Featured book on Jail

Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Dec 16, 2020

Status of Children of Women Prisoners:

Delievred lecture on Status of Children of Women Prisoners: Issues and Concerns, orgnaised by NICFS from 14-16 December, 2020


Pranya Chauhan said...

The webinar was conducted from 14th to 16th December on the topic "Status of Children of Women Prisoners." Children under the age of 8 years live with their mother's in the prisons so that they live a peaceful childhood without any insecurity. Children are given free education inside the jails and they are even taught many creative art works and crafts. #tinkatinka #jailatm #jail #prison #jailreform #prisonreforminindia #jailinmates

Ananya said...

Prior to this, I had no idea that children of inmates are lodged inside prisons and Dr. Vartika Nanda educated me on the topic. I have never seen this topic being covered by media. The need for a foster care system in India is growing day by day and the 1800 children kept in jails is further proof of that. Discussion around children of inmates should not be just limited to what happens to these children but about an overhaul of the entire judicial system from just and timely deliverance of justice to the humane treatment of inmates and their rehabilitation. #tinkatinka #prisonreforms #tinkamodelofprisonreforms