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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Dec 30, 2024

2024: खबर का गडमड संसार और भटकता मीडिया का छात्र: डॉ. वर्तिका नन्दा

30 December, 2024

खचाखच भरी हुई पत्रकारिता की क्लास में अगर बच्चों से पूछा जाए कि वो अपने कोर्स की पढ़ाई पूरा करने के बाद क्या करना चाहेंगे, तो करीब अस्सी प्रतिशत का जवाब होता है कि वे जनसंपर्क को अपना करियर बनाएंगे. इस पूरे साल में पत्रकारिता का लेखाजोखा देने के लिए यह एक पंक्ति काफी है. कुछ बरस पहले तक पत्रकारिता एक अलग हिस्सा था और जनसंपर्क पूरी तरह से अलग. खांचे तय थे. पत्रकार अपने आप को सिर्फ पत्रकार ही कहलाना चाहता था, उसके नाम के साथ पीआर शब्द को जोड़ना अक्षम्य अपराध था। इसीलिए बीते सालों के कई पत्रकार आज भी पूरी तरह से खांटी पत्रकारिता ही करते हैं. 2024 के जाते-जाते पत्रकार और पीआर आपस में घुल-मिल गए हैं। अब खालिस पत्रकारिता को खोजना होगा। इसी खोज के दिवास्वप्न में यह साल विदाई ले रहा है।

2024 के इस साल में टीवी पत्रकारिता की तत्परता, सजगता, उत्साह में कोई कमी नहीं दिखी. लेकिन गंभीरता, ओजस्विता, विश्वसनीयता के बढ़ने के आसार भी नहीं दिखे. मुख्यधारा की मीडिया की पकड़ से बड़ी खबरें नहीं छूटीं, लेकिन स्थानीयता फिर भी दरकिनार दिखी. खास तौर पर वहां, जहां पर टीआरपी के उछाल के आने की ज्यादा उम्मीद नहीं थी. कुल मिलाकर टीवी पत्रकारिता का शोर, प्रसार-प्रचार बढ़ा लेकिन सम्मान और भरोसे का दायरा घटता ही दिखाई दिया. 

इस बीच ब्रूट जैसे कई मंच एक नएपन से उभरते हुए दिखे. ऐसे मंचों ने न्यूज रूम की तेजी को तो अपनाया लेकिन उसकी चपलता-व्याकुलता-चंचलता से खुद को बचाए रखा. वे सतर्क रहे. उन्होंने artificial intelligence की सीमाओं को भी समझा और लोगों के स्वाद को भी लेकिन लोगों के स्वाद के अनुरूप अपने मूल्यों के साथ उन्होंने कोई खास समझौता नहीं किया. ऐसे कुछ मंचों ने गंभीरता के साथ पत्रकारिता की. टीआरपी को अपने सरोकारों में रखा लेकिन उसे सर्वोपरि नहीं बनाया. मानवीयता से लैस कहानियों को ऐसे कुछ शानदार मंच मिले। 

इस बीच दर्शक के पास विकल्पों का इजाफा हुआ है। टीवी चैनलों की ही तरह दर्शक भी जल्दबाज हुआ है। वह तुरंत प्रतिक्रियाएं देने लगा है। उसका सब्र घटा है। अब टीवी का प्रस्तोता भी बेसब्र, उससे सुनने-देखने वाला भी। यह बेसब्री अब जिंदगी का राग बन गई है।  

इस साल सिटीजन जर्नलिज्म ने भी एक नया उछाल देखा. पूरी दुनिया में जिसके पास भी मोबाइल और इंटरनेट है, वो अपने आप को काफी हद तक एक सिटीजन जर्नलिस्ट कह सकता है. इसी जर्नलिज्म ने प्रिंट, टेलीविजन और ऑनलाइन मीडिया के लिए एक बड़ी चुनौती खड़ी की है. यह बात अलग है कि टीवी आज भी सिटीजन जर्नलिज्म को न तो गंभीर मानता है और न ही बहुत ज़रूरी, लेकिन उसके स्वीकार न करने से ज्यादा फर्क नहीं पड़ता क्योंकि सिटीजन जर्नलिस्ट अब अपनी जगह बनाने के लिए तैयार है.

इस साल एक और नई बात हुई. भारत सरकार के कई मंत्रालय अब खुद पत्रकारिता से के गुर सीखने लगे लगे हैं। इसी तरह से पुलिस और एमसीडी जैसे विभाग भी. यहां पर किस्सा खाकी का नाम की पॉडकास्ट सीरिज का जिक्र जरूरी लगता है. किसी भी पुलिस विभाग का यह इकलौता ऐसा पॉडकास्ट है, जो पुलिस की सच्ची कहानियों को जगह देता है. इनका संचालन पूरी तरह से दिल्ली पुलिस खुद करती है. इसका मतलब यह भी है कि कई विभाग अब अपने लिए न्यूजरूम खुद बना रहे हैं. वे अपनी खबर खुद चुनते हैं, उसे लिखते हैं, उसे सजोते हैं, उसे प्रकाशित या ब्रॉडकास्ट करते हैं. इसके लिए उन्हें बाहरी मीडिया की जरूरत नहीं पड़ती. तो आज जब पत्रकारिता का छात्र यह कहता है कि वह जनसंपर्क में अपना करिर बनाना चाहता है तो वो इस सच से काफी हद तक वाकिफ नहीं है कि जनसंपर्क के लिए कई विभाग अब खुद ही सक्षम और सबल होने लगे हैं. अकेले पीआर के दम पर टिकना अब आसान न होगा। यह भी है कि खबर की समझ के बिना पीआर महज दिखावा और झूठ का पुलिंदा ही हो सकता है। समझ और गंभीरता का कोई और पर्याय हो ही नहीं सकता।  

न्यूजरूम खबर देने में पीछे नहीं रहे लेकिन तब भी आदर्श कहलाने के हकदार न बन सके। मामला ऐसा गडमड हुआ कि न्यूज चैनल न तो विशुद्ध तौर पर खबर दिखा पा रहे हैं और न ही अकेला मनोरंजन। फिल्म उसके सांचे में आता नहीं। न्यूजी मनोरंजन के इस घालमेल का सबसे ज्यादा फायदा हुआ है- ओटीटी प्लेटफार्म को। न्यूज मीडिया ने मनोरंजन और सनसनी देने की अपनी जो प्रवृत्ति और छवि बनाई, उसके विकल्प के तौर पर अब ओटीटी सामने आकर खड़ा हो गया है। उसने न्यूजरूम की चतुरता अपना ली है और बाजार के संकेत को समझ लिया है। न्यूजरूम का गडमड होना ओटीटी वालों के लिए सुहानी बयार लेकर आया है। इससे ओटीटी की फसल का लहलहाना स्वाभाविक है।

जाते-जाते यह साल यह सबक भी देकर जा रहा है कि जरूरत से ज्यादा आत्मविश्वास और खुशफहमी विस्तार को रोकने की वजह बनती है. इसलिए मीडिया की दुनिया में अब पताका उन्हीं की फहराएगी जिनके पाँव ज़मीन पर होंगे और आँखें आसमान पर.

(डॉ. वर्तिका नन्दा: मीडिया शिक्षक और जेल सुधारक/ प्रमुख, पत्रकारिता विभाग, लेडी श्रीराम कॉलेज, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय/ vartikalsr@gmail.com)

Link: https://www.samachar4media.com/vicharmanch-news/dr-vartika-nanda-wrote-an-article-on-the-media-in-2024-65159.html

Dec 28, 2024

डॉ0 शंकर दयाल सिंह व्याख्यानमाला का आयोजन: 27 December, 2024


डॉ0 शंकर दयाल सिंह व्याख्यानमाला का आयोजन

जम्मू-कश्मीर के उपराज्यपाल श्री मनोज सिन्हा ने सुप्रसिद्ध साहित्यकार एवं सांसद स्व0 शंकर दयाल सिंह को सन्त साहित्यकार बताते हुए कहा कि वह सत्य के प्रति पूर्ण समर्पित थे और अपने लेखन में उन्होंने संबंधो को सत्य के आड़े आगे नहीं दिया। 1971 से 1977 तक वह लोकसभा के सदस्य रहे और सत्ता पक्ष में रहते हुए इमरजेंसी के दिनों के साक्षी बने। उसके बाद उन्होंने इमरजेसी क्या सच, क्या झूठ नामक पुस्तक लिखी, जिसकी शुरुआत में अपनी अन्तरात्मा की आवाज को व्यक्त करते हुए उन्होंने लिखा कि मेरी साफगोई से कतिपय विवाद उठ खड़े होंगे और मेरे मित्रों को कष्ट भी पहुंचेगा। लेकिन करूं क्या? राजनीतिक कलेवर के नीचे आत्मा में सच्चाई का जो दर्द छिपा हुआ है, वह रह-रहकर मुझे टीस देता है। ऐसा कोई सन्त साहित्यकार ही कर सकता है।

इसी तरह स्व0 शंकर दयाल सिंह से अपने संपर्क को याद करते हुए परमार्थ निकेतन, हरिद्वार के स्वामी चिदानन्द सरस्वती ने बताया कि उनसे शंकर दयाल जी का परिचय विधिवेत्ता डॉ0 लक्ष्मीमल्ल सिंघवी जी ने कराया था, जबकि वह यूनाइटेड किंगडम में भारत के राजदूत थे। तभी डा0 सिंघवी की प्रेरणा से हिन्दू धर्म विश्वकोष पर काम आरंभ हुआ जिसका दायित्व उनके ऊपर था। डॉ0 सिंघवी ने इस कार्य के लिए जो टीम गठित करने का परामर्श दिया, उसमें शंकर दयाल सिंह भी थे। इस तरह विश्वकोष की रचना में शंकर दयाल सिंह जी का सृजनात्मक योगदान भी रहा। शंकर दयाल सिंह के निधन को अपूरणीय क्षति बताते हुए उन्होंने जोड़ा कि ट्रेन की यात्रा के दौरान ही ईश्वर ने उन्हें नई भूमिका दे दी और वह यायावर वहीं से महायात्रा पर निकल पड़ा।

