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Aug 20, 2023

Media aur Bazar: Vartika Nanda: Samayik Prakashan: 2018

Author: Dr. Vartika Nanda

Publisher: Samayik Prakashan
ISBN: 78-93-80458-96-0
Year: 2018
Pages: 176
Price: 400/-

Authored by Dr. Vartika Nanda, the book navigates the influence of the market on the media – ranging from public relations to advertising. It is a detailed account of the changing face of the Indian media. Nine journalists, including Shweta Singh from Aaj Tak, have contributed chapters to this book. Foreword has been written by Rahul Dev.
Book Release:
Released during the International Book Fair at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi in January 2018, the book deals with the complex interface of the world of media and the market. The book stands highly relevant in today’s age of communication that is driven by commercial interests. The book is beneficial for students of mass communication, journalism, advertising and public relations across universities to help gain a nuanced understanding of the intersection of media and the market in the 21st century. 
This book provides an in-depth explanation and analysis of the functioning of the Indian media under the influence of growing markets and corporatization. It gives a detailed account of various issues pertaining to media that are driven by commercial interests.
The text stands relevant for students of journalism and media practitioners alike. It is a fine blend of the media industry and academia that has incorporated balanced inputs from media practitioners and academicians.
The text deals with significant focal points of the media industry like ethical dilemmas in media, economic pressures in the newsroom, the blurring lines between editorial and advertising, and the role of vernacular press in the overall growth of Indian media. 
Since Media Law and Ethics is an important part of the journalism course, this book is intended to bring forth the latest changes in media. Also since there are very few books in Hindi, this book has a wider target audience, especially in the north Indian belt.

Index: अनुक्रम
1. भूमिकाः मीडिया और बाजार                                        - राहुल देव
2.  सम्पादकीय : मीडिया खड़ा बाजार में                        - वर्तिका नन्दा
3. पत्रकारिता और पब्लिक रिलेशनः एक दूजे के लिए         -दिलीप मंडल
4. बाजारवाद और मीडिया                                                  - श्वेता सिंह
5. मीडिया और लोकतंत्र                                                 - सारिका कालरा
6. बाजार में सिनेमा                                                            - जयसिंह
7. विज्ञापन, मीडिया और बाजार                                      - रेखा सेठी
8. चौराहे पर खड़ा सोशल मीडिया                                      -जयदीप कर्णिक
9. खबरों के बाजार में न्यूज एजेंसियां                              - प्रियभांशु रंजन
10. मीडिया के बाजार में उबाऊ और बिकाऊ                      - बागेश्री चक्रधर
11. नये भारत का मीडिया                                                  - प्रियदर्शन

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