Promo of Episode 39:
Thirty-Ninth Episode of Kissa Khaki Ka: Released on 25 September 2022:
Promo of Episode 39:
Thirty-Ninth Episode of Kissa Khaki Ka: Released on 25 September 2022:
2022: Sept 26: Special story by Tipu Sultan for Headlines Live News: Story is about Vartika Nanda becoming the voice of human-interest stories of Delhi Police through the popular podcast- Kissa Khaki Ka. This exclusive podcast series, run by any police department in India, is entering its 40th episode this week.
Date: Headlines Live News: 25th September, 2022
Story: आखिर कौन है दिल्ली पुलिस की आवाज़ ? | Delhi police Anchor Vartika nanda | Crime Episode
Date: VN CHANNEL: 26th September, 2022
Story: कौन है दिल्ली पुलिस की आवाज। पहले नवरात्र पर एकाएक यह स्टोरी मिली है।
19th-24th September, 2022
Introduction to Broadcast Media
This week of September was marked by some enrapturing topics being covered in class. Bhopathi Hema, Ashmi Jain and Vaishali Priya kicked off the start of the week by delivering a presentation on Electronic News Gathering (ENG) and Electronic Field Production (EFP). Dr. Nanda elaborated on the concepts and encouraged students to find out more about the differences between the two.
'The Construction of News' was presented by Stuti Garg and Vaishali Priya. This was followed up by insights from Dr. Nanda. The class then had a discussion on what factors they think make an impact on what gets coverage. They also discussed the differences in live and recorded programmes and their structures.
The class was instructed to follow up with research on the various topics that had been covered during the week.
Disclaimer: The note/s given below is/ are a compilation of information taken from various sources. The references to the sources are provided at the end. The views expressed in the note/s are those of the concerned student/s/ intern/s. The blogger or the compiler will not be responsible in any manner whatsoever regarding the authenticity of the information provided in the note/s.
Name of the Book: Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
Author: David Epstein
Year of Publishing: 2019
“The question I set out to explore was how to capture and cultivate the power of breadth, diverse experience, and interdisciplinary exploration, within systems that increasingly demand hyper-specialization, and would have you decide what you should be before first figuring out who you are.” David Epstein examined the world's most successful athletes, artists, musicians, inventors, forecasters and scientists. He discovered that in most fields--especially those that are complex and unpredictable--generalists, not specialists, are primed to excel. Generalists often find their path late, and they juggle many interests rather than focusing on one. They're also more creative, more agile, and able to make connections their more specialized peers can't see. Epstein's basic argument is that focus on early specialization is unwarranted. Starting in the world of sports he contrasts Tiger Woods (who specialized early as a golfer) with Roger Federer (who was much later to focus on tennis) and argues that when he looks more broadly at successful people, they "seemed to have more Roger than Tiger in their development stories". He then argues that while specialization is useful for the kinds of problems in closed predictable environments like a chess game or playing music, the modern world is characterized by wicked problems which requires us to deal with a new situation where we can't rely on perfecting from known experience. As he puts it: "And that is what a rapidly changing, wicked world demands – conceptual reasoning skill that can connect new ideas and work across contexts". He then expands on this general idea to argue that range, combining knowledge and experience from multiple fields and late specialization is a better focus than early specialization.
Name of the Book: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
Author: Susan Cain
Year of Publishing: 2012
At least one-third of the people we know are introverts. They are the ones who prefer listening to speaking; who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion; who favor working on their own over working in teams. It is to introverts—Rosa Parks, Chopin, Dr. Seuss, Steve Wozniak—that we owe many of the great contributions to society. In Quiet, Susan Cain argues that we dramatically undervalue introverts and shows how much we lose in doing so. She charts the rise of the Extrovert Ideal throughout the twentieth century and explores how deeply it has come to permeate our culture. She also introduces us to successful introverts—from a witty, high-octane public speaker who recharges in solitude after his talks, to a record-breaking salesman who quietly taps into the power of questions. Passionately argued, superbly researched, and filled with indelible stories of real people, Quiet has the power to permanently change how we see introverts and, equally important, how they see themselves. Taking the reader on a journey from Dale Carnegie’s birthplace to Harvard Business School and from a Tony Robbins seminar to an evangelical megachurch, Cain charts the rise of the Extrovert Ideal in the twentieth century and explores its far-reaching effects. She talks to Asian-American students who feel alienated from the brash, backslapping atmosphere of American schools. She questions the dominant values of American business culture, where forced collaboration can stand in the way of innovation and where the leadership potential of introverts is often overlooked. And she draws on cutting-edge research in psychology and neuroscience to reveal the surprising differences between extroverts and introverts.
