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Writing for TV News: Class Assignment: Batch of 2027-28

Oct 17, 2022

Weekly Class Report: Introduction to Broadcast Media

10th - 14th October, 2022

Introduction to Broadcast Media

In the second week of October, A presentation was done on the topics 'Soundscape' and 'Sound Culture'. Dr. Nanda then assigned various topics to research about like podcasts, music composition, why films were successful or unsuccessful in relevance with their music composition, and the movie Alam Ara and its impact on Indian cinema. 

Topics like Basics of Sound Concept, Soundscape, Sound Culture, Sync Sound, Sound Design and Sound Mixing were discussed in the class with examples of movies, podcasts etc. Presentations for the same were given by Amani, Shraddha, Riya, Manisha and then Anusha and Namrata. With this, the Unit 1, Basics of Sound was complete. 

It was also decided that the class will undertake practical field assignments to learn about the course better. 

Report by 
Aastha Monga
CR - Batch 2024

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