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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Oct 1, 2022

Weekly Class Report: Introduction to Broadcast Media

26th - 30th September, 2022

Introduction to Broadcast Media

The week started with a combined lecture of the 2nd and 3rd year students. A presentation on the topic 'Electronic Field Production and Electronic News Gathering'. The class discussed the topic in-depth and queries were raised and answered. 

A class was conducted on the three stages of broadcast production, which is an essential part of journalism.  Dr. Nanda gave an assignment on the same that was done in class. This was followed up by a class on editing techniques and softwares in broadcast.  The nuances of mobile journalism as an revolutionary and relevant phenomenon in the modern era was also dived into. 

In the tutorial class, the students watched informative videos on the evolution of editing and the journey of modern linear editing, Editor’s Sync Guide (ESG), non-linear editing, and offline editing. These are different editing techniques. They also watched videos on how montages are made and a glimpse into the daily functioning of a mobile journalism newsroom. 

Report by-
Stuti Garg
CR- Batch of 2024

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