दोनों महानुभाव डॉ0 शंकर दयाल सिंह व्याख्यान 2024 में सुप्रसिद्ध हिन्दीसेवी एवं सांसद शंकर दयाल सिंह को याद कर रहे थे। यह आयोजन शंकर संस्कृति प्रतिष्ठान के त्तावधान में 27 दिसम्बर 2024 को नई दिल्ली के एनडीएमसी कन्वेंशन सेंटर में किया गया था। इस वर्ष के व्याख्यान का विषय हमारी जरूरतें और चाहते था। मुख्य वक्ता के तौर पर विषय पर बोलते हुए स्वामी जी ने कहा कि जीवन संचय नहीं, वरन संबंध है। यदि हम संचय करने लगेंगे तब चाहतों की जकड़ में पड़ जाएंगे। हम संबंधों को जीकर ही जरूरतों को जान और समझ सकते हैं। उपराज्यपाल महोदय ने कहा कि संचय एक बीमारी की तरह है और अब पाश्चात्य देशों के लोग उससे निजात पाने का तरीका ढूंढ रहे हैं। विज्ञापन जगत हमारी चाहतों को हमारी जरूरतों के तौर पर दिखाने में लगे हैं और हम उस कुचक्र का शिकार होते जा रहे हैं। शुरु में आगतों का स्वागत करते हुए रंजन कुमार सिंह ने कहा कि वारिश के बावजूद इतनी बड़ी संख्या में लोगों की उपस्थिति इस आयोजन और उससे जुड़े मूल्यों के प्रति लोगों की निष्ठा की प्रतीक है। डॉ0 रश्मि सिंह ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापन किया जबकि कार्यक्रम का संचालन डॉ0 वर्तिका नन्दा ने किया। कार्यक्रम में डा0 संजय सिंह, संतोष भारतीय, वीरेन्द्र कुमार सिंह सहित अनेक पूर्व मंत्री, सांसद और साहित्य, संस्कृति, शिक्षा से जुड़े अनेक गणमान्य व्यक्ति उपस्थित थे।

26 नवंबर 1995 को उनके आकस्मिक निधन के बाद उनकी स्मृति में व्याख्यानमाला का आरंभ हुआ, जो 1995 से ही हर वर्ष उनके जन्मदिन (27 दिसंबर) पर अनवरत आयोजित होता रहा है। इससे पहले के आयोजनों में पूर्व उपराष्ट्रपति श्री कृष्णकान्त एवं श्री भैरव सिंह शेखावत, पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री श्री चन्द्रशेखर एवं श्री इंद्र कुमार गुजराल, कला मर्मज्ञ डा0 कर्ण सिंह एवं डा0 लक्ष्मी मल्ल सिंघवी, लोकसभा अध्यक्ष श्री शिवराज पाटी, राज्यसभा उपसभापति डॉ0 नज्मा हेपतुल्ला एवं परिवंश, दिल्ली की मुख्यमंत्री श्रीमती शीला दीक्षित एवं उपमुख्यमंत्री श्री मनीष शिशोदिया, पूर्व एवं वर्तमान मंत्रीगण सर्वश्री राजनाथ सिंह, रामविलास पासवान, जनेश्वर मिश्र, राजीव प्रताप रूडी, तथा साहित्यकार डॉ0 नामवर सिंह, डॉ0 केदारनाथ सिंह, हिमांशु जोशी आदि मनीषी शामिल रहे हैं। शंकर संस्कृति प्रतिष्ठान का एक आयोजन राष्ट्रपति श्रीमती प्रतिभा पाटील के सान्निध्य में राष्ट्रपति भवन में भी आयोजित हो चुका है। गत वर्ष केरल के राज्यपाल माननीय आरिफ मोहम्मद खान ने सर्वधर्म सम्भाव और हमारा संविधान विषय पर विद्वतापूर्ण भाषण दिया था।

सांसद एवं हिन्दी सेवी डा0 शंकर दयाल सिंह जी साहित्य तथा राजनीति के बीच की महत्वपूर्ण कड़ी थे। 1971 में वह 34 वर्ष की आयु में पहली बार लोकसभा में चुनकर आए और फिर 1985 से जीवनपर्यन्त राज्यसभा के सदस्य रहे। शंकर दयाल सिंह जी को उनकी लिखी चार दर्जन से अधिक पुस्तकों के लिए तो याद किया जाता ही है, गांधी और हिन्दी के प्रति उनकी निष्ठा के लिए भी उन्हें याद किया जाता है। संसदीय राजभाषा समिति के उपाध्यक्ष के तौर पर उनकी सेवाओं को भुला पाना कठिन है। इसके अलावा भी वह अनेक सांस्कृतिक, सामाजिक एवं शैक्षिक संस्थाओ से जुड़े रहे थे। पटना में उन्होंने बीडी कॉलेज की स्थापना की जबकि मधुपुर में मधुस्थली आवासीय विद्यालय की स्थापना में भी उनका योददान रहा। देवघर स्थित बालिका विद्यापीठ से भी वह जुडे रहे। धर्म और दर्शन के प्रति उनकी गहरी आस्था थी। पटना के गाँधी मैदान में उनके संयोजकत्व में विराट हिन्दू सम्मेलन का आयोजन किया गया

कार्यक्रम की गरिमा और ओज देखने योग्य थी। इस कार्यक्रम का संचालन करना मेरे लिए भी गौरवपूर्ण था।

कोई परिवार अपनी विरासत को लेकर कितना संजीदा हो सकता है, उसे समझने के लिए ऐ

27 December, 2023:

दिल्ली के इंडिया इंटरनेशनल सेंटर में 27 दिसंबर को डॉक्टर शंकर दयाल सिंह व्याख्यान माला का आयोजन हुआ. इस कार्यक्रम में मुख्य अतिथि के तौर पर केरल के राज्यपाल आरिफ मोहम्मद खान पहुंचे. साथ ही इस कार्यक्रम में पूर्व सांसद आरके सिन्हा, एएमीजी मीडिया नेटवर्क के सीईओ व एडिटर इन चीफ संजय पुगलिया समेत शंकर दयाल सिंह के परिजन और उनके चाहने वाले मौजूद रहे.

ऐसे समारोह मैंने कम देखें हैं, जहां पर टकटकी लगाए पूरी एकाग्रता के साथ लोग एकाग्रचित होकर किसी संवाद को सुन रहे हों. अंग्रेज़ी में इसे कहते हैं पिन ड्रॉप साइलेंस. एक दम से शांत माहौल में बात को सुनने वाले लोग दिल्ली जैसे शहरों में कम दिखते हैं. आरिफ़ मोहम्मद ख़ान ने अपने उद्बोधन से सर्वधर्म संभाव और संविधान की जो नई व्याख्या प्रस्तुत की वो मानस को अकादमिक गहराई तक ले गई. 

आरके सिन्हा ने अपने उद्बोधन में धर्म को अलग-अलग परिपेक्षों से एक नए सांचे में ढाल कर अपना संवाद रखा. संजय पुगलिया ने बड़ी ईमानदारी और साफ़गोई से कहा कि यह विषय उनके काम के अनुरूप नहीं है, इसलिए उन्होंने अपने संवाद को शंकर दयाल सिंह पर सीमित किया. लेकिन इसके बावजूद वह यह जरूर कह गए कि जिस परिपेक्ष में वह पले बढ़े वो सर्व धर्म संभाव का ही था.

पत्रकारिता में एक ऊंचे मुक़ाम को तय कर चुके संजय पुगलिया ने सालों साल एक पत्रकार की छवि भी कमाई. उनकी परिपक्वता उन्हें समकालीन बहुत से पत्रकारों की पंक्ति से अलग रखती है, क्योंकि उन्होंने अपना आपा खोए बिना संतुलित पत्रकारिता करने की अपनी कोशिश को काफ़ी हद तक बरकरार रखा है.

Dec 23, 2024



News is happening all the time: People are being born or dying, banks are being robbed, roads are being planned, companies are making profits or losses, storms are destroying homes, courts are sending people to jail or freeing them, scientists are discovering new drugs. Every minute of every day something newsworthy is happening somewhere in the world.

Even if you are a journalist working in a small country, something newsworthy is probably happening in your country at this moment, while you are reading this book. Your job as a journalist is to get information on those events and present it to your readers or listeners. But you cannot be everywhere all the time to see those events for yourself. So you need other ways of getting information on all those hundreds (maybe millions) of events you cannot witness yourself. When someone or something provides you with information, we call them a source.

Bernie Sanders rightly said, “Citizens in a democracy need diverse sources of news and information.” Anything that provides news information for a period of time is said to be a news source.


News sources can be a moving person or still documents, such as people who have witnessed the crime would come to the news source or documents found at the suicide crime spot would be considered as a news source. 

There are several news sources such as official documents, governmental officials, witnesses of the crime scene, the victim itself etc. News sources are required for the both, the journalists and for the audiences.

In earlier days many rulers used the technique of drum beat to convey their message through different people or his officials and many rulers carved their messages on the walls or rocks to deliver their message. 

Later in the modern world, all these news sources were eliminated and then press took new elements of news sources. In today’s world, we can see there are totally different news sources. Such as television, radio, press release, press conference, newspapers, press interviews, institutions like hospitals, schools, colleges, police stations etc.

Sources of information can be people, letters, books, files, films, tapes - in fact, anything which journalists use to put news stories together. Sources are very important to report on events or issues and explain the world to the audience. Journalists try to work as much as possible from their own observations, but this is often not possible. Some events or issues are finished before the journalist gets there. Others are like plants which only show their stem and leaves above the ground - the all-important roots are hidden from sight. Journalists who only report what they see can miss much of the news unless they have sources to tell them of more details or other aspects which are out of sight.

News Sources on the Basis of Medium

1. Radio: News on radio can be provided and vary on the basis of the following kinds of broadcasters categorised as per their broad ownership features. 

Community Radio

Public Service Broadcaster

Private Radio 

2. Television: Television helps and provides newspapers to give detailed information to the audience but television news just doesn’t act as the source to the newspaper but also the audience itself. 

3. Newspapers and magazines: These two also act as a good source of news. Newspaper on both the levels national and international provides the best information in details. The newspaper has 5W’s and 1H which gives all the significant information at the starting of the news and further deals with the minor details and same is done in the magazines. Other sources of news in print media include press releases and press notes. 


