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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Oct 1, 2022

Weekly Class Report: Advanced Broadcast Media

19th – 23rd September, 2022

Advanced Broadcast Media 

The fourth week of September covered an interesting topic – ‘Comedy on Television’. The presentation for the same was prepared by Anjita Sharma and Jahanvi Aggarwal. The presentation started off with an introduction to the concept of television genres and how various programmes fit into the prescribed description. It then listed down various genres in comedy, like – improvisation, sitcom etc. It also traced the evolution of comedy and analyzed the current trends on Indian television. The presentation ended with a case study on Amazon India wherein it was concluded that comedy was the most preferred TV genre among Fire TV consumers in India in 2021. 

The class also conducted a screening of the documentary ‘Inside Asia’s Largest Cooperative Dairy’ by National Geographic. The documentary was based on Amul’s success story and highlighted how the brand has been able to maintain its smooth and efficient functioning over the years. 

Report by
Jhanvi Negi
CR - Batch of 2023


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