Date: 19-20 February, 2025
Bahubhashi TV Script
This assignment is submitted by Nidhi Rajput, Batch of 2027-28
Voice-over (clips and videos of the event performances and decorations)
Reporter ABC
Video byte - a student on the Kashmir stall
Video byte-
Research and Development Team Head, Student Union
PTC (Piece to camera)
Video Byte-
Coordinator, SC- ST Cell
Bahubhashi, the annual cultural event of Lady Shri Ram College was conducted by the student union on 13th February from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Reporter ABC would take us through the event.
This year, Bahubhasi’s theme was “Satrangi Sangam” which took place in the amphitheater, where students accumulated in large numbers enjoying the event.
Students across different years and departments came together and represented different states and cultures and celebrated through dance performances, plays, songs, etc Various stalls were put in Exhibition Halls 1 and 2, which represented different states such as Kashmir, Bihar, Rajasthan, etc. The stalls were also decorated and adorned in resemblance to their state’s culture
“the stall of Kashmir was very vibrant it offered pink tea and breads, they also explained the origin the background and the traditional story behind the culture various traditional songs were being played on which the students were dancing and enjoying.”
The event was curated with pride and love by the Research and Development team, students union. The whole union was present during the event
“We each year conduct bahubhasi as a space where identities are embraced, where every voice matters, and where the beauty of our collective heritage is honored.”
It all finally came to an end by the last performance which was given by the SC-ST cell of Lady Shri Ram College on the theme “Parayi Petta Panthirukulamin” the form of a play.
“Our skit on Parayi Petta Panthirukulam was not just a performance—it was a powerful statement, and our members brought it to life with such passion and conviction. This was the first time the SC-ST Cell participated in this event, and we truly made our mark”
Overall the event turned out to be a complete success with the active participation of the students and societies.
I really appreciated you post!
Great scripting but this could also cover the highlights present during the entire bahubhashi event instead of putting entire focus on certain stalls and performances and talking about them.
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