Journalists should deal in reliable facts. So, it is important that the sources  used for writing stories can give accurate information about what happened or what was said. But just as there are lots of different news events, so there are many different sources of information. Some of them will give very accurate information and we call these sources reliable (because we can rely on what they say). Others are less reliable, but still useful, while some can hardly be trusted at all. The main way of judging sources of information is on their reliability.

On the basis of providers, sources can be classified into

Primary Sources

Often the source is someone at the centre of the event or issue. We call such people primary sources. It might be a man who fell 1,000 metres from an aircraft and lived to tell the tale; or a union leader who is leading wage negotiations. They are usually the best sources of information about their part of what happened. They should be able to give accurate details and also supply strong comments.

The fall survivor might say: "I saw the ground rushing up towards me and I kept thinking `So this is death'." The union leader might warn: "If the employers want blood on their hands, we are ready to supply it."

Of course, just because a person was present at an event does not mean that they are either accurate or fair. The fall survivor may have injured his head after landing and so be confused. The union leader will want to present his side in the best light. It is vital to double-check and cross-check facts with other sources.

A word of warning here: If any of the sources, however reliable, gives the information which is defamatory, the concerned journalist can still be taken to court for using it. He/She is responsible for deciding whether or not to publish the defamatory material.

Secondary Sources 

Secondary sources are those people who do not make the news, but who pass it on. The official police report of an incident or comments by someone's press officer can be called secondary sources. Secondary sources are not usually as reliable as primary sources.

Most eyewitnesses should be treated as secondary sources for journalists because, although they are able to tell what they think they have seen, they are often not trained for such work and can be very inaccurate, without meaning to be. Journalists have to assess the reliability of secondary sources and if necessary tell  readers or listeners where the information came from. Secondary sources  include

1. Press Release

A type of news source where information can be collected through the official statements made to journalists by the concerned organization, a political party or a government department. This type of news sources are tagged as “Pseudo Events”. They  attempt to make publicity. Press Releases are generally used for the release of a particular news. The Press Release should contain worthwhile material which has some news value. A Press Release should be written in a journalistic style and provide facts and information of interest to readers and should cover all aspects of a specific subject. The release should be on current subject and a piece of clear writing without any ambiguity, color or ornamentation but it should at the same time not be generally lengthy.

2. Press Conference 

It is a meeting at which somebody or the concerned organization talks to a group of journalists in order to answer their questions or necessary official statements. Here the concerned organization is prepared on the information they are disseminating to gain maximum publicity. for example, an interview .

3. Press notes: The press notes are less formal in character. These are also issued on important official matters e.g. raising or lowering of tariff rates, price fixation of food grains, subsidy announcement of seeds, fertilizer etc. Apart from the name of department, place and date, a press note mentions headings. Unlike the press communiqué, the newspaper can edit or condense the press notes.

4. Handouts: The handouts are issued on a variety of subjects like the day-to-day activities of the ministry or departments, VIP speeches, question and answers in Parliament or legislature and the developmental programmes of government departments. It covers the name of the PIB or information department. No official handout is issued, if the minister or a government official has spoken in his personal capacity.

5. Press statement: the statements are usually given by known people, then he shares his statement with media and later this becomes press statement.

6. Police station: every event which is of big concern to the police station would be firstly found in the police station. If the reporter wants to know about a crime scene he would get first-hand information from the

7. Speeches

Speeches are one of the important news sources today. The highlight of the speech is done on “who spoke” and ‘ what is spoken”. Majority of the political leaders, celebrities and famous people are given priority from the simple nonsense speech to the high level of speech.

8. News Agency

News agency is an organization that collects news and supplies to newspapers, television and radio companies at a certain cost. News agencies collect news and sources  and sell them to other news organizations.

9. Internet

The Internet has somehow challenged traditional news sources in many ways. It  is a storehouse of information. Reporters are finding it easy in collecting news sources  that they don’t need to run for news events instead information is right on their doorstep. Search engines such as google  and websites have countless information to provide.

Written Sources

Written reports can make an excellent source of information for a journalist. They are usually written after a lot of research by the authors, they have been checked for accuracy and are usually published with official approval.

However, just because information is printed, that does not mean that it is reliable. With typewriters, computers and modern technology, it is relatively easy to produce printed material. One must look at who has produced the document. Are they in a position to know enough about the topic and have access to the reliable facts? Do they have a reputation for reliability? This is especially important with information on the Internet. Anyone can put information onto the Internet. Unless the journalist knows how trustworthy they are, he/she cannot judge the reliability of what they write.

Leaked Document Sources

Documents are often leaked by people who believe that the public should know the contents (such as an environmental report), but who are unable to reveal it in public themselves, perhaps because they do not have the authority to do so. In some cases, documents are leaked by a person to gain an advantage over someone else, perhaps someone who is criticised in the report. Leaked documents are often excellent sources of news stories because they can contain information which someone wants to keep secret. This might be a plan to do something which the public might oppose, such as bulldozing homes to make a new road. It might be a report on corruption within an organisation which the heads of that organisation do not want to be publicly known.

There are also legal dangers to consider when using leaked documents. They might, for instance, have been stolen. It is usually an offence to receive stolen property if one thinks it could have been stolen, even if it is only a few sheets of paper. Photocopying the document then returning it is often a way to overcome this problem. Leaked documents could also be covered by copyright, so a journalist could be breaking the law by quoting directly from them. He/She is on safer ground in reporting the substance of what was said, in their own words.

Sources from Reporters

One of the most reliable sources of information (although not completely reliable) are other journalists. They may be  colleagues or reporters from a news agency which supplies one's organisation. If they are well trained, experienced and objective, their reports will usually be accurate and can be trusted. However, if there are any essential facts missing from their reports, these will have to be provided. Mistakes can happen. This is why news organisations should have a system for checking facts. A reporter's story should be checked by the news editor then the sub-editor. In small newsrooms, where the reporter may also be the editor or newsreader, the reporter must be especially careful in checking facts. There is also the danger that reporters misinterpret what they think they see and then present that as a fact. This often happens when reporting such things as the size of a crowd. Unable to count every person in it, they make an estimate, often sharing their guesses with other journalists on the scene. This is just an estimate and any report which says "there were 40,000 people present" should be treated with caution, unless the reporter knows the exact number who came through the gate. 

Tip-off Sources

Occasionally someone will call with a story tip-off but refuse to give their name. These are said to be anonymous (meaning "no name"). These are the most dangerous sources of information and should only be used with extreme caution. Although anonymous tip-offs can provide good story ideas, they must never be used without a lot of checking. If they are wrong, the concerned journalist will be held directly responsible unless he/she has checked what they said with other more reliable sources.

Often people who ring up with a tip-off will tell their name if asked, but on the promise that their name will not be revealed to anyone else. Journalists must still cross-check what they say because, of course, they cannot be quoted as a source if there is any dispute about accuracy. For example, if a journalist is taken to court for defamation.

On the basis of storage and experience, sources can be classified into 

Stored sources

This refers to information a journalist can look up, in a book, in a library, on the Web – anywhere that information is recorded. The good news reporter knows sources of information and can find them quickly.

Once, this was considered the least useful of all types of sources for the journalist. The web has changed that, however. Now because of the web, stored information can be accessed quickly and readily, and that information is much more likely to be more recent. Even the web does not solve the basic problems of stored sources: they are static (they can’t be questioned) and they still may not contain the very latest information.

Observational Sources

This is information that a journalist can get from personal experience, by going to a city council meeting, a fire, a press conference, etc. Reporters like to be on the scene. They like to be at events. Covering news from an affair is not always satisfactory. They like to see with their own eyes, hear with their own ears. They like to talk to the people who are there and get the sights and sounds and smells of a news event. Being an eyewitness to something and being able to talk to people who have experienced it is an experience that cannot be duplicated. Reporters learn to prepare themselves to cover an event by

learning as much as they can about the event beforehand

getting into a position to see and hear what is going on

talking with people who are also experiencing the event

taking good notes; using a digital recorder; making notes to themselves immediately after the event

taking pictures

Personal sources

This is information that you get from talking to people. Most news reporters have to interview people to complete their news stories. Being able to talk to people — and getting people to talk to them — is one of the most important skills of reporters. Many people are reluctant to talk with reporters because they are afraid of being misquoted or afraid of the consequences of being in the news. Others are anxious to talk with reporters but they may not have good information or they may be pushing their own agenda or point of view. Reporters must learn to get the most from their sources by

finding the right people to talk to (VERY IMPORTANT), rather than using “sources of convenience”

respecting their feelings and position

dealing with them ethically by identifying themselves, understanding the principles of on-the-record and off-the-record conversations, and maintaining the confidentiality of sources even when it is difficult to do so (such as being faced with going to jail)

learning how to interview people properly

On the basis of occurence, sources can be classified into

Predictable News Source

Predictable News sources are sources that  are likely  to happen at a given time , date and location where the incidents take place. Such as  celebration, conference, festivals and parliamentary session etc.

Unpredictable News Source

A type of news source where  incidents  occur all of a sudden and out of control. The reporters are unaware about the happening of these incidents. For example- landslides, earthquakes, shootings etc.

Anticipated News Source

A type of news source where the information has to be investigated and  collected on the probability of making news. An example can be a reporter doing a beat report on crime.


When a journalist gets information from a source, he/she normally needs to attribute that information to someone. Attribution means to tell the readers or listeners the name and title of the person interviewed or the document from which the information is extracted. There are three levels of attribution, depending on whether the source is happy about being publicly identified or whether they want to maintain secrecy about what they tell. Based on attribution, sources can be classified into three types.

On the Record

On the record comments imply you can use both their words and their name in the form of a quote. Most information given will be on the record. People will tell the details openly and allow the media to quote their names and titles. It is always best to get information on the record. On the record comments have an extra level of understanding for people because they know who is speaking and exactly what was said.


Sometimes a source will give information on the understanding that the information provided by them can be used but not attribute it to them. This means that you can use the information, but not the source's name. Source may do this for one of several reasons. Perhaps they are not officially allowed to give the information, but they think it could be made public. Perhaps they do not want to be in the public eye. Unattributed stories will not seem as accurate to the audience as stories where information is attributed.

Off the record

Occasionally, information will be given on the understanding that it is totally off the record. It usually means that both the information provided and the name of the source must not be disclosed. People usually give information off the record when they want the journalist to understand the background to something which is too sensitive for them to talk publicly about. 

