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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Dec 16, 2020

Will Print Media Survive? Speaker at a national conference on the issues of media



Pahul Khurana said...

An eye opening session for young aspirants who desire to pursue their career in the field of journalism. This event was organised by Communication Today and many well known personalities were invited for the same.

Prerna Kashyap said...

Attended the session on "Will print media survive?" This session has left an everlasting effect on my mind. It was conducted by Communication Today and prominent speakers like Dr Vartika Nanda, Prof Girish Ranjan Tiwari and Sh Aditya Kant were also present.

Ananya said...

This was a well-thought session on the survival of print media. Ever since the technological revolution, things have drastically changed, even more so after the lockdown as for a few months physical copies of newspapers and magazines were not available. But at the same time traditional media houses have shown ingenuity and have adapted to changing times. Now a digital copy of everything from newspaper to magazines to books is available. Personally, I don't think it is the end of print media just yet. In the time of the internet, everything is a click away, but this also comes with the pitfall of misinformation. I think more and more people will come to rely on print media for reliable information in this time of misinformation and half-truths.