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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Oct 2, 2022

Weekly Class Report: Advanced Broadcast Media

 26th - 30th September, 2022

Advanced Broadcast Media 

The last week of September covered three topics – ‘Electronic News Gathering’, ‘Electronic Field Production’ and ‘Reconstruction of News’. The first two topics – ENG and EFP – were discussed in a combined lecture with the second and third year students. The presentation for the same was made by Ashmi Jain, Vaishali Priya and Hema Bhopathi from the first year. The presentation explained the meaning of the two terms and highlighted the use of the two in media. It covered various aspects of ENG and EFP, like – uses and limitations, types of equipment used etc. Dr. Vartika Nanda also discussed various examples of the same to familiarize the students with the two processes. 

The next topic, Reconstruction of News, was presented in class by Jaisila Bajaj. The presentation covered various aspects of how news is reconstructed before reaching the audience. It focused on different genres like crime and drama and also featured relevant case studies for better understanding. The students were able to comprehensively understand the topic by the end of the presentation and also shared examples in class for the same. 

Report by
Jhanvi Negi
CR – Batch of 2023


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