  Watergate case shows value of anonymous sources

But even as news organizations scramble to write new policies to limit their reliance on unnamed sources, the unveiling of the world's most famous anonymous source, Deep Throat, reminds the media and the public why their use is sometimes necessary, journalism experts say. 

"I think it would be an incalculable loss to this country if all anonymous sources became forbidden, particularly in this era of governmental and corporate secrecy. The price has been raised very high for whistle-blowers." -Orville Schell, dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley  

The Newsweek controversy led White House spokesman Scott McClellan to complain about "a credibility problem in the media regarding the use of anonymous sources.”

"There are certain kinds of reporting that cannot be done without sources who are unnamed, in particular reporting on national security or defense ... because people jeopardize their careers and in some cases their legal status by disclosing things," said James Bettinger 

"Deep Throat represents the kind of source that a lot of reporters would like to have," Bettinger said. "He served as someone that Woodward could go to on a regular basis and say, 'Are we on the right track?' ... That is a huge fear of every good reporter, 'Do we have this right?’”

"On many vital matters, we would be left in the dark were it not for leaks," Schorr wrote.


Newswriting depends on information. The quality of the writing is tied to the quality of the information. The quality of the information depends on its source. All sources are said to be reliable if they can be believed consistently. If a source is always correct in the information they provide, it will be believed next time. If they make a mistake, one may doubt what they say. Reliability is built up over time. Thus, the reliability of all sources of information must be assessed to provide authentic content to the readers.


1. Tinka Tinka Dasna: Vartika Nanda: Tinka Tinka Foundation: 2020

2. Television aur Crime Reporting: Vartika Nanda: Rajkamal Prakashan: 2010

3. https://www.thenewsmanual.net/Manuals%20Volume%203/volume3_59.htm

4. https://sonamchoekyi.wordpress.com/2016/01/13/sources-of-news/

5. http://www.jprof.com/reporting/%E2%80%A2-sources-of-information/

6. https://www.sociologygroup.com/news-sources-importance-in-journalism/



The collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the general public, especially by means of the Internet. Alternative and activist form of news gathering and reporting that functions outside mainstream media often as a response to shortcomings in the professional journalistic field that uses similar journalistic practices but is driven by different objectives and ideals and relies on alternative sources of legitimacy then tradition of mainstream journalism. 

Citizen journalism refers to the reporting of news events by members of the public using the Internet to spread the information. 

Citizen journalism can be a simple reporting of facts and news that is largely ignored by large media companies. It is easily spread through personal websites, blogs, micro blogs, social media and so on. Some types of citizen journalism also act as a check on the reporting of larger news outlets by providing alternative analysis.


Citizen journalism is referred to by many other names, including:

Personal publishing

Grassroots media

Networked journalism

Open source journalism

Citizen media

Participatory journalism

Hyper local journalism

Distributed journalism

Stand-alone journalism

Bottom-up journalism

Non media journalism

Guerrilla journalism

Public Journalism

Participatory Journalism

Democratic Journalism

Street Journalism

Collaborative Citizen Journalism (CCJ)


The idea that every citizen can engage in acts of journalism has a long history in the United States. The contemporary citizen journalist movement emerged after journalists began to question the predictability of their coverage of events such as the 1988 U.S. presidential election. Those journalists became part of the public, or civic, journalism movement, which sought to counter the erosion trust in the news media and the widespread disillusionment with politics and civic affairs.

Initially, discussions of public journalism focused on promoting journalism that was "for the people" by changing the way professional reporters did their work. According to Leonard Witt, however, early public journalism efforts were "often part of 'special projects' that were expensive, time-consuming, and episodic. With today’s technology the citizen journalist movement has found new life as the average person can capture news and distribute it globally.


The idea behind citizen journalism is that people without professional journalism training can use the tools of modern technology and the global distribution of the Internet to create, augment or fact-check media on their own or in collaboration with others. For example, you might write about a city council meeting on your blog or in an online forum. Or you could fact-check a newspaper article from the mainstream media and point out factual errors or bias on your blog. Or you might snap a digital photo of a newsworthy event happening in your town and post it online. Or you might videotape a similar event and post it on a site such as YouTube. 

It is based upon public citizens "playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing, and disseminating news and information. Citizen journalism is a specific form of both citizen media and user generated content. 


Salam Pax – Sadam’s Death (2002-2004)

Mahmood’s Den –Opposition of the government (April 2003)

African Eye – AIDS Awareness

By juxtaposing the term “citizen,” with its attendant qualities of civic mindedness and social responsibility, with that of “journalism,” which refers to a particular profession, New media technology, such as social networking and media-sharing websites, in addition to the increasing prevalence of cellular telephones, have made citizen journalism more accessible to people worldwide. Due to the availability of technology, citizens often can report breaking news more quickly than traditional media reporters. 

Citizen journalism, as a form of alternative media, presents a “radical challenge to the professionalized and institutionalized practices of the mainstream media. Overall, citizen media developed as public was not content with the mainstream media’s way of reporting news. 


But for something that was once a revolutionary addition to news reporting, it’s now becoming the subject of reporting. More and more often we are seeing news bulletins dedicated to what people have said on Twitter.

And it turns out that not everyone appreciates this new era of news reporting, with many reporting themselves that it’s not news at all.

The problem is this: social media by its very nature is a vehicle for thoughts. Some of these thoughts are well-considered. Others are more transient. Many are – and forgive me for how this is going to come out – self-centred. Social media for most people is about themselves: their family, their issues, their lives.

The citizen posting on social media is doing so for different reasons than the aspiring Bob Woodwards of the world. That said, it’s not to say that those contributions can’t be extremely valid.

With the proliferation of mobile technology, publishers should rightly champion on-the-ground footage and source material. Passers-by with cell phones may well capture key and critical moments through the luck of being in the right place at the right time.

Used as part of a story or ongoing narrative, and subject to the same protocols as any other source material, these contributions can be hugely important, but – and this is key – as part of the same editorial processes as any other sources or information.

When Mubarak’s government was overthrown in Egypt in 2011, it was citizens wielding cell phones, who captured and transmitted much of that information. The press core had found it difficult to report on abuses, misdeeds and corruption and – because they were identifiable as journalists in a state with a hardline view of governmental criticism – believed themselves to be at risk. A panel of citizen journalists speaking at the Pulitzer Centre in Cairo later that year said that “rather than report the abuse directly, and put themselves at the risk of arrest or government intimidation, newspaper journalists would cite bloggers who posted the videos, thus absolving themselves of direct responsibility for the story.”

Talking about ‘alternative facts’ a couple of years back we noted that “without context, facts are like footnotes untethered from their narrative”, and the same holds true here.

The role of editor has never been so important as it is now. It would be foolish to ignore the wealth of information that private individuals offer, but this information should be treated and handled as any other source material would be. Context is the name of the game. At a time when newsrooms are under such immense pressure, the successful ones are those who are giving value to their readership. Richly sourced articles are one way to do this, and it’s the responsibility of our newsrooms to source, check and contextualise.


Citizen journalism involves private individuals, who are normally the consumers of journalism, generating their own news content. Citizens collect, report, analyze, and disseminate news and information, just as professional journalists would, creating what is known as user-generated content.

These amateur journalists produce news in many forms, ranging from a podcast editorial to a report about a city council meeting on a blog, and is usually digital in nature.

 It can also include text, pictures, audio, and video. Social media plays a major role in disseminating news and promoting citizen journalism content.

Since the general public has 24/7 access to technology, citizens are often the first on-scene for breaking news, getting these stories out more quickly than traditional media reporters.

 However, unlike professional journalists, citizen journalists may not have conducted the same background research and source verification, which can make these leads less reliable.


Audience participation (such as user comments attached to news stories, personal blogs, photographs or video footage captured from personal mobile cameras, or local news written by residents of a community)

Independent news and information Websites (Consumer Reports, the Drudge Report)

Full-fledged participatory news sites (one:convo, NowPublic, OhmyNews, DigitalJournal.com, GroundReport, 'Fair Observer'

Collaborative and contributory media sites (Slashdot, Kuro5hin, Newsvine)

Other kinds of "thin media" (mailing lists, email newsletters)

Personal broadcasting sites (video broadcast sites such as KenRadio)


1. The first step: Opening up to public comment

2. Second step: The citizen add-on reporter

3. Now we’re getting serious: Open-source reporting

4. The citizen bloghouse

5. Newsroom citizen ‘transparency’ blogs

6. The stand-alone citizen-journalism site: Edited version

7. The stand-alone citizen-journalism site: Unedited version

8. Add a print edition

9. The hybrid: Pro + citizen journalism

10. Integrating citizen and pro journalism under one roof

11. Wiki journalism: Where the readers are editors


Media is now much more democratized than before as it is open to many people

A very fundamental change is that consumers are now producers

Also, now we have a read and write web which allows public to create their own write-ups on web

Journalism has traditionally been a lecture. Journalists tell you what the news is , you either buy it or you don’t. Now it’s moving into something like a “conversation”, whose first rule is to listen.


India being the largest democracy in the world has the greatest challenge of running the democratic system by proficiently encouraging the freedom of speech and expression. Access to information is essential to the health of democracy that ensures citizens make responsible and informed choices rather than acting out of ignorance or misinformation. Media forms an integral part of democracy as it contributes to those factors that are intrinsic to genuine democracy. Media acts as a mirror in the society reflecting the various social, political and economic activities happening around the world, it also facilitates the process of empowerment of individual by providing an arena for public debate and by reconstituting private citizens as a public body in the form of public opinion.

Today in India, the main stream media is seen diverting from its objective and focusing more on profit making motive resulting in many social, important issues and stories relating to the masses are either neglected or rejected by the media which has led to a huge gap between issues reported and neglected.

 With an aim to bridge this gap a new concept and trend of participatory journalism has slowly but steadily emerged across the globe popularly known as participatory journalism or “Citizen Journalism”A form of journalism when any common man in his capacity as a citizen of a nation take up an initiative to express ideas irrespective of their educational or professional background, it is an act of citizens playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting,analyzing, and disseminating news and information. 

Empowerment with information is a crucial tenet of citizen journalism in India, a democracy with over one billion people thus the objective of this participation is to provide independent, reliable, accurate, wide-ranging, and relevant information that is vital for a democratic country like India. Citizen Journalism has slowly but steadily revolutionized the entire media in the country; it is influencing and making an impact in mainstream media henceforth become a powerful tool for every citizen to report the news that touches their lives.