Promo of Episode 38:
Thirty-Eighth Episode of Kissa Khaki Ka: Released on 18 September 2022:
अतीत को समेटते हुए हुए भविष्य की खिड़की को खोलने के काम को बखूबी किया है- ब्रॉडकास्टर विजय लक्ष्मी सिन्हा की किताब – मैंने आवाज को देखा है- ने । प्रकाशन विभाग से प्रकाशित यह किताब आकाशवाणी की यात्रा को सामने रखती है जिसे आज की पीढ़ी काफी हद तक जानती तक नहीं।
1921 में शुरू हुई रेडियो की एक छोटी से यात्रा से लेकर अब तक कैसे साहित्य, समाज, संस्कृति इतिहास, राजनीति, शिक्षा सरोकार- इन सब को समेटते हुए आकाशवाणी ने जिंदगियों को छू लिया है, उसे यह किताब विस्तार से कहती है। इस किताब को 9 हिस्सों में बांटा गया है- आकाशवाणी, रेडियो समाचार, रेडियो साहित्य, संगीत, श्रव्य नाटक, महिला कार्यक्रम, बाल कार्यक्रम, क्रमीय कार्यक्रम और विविध भारतीय।
खास बात यह है कि विजयलक्ष्मी सिन्हा खुद बरसों आकाशवाणी का हिस्सा रहीं। उनके पास गहरे अनुभवों और संस्मरणों का संसार है। ।मीडिया के छात्रों के लिए यह किताब जरूरी है। प्रकाशन विभाग देश की एक सम्मानित और स्थापित प्रकाशन संस्था है लेकिन तब भी इस किताब को वह जगह नहीं मिल पाई जिसकी, वह असल में हकदार है।
1st September – 9th September, 2022
Introduction to Broadcast Media
In the first week of August, which is also the first week of Semester 3, the topic ‘ Basics of a Camera’ was started, from Unit 4, Visual Grammar. The presentation for this topic was taken up by Ishita Bhalla. Discussions in the class included comprehensive explanations, along with relevant, informative pictures. It covered the basic components of the camera and user controls.
Followed by this, Types of shots, like extreme long shots, long shots, mid shots, close shots and other shots like reverse, fast motion, etc.; Camera movements were discussed, with examples. This, too, was an elaborate discussion.
The next topic was ‘What is a Visual’ and ‘Visual Culture for Media Studies’, the presentation for the same was taken up by Nishita, explaining the Visual Culture Perspectives in a very interesting way.
Additionally, a written assignment on ‘Basics of visual’ was given, in 800 words. Pointers were provided, which were advised to include in the assignment.
The other two assignments given by Dr Vartika Nanda were the relevance of shots and the politics of the image. Moreover, students were encouraged to look for relevant practical examples, to enhance their comprehensive abilities and critical analytical skills. Students were also asked to refer to textbooks available in the college library.
2022: September 17: Insa Miliye, a special program of Gyanvani, IGNOU today broadcasted the first episode of their talk with Dr. Vartika Nanda on her journey of Tinka Tinka Prison Reforms, establishing jail radios in District Jail, Agra and Haryana and also about her books on jails, including Tinka Tinka Dasna and Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh. The Talk will be broadcasted in two episodes.
Discussant: Shri Yogesh Kanava, former senior broadcaster, All India Radio, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
12th – 16th September 2022
Advanced Broadcast Media
The third week of September covered two topics – ‘Community Video’ and ‘Participatory Communication’. Community video was presented in class by Astha Modi and Anushka Sree. The presentation covered various aspects of community radio, like – different types of community media, community video in India and various community video initiatives in India. It further covered initiatives like Video SEWA, DRISHTI, Video Volunteers and IndiaUnheard in detail.
The next presentation was on the topic ‘Participatory Communication’ and was presented in class by Jhanvi Negi and Puja Bhuyan. The presentation acquainted the class with the concept of participatory communication and explained the nature and characteristics of the same. It further explained the concept in reference to the two major approaches of participatory communication – Freire’s Dialogic Pedagogy and Access, Participation and Self-Management in UNESCO Discourse. In addition to the content shared in the presentation, Dr Nanda gave her inputs regarding the topic to make it easier to understand and relevant to the syllabus.
Apart from the presentations, Dr Nanda collected the internal assignments for the fifth semester from the students. She also discussed setting up a small library outside the media lab that would function purely on the basis of donation of books, newspapers, magazines etc by the students. The idea behind the initiative is to inculcate the habit of reading among students and utilize vacant spaces in the department in a creative manner. The students enthusiastically volunteered to be a part of the initiative and started brainstorming ideas to make the initiative more unique and creative.
