्वर्गीय केसवानी के बेटे रौनक केसवानी व अन्य परिजन कार्यक्रम में मोजूद रहे.

YouTube: First Raj Kumar Keswani Award to Vartika Nanda in Bhopal। 2023। राजकुमार केसवानी। वर्तिका नन्दा - YouTube

भोपाल में राजकुमार केसवानी की जयंती पर अलंकरण समारोह हुआ आयोजित |DD NEWS MP| #jansampark - YouTube

Link to website: Awards – Vartika Nanda

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