The concept of citizen journalism became a powerful tool and a reality mainly due two reasons firstly the Right to Information Act 2005, proved to be a Source for information. Secondly the technology empowered every citizen to be informed and updated through social media, internet and mobile technology. Thus Citizen Journalism become a phenomena explored via new media and technology that facilitated the reach to a large number of audiences with or without the support of mainstream media. With the popularity of Citizen Journalism no longer in question, even the national media around the world are sourcing leads from stories and pictures filed by Citizen Journalists.



It provides the community with a different perspective, from one of their own who lives and breathes what happens there every single day.

Helps to get local citizens more engaged in the issues affecting their lives.

For activism.

It makes possible the coverage of events that the mainstream media might otherwise miss.


Citizen journalists have no formal training in reporting. There are several risks to consider, including factual inaccuracies and a lack of impartiality (to name a few!)

Citizen reporters don’t have any ethics training in how to handle certain situations that may arise.

How exactly do we define news? There’s a big discrepancy in this, as everyone has their own idea of what is considered important.


Lacking objectivity

Quality of content

Legal repercussions


Citizens are able to contribute content, in one form or another, to existing professional news sites. This collaboration can be seen through readers posting their comments alongside stories written by professional reporters, like a 21st-century version of a letter to the editor. To prevent obscene or objectionable messages, many websites require readers to register in order to post.

Citizen Journalism also finds substantial grounds in terms of instantaneous live reporting. Any person with a mobile phone and access to the internet connection in any part of the country has the potential to be a Citizen Journalist. They have the benefit of instantly capturing scenes from nooks and corners of the world where even real-time reporters may not have the right access. An apt example is of the 24-year-old girl living in Iraq who blogged daily about the turmoil in her country. It allowed the world to see the events from a resident’s point of view. It showed them a facet that even the global media couldn’t adequately represent. Prominent news houses couldn’t have done what this girl did just by virtue of an internet connection and the advent of Citizen Journalism. Her blogs were later compiled into a book named “Baghdad Burning”.

Readers are also adding their information to articles written by professional journalists.  This collaboration allows both citizen and professional journalists to craft a story together. Reporters might even ask readers with expertise in particular areas to send them information on that topic or even do some of their own reporting. That information is then incorporated into the final story.

Some amateur journalists operate fully independent of traditional, professional news outlets. This can include blogs in which individuals can report on events in their communities or offer commentary on the issues of the day, YouTube channels where citizens give their own news reports and commentaries, and even unofficial print publications.


Citizen journalism was once hailed as a revolution that would make news-gathering a more democratic process — one that would no longer solely be the province of professional reporters. It has had a significant impact on today's news, with many believing that citizen journalism is a threat to professional and traditional journalism.

Social media has played a vital role in revolutionizing news. Many citizens are the first to report on breaking stories, with eye-witness videos, first-hand accounts, and real-time information, all using social media. Even news outlets will share breaking stories on social media before traditional means, but they have to still follow up with larger stories quickly or risk being outdated with their material in this fast-paced news environment.

Social media doesn't just play a role in disseminating citizen-generated news; it also stands as a source for professional journalists to identify the stories they need to cover. A 2016 study by Cision indicated that more than 50% of professional journalists used social media to find and build stories.

In Africa, where the online population lags behind Europe and the US, the enthusiastic adoption of mobile technology is reshaping the way discussion operates. There, in the past decade, people have been taking to their cell phones to comment and share their opinion on subjects that they feel are not – and in states where corruption levels are high – cannot be covered by the mainstream media. Cellular technology has enabled these discussions to find a starting point.

Despite its vast impact on our daily news, citizen journalism is not without its flaws. The biggest concern is the reliability of news, including fact-checking and the risk of incorrect information being disseminated.

The birth of citizen journalism is often attributed to South Korea where the first platform of amateur generated information, Oh My News, was created. The principle was simple; anyone can take part in the process of creating information - as the notion of participatory journalism (another term for citizen journalism) implies. From reader to participant, citizens have now changed their status as a mere recipients of information, to providers. It is not necessarily something new, however. When Abraham Zapruder took his amateur film-camera and decided to go and record John F. Kennedy’s rally in Dallas, he inadvertently captured images of his assassination, which could be considered a proto-form of citizen journalism - as what really defines it is its inexpert nature. Zapruder supplied his film to the Secret Service to assist in their investigation. Whilst it was not the only film of the event, it was the most complete.

The term ‘citizen journalists’ emerged in the aftermath of the December 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia. It referred to those in the disaster zone who took photos or video, or recounted their experiences first-hand.

“It’s a broad, expansive term,” says Stuart Allan of citizen journalism. Allan is the head of the School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies at Cardiff University in the UK. The term “includes someone who happens to be in the right place at the wrong time with their smartphone in their pocket and has the presence of mind to bear witness to something unfolding before them,” he adds.


Citizen journalists can violate journalism ethics codes. In the case of any terrorist attack; videos or photos circulating are often on social networks. If news organisations can benefit from it, it also raises a fundamental issue: those of the person’s privacy.

Some have to be removed from the web platforms, as its content can be shocking and can affect a person’s dignity. Journalists are, however, aware of what they are allowed to publish or not. It does not mean they always respect the deontology and ethics codes they did commit to respect.

‘A journalist does nothing to intrude into anybody’s private life, grief or distress unless justified by overriding consideration of the public interest.’ (6) A notion referenced in the National Union of Journalists code of conduct that since 1936, set out the main principles of UK and Irish Journalism.

Just need to wonder how far it is possible to go, even when it is a public interest. Journalists are supposed to have more knowledge on dealing with a difficult issue than a citizen.

According to Bolette Blaagaard, writer of ‘Shifting boundaries: Objectivity, citizen journalism and tomorrow’s journalists’, ‘a journalist is not just any victim of natural disasters, but someone who is able to expect to stand above the panic and fear and do a report’.

The aspect of objectivity, as well mentioned by her is fundamental. It is ‘a set of practices that provide an ethical evaluation and interpretation, grounded in the particular situation and specific to the news-medium for which the journalist works’. It however, does not mean that there is one truth, just that journalists are more able to tell a story than the citizens because they have more distance and knows better which words to use not to be too “cash”.

Current Affairs are definitely benefiting from this new journalism and video testimony from ordinary citizens as attests Kate Bulkley, media and tech journalist, in her article in The Guardian.

Indeed, the citizen participation offers a range of new sources to media organisations. Up to them to screen. “Social networks are opening up whole new vistas for documentary filmmakers. You can make the most amazing films using content from social networks” enthuses Chris Shaw, editorial ITN Productions Director.

News organizations often require the intervention of qualified persons — expect on psychology as an example — on a topic to improve the quality of the article or any other production. Indeed, the help of this type of citizen is crucial as he has knowledge on a topic that a journalist does not have.

The citizen journalist; an important tool for the professional one

Called “participatory” journalism or reporting, this new journalism happens when the reader is collaborating with the journalist. Media now call on to people to enrich their content as it is notably the case of France 24, the French television that also broadcast in English, Spanish, Arabic and Persian.

Launched in 2007, The Observers is France 24 platform that gives people the opportunity to become a real participant — in the an observer — in news spreading.

If France 24 already counts 430 journalists from 35 nationalities, The Observers helped the company building a 5 000 contributors network in a bit more than ten years.


Apps have been developed in order to support this notion. The Guardian’s ‘Guardian Witness’ app purposely targets citizen journalists, asking them to supply staff journalists with videos, photos and stories of any event they deem newsworthy.

Rbutr.com is another app that helps journalists out with public opinion, using crowdsourcing to provide arguments and counter-arguments on a number of different subjects.

Important links: 

1. https://medium.com/@LeopoldineIL/the-impact-of-citizen-journalism-on-the-public-sphere-c1a5586cdac9

2. https://www.techopedia.com/definition/2386/citizen-journalism

3. https://www.brandwatch.com/blog/what-is-citizen-journalism-and-how-does-it-influence-news/

4. www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/p/photojournalism/power-people&ved=2ahUKEwizioOKlrrxAhVEwzgGHXhPDDMQFjAQegQIFBAC&usg=AOvVaw25SMl9c6matej5sZnAdybh

5. https://wan-ifra.org/2019/05/what-are-the-responsibilities-of-citizen-journalism/

6. https://www.euroscientist.com/citizen-journalism-phenomenon-stay/

7. https://www.sspconline.org/opinion-analysis/citizen-journalism-assessing-both-sides-fifth-estate-fri-10232020














Staying updated is an indispensable phenomenon and before even newspapers, there were some ancient methods including announcements even on an emergency basis were used to stay aware of people, gatherings for exchanging information, traveling and writing journals, etc.

Today, internet news is still one of the major sources of information when it comes to local or international politics, sports, weather or just anything you can think of because technology is expanding every day. News agencies that provide news content to major news radio and TV channels and newspapers daily, now share their exclusively generated content to online news platforms as well.

The internet has already surpassed newspapers as a source for national and international news. Long gone are the days when political information was confined to a few network news channels and major national newspapers or magazines.

The proportion of people going online for election-related news and information has more than doubled since the end of the 2000 race.



What is the Internet?

The internet is a global collection of networks of computers connected to each other. These networks allow data to be transferred between the computers/devices connected to them. This exchange of data is possible only because all the computers on the network play by the same set of rules, called the Internet Protocol (IP).

How does this Global Network call the Internet Work?

Be it for a Google search for your favorite movie, or to a friend, what’s essentially happening when you use the internet is that you’re sending a message from your device to another device. Thus, when you use the internet, what you’re doing is sending and receiving messages (requests) to and from other computers and devices on the network.

Data Transmission on the Internet

The computer and devices that we use are called clients and the computers that websites such as Google or Facebook use are called servers. The websites we access are all files on the hard disks of the respective servers. Our devices do not directly access these files. When we access Google for example, our client device forwards its requests to Google servers via our internet service providers (ISPs). The results also come to us via our ISPs. Which is why we cannot access the internet if our connection to our ISPs gets terminated.


What is the Web?