September 15, 2022
IIMC: हिन्दी दिवस पर अचानक संस्थान की लाइब्रेरी में जाना हुआ तो किताबों की एक मोहक प्रदर्शनी मिली। इसमें तिनका तिनका डासना और तिनका तिनका मध्य प्रदेश प्रमुखता से सजी हुईं दिखाई दीं। मेरी लिखी मीडिया की कुछ किताबें भी। हिन्दी दिवस पर हिन्दी की अपनी किताबों को मिले इस सम्मान से अभिभूत हूं।
Promo of Episode 37:
Thirty-Seventh Episode of Kissa Khaki Ka: Released on 11 September 2022:
5th - 9th September, 2022
Advanced Broadcast Media
The second week of September continued with the previous week’s topic – Public Service Broadcasting – for the paper 'Advanced New Media’. The presentation by Tanya Pratap and Priyanshi Bhardwaj covered various aspects related to ‘All India Radio’ and ‘Doordarshan’. It focused on the model of broadcasting, mode of funding, advertising etc on the two platforms.
Dr Vartika Nanda shared her expertise regarding the same and educated the students about the functioning of the two platforms. She also discussed the various ministers from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and how this portfolio has played a crucial role in their future careers. The week ended with Dr Nanda briefing the students about their upcoming assignments that need to be submitted on the 12th of September, 2022.
29th August – 2nd September, 2022
Advanced Broadcast Media
The last week of August covered the topic of ‘Public Service Broadcasting’ for the paper ‘Advanced Broadcast Media’. The presentation for the same was made by and presented in class by Tanya Pratap and Priyanshi Bhardwaj. The presentation covered several aspects of PSB, like – characteristics of PSB, PSB models in different countries, elements of PSB etc. These subtopics gave the students an insight into the working of public service broadcasters and highlighted the facts that make this model unique.
Additionally, Dr Nanda encouraged the students to read about PSB models in countries like Canada, Japan and France and pen down their findings as a part of their written assignment. She also asked the students to read about the history and functioning of the BBC and then go through some research papers on the same to understand the PSB model in Britain. The lecture ended with Dr Nanda briefing the students about their impending assignments for the semester and then giving them time to work on the research work given in class.
शिक्षक दिवस पर साहिबा ख़ान कहानी सुना रही हैं वर्तिका नंदा की, जिन्होंने जेल के क़ैदियों की ज़िंदगी में सुधार के लिए जाना जाता है। जेल सुधारक संस्था तिनका तिनका फ़ाउंडेशन, जिसने जेल के क़ैदियों की ज़िंदगी को सुधारने में जो अभूतपूर्व काम किया है, वर्तिका नंदा उसकी फ़ाउंडर हैं। साहिबा उस संघर्ष की कहानी बयान कर रही हैं, जिससे गुज़रकर वर्तिका नंदा ने अपने अध्यापिका के फ़र्ज़ को नई ऊँचाइयाँ दी हैं।
“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.”
– Mark Van Doren
Teachers unarguably play a crucial role in shaping individuals and their identities. Far away from home, when children find themselves submerged in a pool of strangers in school, a teacher’s love and support makes them sail through the hurdles of loneliness. A teacher is a child’s first role model, someone who knows everything and can never be wrong – perhaps this is why every child dreams of becoming a teacher in their childhood. When life gets tough, we often go out to our teachers – the ones who have always given us problems to solve on paper – seeking solutions for the problems that cannot be put on paper. The job of a teacher is beyond the boundaries of academics, it goes beyond the brick walls of classrooms and extends into the past, present and future. The love, guidance and knowledge imparted by teachers is something that students carry in their hearts and minds for the rest of their lives, they indeed influence every step of our journey.
To express their gratitude to the faculty that has always been supportive and encouraging, the Department of Journalism, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, celebrated teachers’ day on the 5th of September, 2022. The event was hosted in honour of the teaching and non-teaching staff, who have always guided and motivated the students to realize their potential and achieve their dreams. The sentiment behind the event was to thank and celebrate the teachers for the efforts they put in and pains they go through to make learning easy and accessible for all. Numerous engaging activities were planned to give the teachers a chance to bond and interact with the student body and the event was managed by Ananya Sharma and Ananya Nair from the events management team.
There is a room close to the main gate. With pictures of Lata Mangeshkar, Rafi and Kishore Kumar, it takes you to the space that brings hope. Welcome to the Prison Radio in Sonipat in Haryana, which is set to be inaugurated soon.
True to the occasion, the jail radio will be operated by a team of selected inmates led by 50 year old inmate Kulmeet, who has been in the jail for the past 18 years. A teacher before coming to the jail, he now continues to teach a group of inmates behind the bars. He has joined hands with media educator and prison reformer, Dr. Vartika Nanda, to spearhead and oversee the operations of jail radio in this prison. In this manner, two teachers are spreading the light of communication and creativity through the jail radio.
Listen on YouTube: Tinka Tinka Jail Radio: Episode 40: Tinka Tinka Foundation Day and Sonipat Jail Radio (
Thirty-Sixth Episode of Kissa Khaki Ka: Released on 4 September 2022:
In the following lectures, Dr Vartika Nanda talks about Role and Scope of Campus Radio. These were telecast on CEC, UGC on September 2, 2022.
Promo of Episode 35: