Featured book on Jail

Pornography and Its Negative Affect on Women

Aug 30, 2009

Suggested Readings for Students (A)

1. Introduction to Communication Studies---------John Fiske
2. Mass Media Laws & Regulations--------C S Rayudu, S B Nageshwar Rao
3. Press in the Indian Constitution --------------R K Ravindran
4. Principles & Ethics of Journalism ------------Dr. Jan R Hakemuldar, Dr. Fay AC
5. Media & Development -------------------------M R Dua & V S Gupta
6. Mass Communication & Development -------Dr. Baldev Raj Gupta
7. Mass Communication In India ---------------Keval J Kumar
8. What Do We Mean By Development ---------by Nora Quebral
Article in IDR, 1973, Pg-25
9. Modern Media in Social Development---Harish Khanna
10. The Changing conceptions of Development 0by S L Sharma,
Article in National Development, Vol. 1, 1980
11. Lectures on Mass Communication ------------S Ganesh
12. Indian Broad Casting -------------------------H R Luthra
13. Television Techniques -------------------------Hoyland Beltinger
14. Advertising Made Simple ---------------------Frank Jefkins
15. Ogilvy on Advertising -------------------------David Ogilvy
16. Advertising Management ---------------------Aaker, Myers & Batra
17. Management, Prentice Hall of India ---------Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter,
18. The Indian Press – Profession to Industry --Anna Bhattacharyajee
19. Beyond Those Headlines:---M. V. Desai & Sewanti
00Insiders on the Indian Press ------
20. Economic Aspect of Indian Press ------------Ashok V. Desai

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