The World Wide Web—usually called the Web for short—is a collection of different websites you can access through the Internet. A website is made up of related text, images, and other resources. Websites can resemble other forms of media—like newspaper articles or television programs—or they can be interactive in a way that's unique to computers.

The purpose of a website can be almost anything: a news platform, an advertisement, an online library, a forum for sharing images, or an educational site like us!

Once you are connected to the Internet, you can access and view websites using a type of application called a web browser. Just keep in mind that the web browser itself is not the Internet; it only displays websites that are stored on the Internet.

How does the Internet works?

It's important to realize that the Internet is a global network of physical cables, which can include copper telephone wires, TV cables, and fiber optic cables. Even wireless connections like Wi-Fi and 3G/4G rely on these physical cables to access the Internet.

When you visit a website, your computer sends a request over these wires to a server. A server is where websites are stored, and it works a lot like your computer's hard drive. Once the request arrives, the server retrieves the website and sends the correct data back to your computer. What's amazing is that this all happens in just a few seconds!


Around 40% of the world population has an internet connection today. In 1995, it was less than 1%.

The number of internet users has increased tenfold from 1999 to 2013.

The first billion was reached in 2005. The second billion in 2010. The third billion in 2014.

The chart and table below show the number of global internet users per year since 1993:

How many internet users does each country have?

The internet has been one of our most transformative and fast-growing technologies. Globally the number of internet users increased from only 413 million in 2000 to over 3.4 billion in 2016. The one billion barriers were crossed in 2005. Every day over the past five years, an average of 640,000 people went online for the first time.7

But how many people from each country are online? In the maps we see the total number of users by country, and the percentage of a country’s population who are users.

China and India take the top two slots despite having only 50 and 26 percent online, respectively. The top six countries by users (and the only countries with over 100 million) in 2016/17 were:

China = 765 million

India = 391 million

United States = 245 million

Brazil = 126 million

Japan = 116 million

Russia = 109 million

The internet has been growing at an incredible rate; many countries – including India, Bangladesh, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana and Malawi – have doubled the number of users in the last 3 years alone.

Around half of the world is not yet online – as Max wrote, the internet’s history has only just begun, but with 27,000 new users every hour, many will experience it for the first time soon


With over 560 million internet users, India is the second largest online market in the world, ranked only behind China. It was estimated that by 2023, there would be over 650 million internet users in the country. Despite the large base of internet users, the internet penetration rate in the country stood at around 50 percent in 2020. This meant that around half of the 1.37 billion Indians had access to the internet that year. There has been a consistent increase in internet accessibility compared to just five years ago, when the internet penetration rate was around 27 percent.

However, internet accessibility and use in the country largely varied based on factors like gender and socio-economic divide. It was estimated that in 2019, there were 290 million internet users in rural India compared to 337 million urban internet users. But it is worth mentioning that the majority of Indian internet users were between 20 and 29 years of age, and a slightly higher proportion of these users were from rural parts. At the same time, there were far more male internet users in the country compared to female users. And this digital gender gap only increased further in the rural hinterlands compared to urban metros.

 A majority of India’s digital population accessed the internet via their mobile phones. In 2018, about 29 percent of the country’s total population were mobile internet users, and this was expected to grow to over 35 percent, or approximately 500 million users by 2023. An increased availability of cheap data plans along with various government initiatives under the Digital India campaign worked together to make mobile the primary internet access in the country. Notably, 4G networks were the most widely used across urban and rural India in 2019.

One aspect wherein India shares the characteristics of other global internet users is its passion for social media. It was estimated that by 2023, there would be almost 450 million social network users in India. Furthermore, the share of Indian population that access social networks is expected to jump from 24 percent in 2018 to over 31 percent in 2023. Facebook was the most popular social networking site in the country. In fact, with about 280 million Facebook users in the country, India had the largest Facebook user base in the world as of 2020.


Is the Internet Good in India?

Globally, India was ranked 89th out of 149 countries/regions by average internet connection speed and 97th by average peak connection speed. 42% of internet users in India have an average internet connection speed of above 4 Mbit/s, 19% have a speed of over 10 Mbit/s, and 10% enjoy speeds over 15 Mbit/s.

Connecting the Unconnected

India has already seen explosive growth in internet users, fueled by Silicon Valley's rush to tap vast new markets and government investment in modernizing the country's infrastructure.

Google (GOOGLE) has helped set up free Wi-Fi services at over 400 train stations across India, and also runs a digital literacy program to teach rural Indian women how to use the internet.


Facebook (FB) wants to set up 20,000 hotspots through its Express Wi-Fi initiative that connects users for about 10 rupees ($0.14) a day. The government has a plan to install 250,000 hotspots in villages across India

Number of internet users in India from 2015 to 2020 with a forecast until 2025(in millions)

Sources- www.satista.com, edition.cnn.com


Internet in India:

Internet in India began in 1986 and was available only to the educational and research community. It was publicly available from 15 August 1995. As of 2020, there are 718.74 million actives internet users that comprise 54.29% of the population.

The Indian Government has embarked on projects such as BharatNet, Digital India, Made in India and Startup India to further expedite the growth of internet-based ecosystems.

Internet user base:

India has the second highest number of internet users in the world. The following table provides an overview of key internet subscriber statistics in India as on 31 December 2019.



Total Subscribers

718.74 million

Narrowband subscribers

56.806 million

Broadband subscribers

661.938 million

Wired subscribers

22.386 million

Wireless subscribers

696.36 million 

Urban subscribers

450.31 million

Rural subscribers

268.43 million

Overall net penetration


Urban net penetration


Rural net penetration


Online journalism in India:

Online journalism in India is a growing field shared between traditional media and the growing blogging community. Large media companies, traditionally print and television focused, continue to dominate the journalism environment now online but a growing group of dedicated bloggers are providing an independent voice. 

The number of online news editions is seen as especially low because of the multitude of languages spoken in India. Of the 22 languages officially recognized, only 12 of the non-English languages were accounted for in a survey of online editions.

India’s internet penetration is low – only 3.7%. Also, most websites are only available in English, which skews the viewership to only 10% of the population that is concentrated in urban centers. Conversely, India ranks third in number of Twitter users.

With the emergence of high speed data and faster mobile data services such as 3G and LTE, videos from some of India’s best TV journalists have been made available online. Both NDTV and CNBC, two TV news reporting power houses in India, also have a strong online presence. The top five journalists in India all come from within the ranks of these stations.

Another emerging favorite platform for journalists is Twitter. Journalists from all walks – Business, Political, Sports, and Religion - have come together to form a list for ease of following the person or topic that one might find interesting.

        Indian newspapers on the Net:

Indian newspapers had started using computers for word processing and page layout since 1987. The newspapers one after another switched over from teleprinters and telex machines to e-mail to send and receive news when Internet was available 1995 onwards. The changeover was quicker when a number of competing Internet service providers descended on the scene during the last decade. Later, mobile phone instruments with cameras were made available to journalists.

Yet, these newspapers were slow to launch their web editions. Only 48 dailies had their web sites by 1998 when a researcher undertook documentation of status of online journalism. An extension of the study established that there were 116 Indian dailies with web editions in year 2006.

Internet Era:

India joined cyber world in 1995, quite late compared to the West, although Internet was available to researchers earlier also. In the initial period, net access was limited to only four metros. It was very slow. Computer penetration was very low. However, the penetration improved as prices of computers began falling and net connectivity spread to small towns when private service providers came on the scene.

By 2007, India had an estimated base of 42 million Internet users, which was 3.6 per cent of the world users. Although this base was far below the Internet users of USA (which was 210,575,287), China (162,000,000), Japan (86,300,000) or Germany (50,426,117), India ranked fifth in the list of top twenty countries using Internet.

12 Marathi newspapers with websites provided hyperlinks for a fortnight as per their convenience during July and August, 2006. These are: Dainik Aikya, Belgaon Tarun Bharat, Deshdoot, Deshonnati, Kesari, Lokmat, Loksatta, Maharashtra Times, Pudhari, Sakal, Saamana and Tarun Bharat (Nagpur)

Similarly, following 13 English newspapers provided such links for two weeks as per their convenience between July and September 2006: Asian Age, Business Standard, Daily News and Analysis (DNA), Daily Excelsior, Economic Times, Financial Express, Hindu, Hindu Business Line, Hindustan Times, Indian Express (also Express India portal), Malayala Manorama (English section), Pioneer, Times of India.

Most newspapers do not get advertisements for the net editions, with only a few exceptions like The Times of India (TOI) group of newspapers, The Hindu, The Hindustan Times (HT), The Indian Express (IE), Sakal and Jagran. The number of advertisements ranged from 1 (in case of Pudhari) to 30 (in case of The Hindustan Times). The situation was the same in 1998 when most of the 48 newspapers did not earn much advertisement revenue for the web editions.

In the first study covering the initial phase from 1995-1998, only ten per cent readers were Indians residing in India, while 62 per cent readers were non-resident Indians residing in USA and four per cent in Canada. Apparently, the growth of readership within India has been possible due to penetration of computers and availability of Internet connectivity in small towns and cities of the country.

States in India: The readership is more in states like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Delhi, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, compared to other states in the country. These are also the states where Information and Communication Technology have made rapid strides, as against the rest of the states.

Increase in Women Readers: The proportion of female Internet newspaper readers is considerably smaller than male readers of both English and Marathi Internet newspapers. (13% female readers for English newspapers and 15% Marathi newspapers). However it has almost doubled in eight years. In 1998, the readership comprised 7% female readers.

Age-group: Majority readership is in the age group of 21-40 years.

Education: Most readers are highly educated (Master or Ph.D. degree-holders) in case of both English and Marathi newspapers. (60% and 54% respectively).

Profession: Professionals from the fields of IT, Education and Media constitute almost half (48%) the readership of English newspapers on the Internet. In case of Marathi newspapers also these three fields account for 53% of total readership.

Digital age:

More and more people are reading newspapers digitally and it is a global audience for the best publications. Worldwide, printed newspapers, with a reported circulation of 519 million, reach an estimated 2.3 billion people every day, 20 per cent more than the internet (Riess 2011). But the ‘terms of trade’ are shifting in favour of the web, mobile, and newer interactive digital platforms. 

Many newspapers have excellent websites offering rich, many-sided, multi-media content, including long-form features, investigative articles, and thoughtful analysis. Several journalism schools round the world now take digital journalism seriously. 

A major development has been the arrival on the global media scene of Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks, a completely new kind of digital-technology-enabled, notfor-profit player. In less than five eventful years and especially since July 2010 when it geared up to a new level of journalistic operations and engagement, WikiLeaks has changed the rules of the game for newspapers and the news media everywhere, including India8. It has enabled and empowered whistleblowing and ‘principled leaking’ through the power of digital technology and its ideals, functioned as a reliable and generous source and publisher, and raised the bar for investigative journalism. It has inspired other experiments or ventures to develop technologies, secure electronic drop boxes, and platforms to encourage and enable whistleblowing or leaking on issues that matter.

Fake news in India:

Fake news in India refers   to misinformation or disinformation[1] in the country which is spread through word of mouth and traditional media and more recently through digital forms of communication such as edited videos, memes, unverified advertisements and social media propagated rumors. Fake news spread through social media in the country has become a serious problem, with the potential of it resulting in mob violence, as was the case where at least 20 people were killed in 2018 as a result of misinformation circulated on social media. 

According to a report by The Guardian, the Indian media research agency CMS stated that the cause of spread of fake news was that India "lacked (a) media policy for verification". Additionally, law enforcement officers have arrested reporters and journalists for "creating fictitious articles", especially when the articles were controversial.

In India, the spread of fake news has occurred with relation to political and religious matters. The IT Cells of the BJP, Congress and other political parties have been accused of spreading fake news against the party's political opponents and any campaigns against the party. The BJP is accused of spreading fake news targeting religious minorities.


Indians were bombarded with messages on WhatsApp which claimed to contain "helpful" information related to the disease, along with home remedies which could keep the virus at bay.

The WhatsApp message claims that an "old Chinese doctor" had found a cure to coronavirus, and that's one bowl of garlic. But the WHO has clearly specified that there is no scientific evidence to study this. Bad news for those hoarding garlic cloves to fight off the virus. Just like vampires, the humble garlic has no effect on a virus that has already claimed over 3,000 lives around the world.

In a post-truth era, the contagion of fake news has gripped the world in equal parts. Right from the United states of America, to emerging economies like India, Brazil and others, no one seems to be spared. Deeply interlinked with technological developments, “disinformation” and “misinformation” have become pervasive in our news bubbles. As the world’s largest democracy with the second largest population, the issue of fake news poses a unique threat in India. Not only do the low literacy rates make it hard to implement the true spirit of democratic decision-making, but add to that an explosion of fake news and divisive propaganda, and there looms a real threat to the country’s democratic fabric itself.

Do people trust online news?

In India, 36% of respondents trusted the news overall, including 45% in search and 34% in social media. In other markets, 42% of respondents trusted the news overall, with 33% trusting it in search and 23% in social media.

Two recent studies have found that less than half of online users trust the news they come across. A comparison between the two suggests that English speaking users in India trust online news overall less than users in other countries do, but they trust news found in search and social media more than those elsewhere do.

The India survey also found that 55% of respondents were concerned that expressing political views online could get them in trouble with the authorities, an India digital report prepared by the Reuters Institute showed.

These high levels of concern could be based in part on recent events in India. Since 2012 at least 17 people have been arrested for posting material that was considered offensive or threatening to a politician.

Indians trust people known to them for news

 Indians trust people known to them the most when it comes to seeking reliable sources of news and information, trumping their belief in traditional sources of media, a new survey has found.

Newspapers and magazines come in second as the more conventional sources of news where Indians (77%) rest their trust, followed by news broadcast on television and radio (71%). Online platforms fetch the least amount of trust among Indians (66%) among the different forms of conventional media, according to a new study by research firm Ipsos titled "Trust in Media".

According to the survey, newspapers and magazines (82%) are also rated as the best source for obtaining relevant news and information, according to those surveyed by Ipsos. Personal relationships come next as a relevant source of news (79%), followed by television and radio (75%), online news websites and platforms (72%) and people known via the internet (62%).

Indians are wary of online sources of news and information. Trust in online sources of news remains low among Indians.

Of those surveyed, 67% Indians believe that there is prevalence of fake news in news and information of online news websites and platforms; 63% Indians feel that people they know predominantly through the internet are the purveyors of fake news in the news and information they share. However, 55% of those surveyed feel that even newspapers and magazines have prevalence of fake news in their information.


The Internet, in particular, has created a fourth kind of journalism in addition to print, radio, and television journalism—the so-called cyber journalism, digital journalism, or online journalism. This new digital environment sets up a number of ethical dilemmas for journalists.

We speak of a bidirectional process in which everyone may take part in producing and presenting the news. In other words, every individual becomes a potential publisher which raises its own new ethical issues.


It is not always clear whether the term “journalist” begins or ends. If someone does what appears to be journalism, but refuses the label ‘journalist’ is he or she a journalist? citizens without journalistic training and who do not work for mainstream media call themselves journalists, or write in ways that fall under the general description of a journalist as someone who regularly writes on public issues for a public or audience.


- We can look at clear examples of journalism over history and note the types of activities in which journalists engaged, e.g. gathering information, editing stories, publishing news and opinion.

- writers should not be called journalists unless they have highly developed skills, acquired usually through training or formal education, and unless they honor certain ethical norms.

-Anyone can be a journalist, and it is not worth arguing over who gets to call themselves a journalist.


Anonymity is accepted more readily online than in mainstream news media. Anonymity is praised as allowing freedom of speech and sometimes helping to expose wrongdoing. Critics say it encourages irresponsible and harmful comments.  

When is anonymity ethically permissible and is it inconsistent for the media to enforce different rules on anonymity for different media platforms? What should be the ethical guidelines for anonymity offline and online?


Speed puts pressure on newsrooms to publish stories before they are adequately checked and verified as to the source of the story and the reliability of the alleged facts.  a media that thrives on speed and “sharing” creates the potential for great harm.  

Inevitably, when one works at this speed, errors are made, from misspelling words to making factual errors. Should news organizations go back and correct all of these mistakes which populate mountains of material? Or should they correct errors later and not leave a trace of the original mistake.

The ethical challenge is to articulate guidelines for dealing with rumors and corrections in an online world that are consistent with the principles of accuracy, verification, and transparency.




Many online journalists see themselves as partisans or activists for causes or political movements, and reject the idea of objective or neutral analysis. Should objectivity be abandoned by all journalists? Which is best for a vigorous and healthy democracy – impartial journalism or partisan journalism?

Economically, mainstream newsrooms who uphold traditional principles such as impartiality increasingly feel compelled to move toward a more opinionated or partisan approach to news and commentary. Audiences are said to be attracted to strong opinion and conflicts of opinion.

The ethical challenge is to redefine what independent journalism in the public interest means for a media where many new types of journalism are appearing and where basic principles are being challenged.


In response, many journalists have started not-for-profit newsrooms, news websites, and centers of investigative journalism based on money from foundations and donations from citizens. 

How independent can such newsrooms be when they are so reliant on funds from a limited number of donors? What happens if the newsroom intends to report a negative story about one of its main funders? From whom will these newsrooms take money? How transparent will they be about who gives them money and under what conditions?


While the Internet provides journalists with many new advantages, such as ease of information retrieval, increased speed of publishing, and new ways to reach audiences, recent years has shown that using the Internet for information gathering is not too taken lightly. The Web and social media seem quite “error-prone”, or put more bluntly: unreliable, untrusted and outright fake. 

The traditional 24-hour cycle of news production, particularly common in the printed newspaper industry, has become less relevant. Many news organizations switched to the model of “online first”: news is published directly onto the Web, and, if still relevant and less time sensitive, it will also be published in printed newspapers or TV broadcasts. New news platforms even do not publish offline (e.g., physical newspapers) anymore. 

Thus, journalists have less time to verify online information. This is furthermore aggravated because increased competition, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency on the work floor  has led to many lay-offs. Journalists now need to produce content with a smaller staff and smaller budgets. This leads to a situation where a smaller journalistic workforce needs to supply news as soon as possible to its audience, based on a supply of online information which is - in part - unreliable, untrustworthy, or even plain fake. 

The media already have an infrastructure to locate and report about viral online phenomena. To become news, a story must not only meet the criteria of newsworthiness and fit into journalists’ role perception. A story must first of all be noticed by reporters and editors. 

Reporters have started to regularly follow what is going on in social and online media in areas that are part of their beats, and perceive this as an important part of their jobs . Some news organizations have even developed special beats focused on following what is happening on social media, while others have hired or trained staff and experts to monitor the online world. The methods used by these staff and experts in order to spot stories vary between simply trying to follow what's going on, using geo-location tags in order to drill down information about specific newsworthy events, searching for specific keywords, and using sophisticated specialist software to try to spot stories. In other words, routines for covering the online world and to use social media as sources for mainstream news have been developed .

Journalists were initially hesitant in accepting the Internet as a credible source due to their professional ideology. The origin of the extremely diverse Internet sources accessible is not always traceable. Hence, when using such information, it may be difficult to maintain journalistic standards (control and verifiability, among others). Journalists have reservations about the authenticity of Internet information, as the often uncertain origin of the information on offer makes verification difficult. Given that authenticity is an important journalistic value, it is to be expected that journalists have to have a certain degree of trust in the information they find on the Internet in order to actually make use of it. 

Journalists differ in the degree to which they find the Internet a credible source. As the origin of the information and therefore the authenticity of the source are important factors in the selection process, these are expected to affect the decisions whether or not to use Internet information. Journalists who traditionally made frequent use of official, institutional sources can now gain access to a broad spectrum of digital databases. Furthermore, the Internet with its accessibility to many nonofficial sources, allows journalists to gather useful information from a much wider range.

Since the use of the Internet has been accepted and integrated into the daily activities of journalists, the question is to what extent the ascribed authenticity of Internet information may influence the use of various Internet applications.


In the era where likes and comments count more than the grades and marks, social media is indeed an influential factor today.

People generally of all ages and specifically the young people are more dwelling in social media than the actual world today. 

It is the main media for these youngsters where information or news be it hard or soft flows across the screens and all they got to do is just to scroll and stick to any news or new information showing which serves to their interest. 

Televisions or newspapers or radios (traditional sources of news) do provide news information but in the very busy locality wherein we dwell, time is very limited as well and so working men and students don’t get enough time to put their heads on TV or in newspapers rather to update themselves with the ongoing issues or news, they scroll through twitter, Instagram and Facebook or any other social media ground.

They follow different news providing accounts and feed themselves with the news they are interested in knowing about. So, social media is a new way of delivering news information to audiences


What is social Media-

Social media is a collective term for websites and applications which focus on communication, community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Forums, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the different types of social media. 

Importance of social media-

For starters, social media allows you to get your message out to your target audience faster. You can create content and share information immediately, whether it’s a news announcement or video, to catch the eye of a reporter or blogger who’s browsing Twitter or Facebook looking for story ideas.

Sharing & Engagement. Folks are constantly sharing and engaging information across social media, so channels like LinkedIn and Pinterest are useful tools to get the word out to more people and engage with your target audience.

Cost-Effective. Social media offers a cost-effective approach that can help dramatically increase both visibility and brand awareness.

Three major ways, social media is changing journalism-


News travels fast, but social media ensures that news travels at lightning-speed. Thanks to services like Twitter and Facebook—and the ability to publish news online at any time of day—the old practice of submitting a story for the morning’s newspaper is all but dead. When news breaks, journalists are expected to cover it. Immediately. And social media plays a big role, because you can now publish bits of news to your followers as soon as it’s available, so you don’t have to wait for the full story to start sharing the news.


Digital journalism is heavily dependent on advertising, and that means readers, or as they say in the internet age, “clicks.” Social networks, particularly Facebook, can be major traffic drivers for publications looking for free online distribution. In Facebook’s case, the company uses a software algorithm to determine which articles get the most distribution, and there are certain things publishers can do to help their cause. Recently Facebook has prioritized posts that include videos, particularly livestreamed videos. It has also prioritized stories that publications publish directly to the network—that means that the stories are hosted on Facebook so that users aren’t clicking to head off to other websites. You may be thinking, well this doesn’t generate any clicks. True, but Facebook is advertising alongside these articles and sharing that advertising revenue with the publishers as incentive.

More Personal

Social media, especially Twitter, has given journalists the chance to build a public profile that would have been extremely difficult (if not impossible) to build even 10 years ago. Twitter and Facebook allow journalists to weigh in on topics as they unfold, and the virality of social media means those comments can reach readers well outside of their industry or geography. As a journalist, having a social profile allows readers to put a face to a name, and lets them get to know you on a more personal level. The hope is that this following will enjoy your work, not just the work of your publication, and then follow you as you move along in your career. (The downside of this personalization: Social media also makes it easier for unhappy readers to reach journalists they disagree with or don’t like; female journalists in particular can be the target of aggressive harassment.)

An evaluative study of social media as a source of news-


Journalism is an established profession in the society across the globe. With the sudden increase in social media technologies in last few years, the nature of Journalism practice has been significantly influenced. Due to added value of social media traditional journalists have consciously embraced this technology for delivering and promoting their work. Enormous literature is available on impact of social media to journalism practices leading to various perspectives. Yet least qualitative studies are available on the perception of journalism practitioners on their professional interaction with social media. The study is an attempt in this direction to find out the professional impact of social media and the active role being played by the journalism practitioners to embrace the technology. It also attempts to find an answer to that whether the advancement of social media technologies in journalism practice is interference or professional advancement.


The emergence of new media technologies in recent years has changed the face of journalism practice. “Each new development in the world of journalism seems to change the way the consumers receive their information and each new development in journalism lead to a decline in one form of media consumption and a spike in consumption of another form”. “Journalism is experiencing considerable changes linked to social, cultural, economic, and technological transformations”. Social media is an extension of Right to Freedom of expression in a virtual world. Social media has brought new characteristics like interactive dialog and social interaction which can be used by the Journalists for real conversations with their audience. “In the 2017 Global Social Journalism Study, 75 percent of journalists describe social media as completely or to a large extent necessary to promote and distribute content. News organizations have also started adopting social networks for sharing news and information with the decline of circulation of print copies of newspapers.

Social media platforms-

1. Social networking

Social networking platforms are informal means of communication to discover people with similar interests and connect virtually. They can be in the form of social websites or applications. According to Boyd and Ellison social network sites can be considered as web-based services where individuals can (1) create a public or semi-public profile (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system but the nature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from site to site.

Examples: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and LinkedIn.

2. Blogging (using publishing websites)

Blogging is a personal online virtual diary to record ideas, stories, articles and many more things.

Examples: WordPress, Blogger.

3. Managing multiple social media platforms

An aggregator is a tool that can be used to “aggregate social media site feeds in one spot, allowing users to search by keywords.”31

Examples: Hootsuite


The advent of social media has offered news organizations an enormous potential to market their contents, wider-reach and frame brand image. Either in the form of conversations or newspaper clippings, social interaction has remained a viable source for dissemination of news. However, this form of interaction has become virtual under the impact of social media and extended the news coverage. The significance of social media lies in proper understanding and adoption of various tools. The way social media is reshaping journalism, journalists have positively adopted the change and performing their duties more efficiently in keeping people abreast of recent developments.


The U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports teens between the ages of 8 and 28 to spend about 44.5 hours a week in front of a digital screen, according to another report 23 per cent of kids have reported that they feel that they are addicted to video games.


Fake news:


on the internet, specifically on YouTube and Facebook, along with Twitter serious vectors of misinformation related to the case, with little signs were viral. this led to mass gloominess.

Powerful sections of the electronic media have built up mass hysteria around actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death and almost succeeded in turning the narrative of a government failing its people into one in which the government pursues a morally suspect elite.


During election times


During the 2019 elections, large public Facebook groups became fake news farms — with fake quotes, photoshopped tweets and other unverifiable information. In many ways, they mirror WhatsApp groups, but multiple times the number of users that can be accommodated in a group, going up to the thousands and the millions.


(Outside India)

 Donald Trump posted misleading statements about the election on Facebook and Twitter, following months of signalling his unfounded doubts about expanded mail-in voting and his desire for final election results when polls closed on Nov. Ahead of the election, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube promised to clamp down on election misinformation, including unsubstantiated charges of fraud and premature declarations of victory by candidates. And they mostly did just that — though not without a few hiccups.

But overall, their measures still didn’t really address the problems exposed by the 2020 U.S. presidential contest, critics of the social platforms contend.

Misinformation spread via Instagram, Facebook regarding 2020 US presidential elections was widely and positively criticised by Instagram influencers. e.g., selena gomez, ariana grande, etc.



YouTube has removed several videos that US President Donald Trump has posted on his channel and warned that any channel found to be posting three times within 90 days with false claims on US election results will be permanently removed from the Google-owned video platform.

 The move comes in the wake of the unprecedented storming of the US Capitol by Trump's supporters on Wednesday and thus disrupting the constitutional process of counting and certification of the Electoral College votes of the presidential elections. Four people, including a woman, died in the clashes between protesters and police.




Kisan Andolan

"Misinformation is being spread that farmers won't get right prices. They are forgetting how aware the country's farmers are," said PM Modi a day after key ally Akali Dal pulled out their only minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal from his government. Akali Dal termed the bills 'anti-farmer'. Spreading of misinformation here led to farmers protest which is still going on from late November.



The 2008 Presidential election in the United States is widely seen as the first-time social media played a big part in politics. Candidate Barack Obama’s skilful use of platforms such as Facebook helped him emerge as a winner.

A user on twitter posted how he has given up and was going to commit suicide. The internet did its thing, found his contact, reached out to him and his family, provided support and saved a life.

A girl who was thrown out of her house because she was Lesbian and her parents didn't accept her, started a gofundme campaign to help her complete studies and get into college and posted about it on internet hopin that people would help, people read her story and amplified it, making media houses pick it and spread it further due to which even celebs like Taylor Swift donated to her campaign.

Social media helps in spreading and amplifying creative minds and their harsh root projects. During lockdown, many celebs promoted indie brands and businesses started by those in need in hope of boosting their sales.

Baba ka Dhaba is a prime example of how Social media and internet can change a life. A vlogger captured the plight of an old and poor couple whose roadside stall was not making money during lockdown and whole Country came out to support them through various means. Their story was also promoted by various news channels. The pair now own a restaurant and are well enough now.


Use of internet has also made the job easier for journalists who can now easily pull put data and information from official websites and platforms instead of going to the office and waiting for hours to get information. For example, earlier journalists used to go to revenue dept offices to get data now they can get from their official websites. Sports journalists now need not sit through the whole match, they can get scores and highlights from websites like Cricbuzz who post live scores and commentary.


Internet is one of the best things ever invented in humanity. The number of things you can do over the internet is extremely phenomenal. It is an absolute great tool to learn and communicate in just a click of a mouse. Its unrestricted accessibility, however, creates apprehension to young people who can access to it. Internet can expose these young minds to harmful uncensored videos or images that can cause various psychological influences; and over usage of computer can also lead to different kinds of physical and cognitive health problems. Internet can be really helpful and entertaining, but for those who do not know how to control it will just experience its harm and dark side.

The internet's impact on our social live though is not as easy to quantify. For extroverts it can boost communications, even to unhealthy levels, and trivialize or in person interactions. While for introverts it can be a saving grace. Especially for people with social anxiety and other similar disorders, online communication can be a powerful tool to both develop communication skills, and become more comfortable with social interactions. Because of this we must say that the overall impact of the internet on our social lives has also been positive.


Social Media Authenticity Issues: Information, Verification and Dissemination by Radhe Krishan, Assistant Professor, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, New Delhi

How to Spot Real and Fake News, Mind Tools

Fake or Not? Decoding the Authenticity of Online News, What’s New in Publishing (WNIP)

Social media references:












Díaz-Campo, J., & Segado-Boj, F. (2015).

Stephen J.A. Ward (center for journalism ethics)





The Changing Role of the News Media in Contemporary India - N. Ram, President, Contemporary India Section

Fake news in India - by Sandhya Keelery, Jul 15, 2020

Do people trust online news? - Written by Karishma Mehrotra  June 24, 2019 

Indians trust people known to them for news - 03 Jul 2019 by Ananya Sharma

Indian newspapers on the Net -  December 07-08, 2007, by Kiran Thakur

The Habits of Online Newspaper Readers in India – Januaary 2015, Pradeep Tewari, Kurukshetra University


The Hindu

Economic Times

Times of India









